Ï The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation

The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation

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The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The Great Silk Road is in creative interpretation
The thematic exhibition dedicated to the motto "Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road" was opened in the National Museum "Ak Bugday" within the framework of the Week of Culture-2018, which included works of paintings and decorative and applied art, carpet cloths, sculptural compositions and filigree jewelry.

The exposition presents historical rarities, as well as the works of famous and novice painters, sculptors, ceramists, zergers, craftsmen of artistic carpet weaving, imbued with national color and narrating about the rich culture and spiritual heritage of the Turkmen.

The painting of Aihan Hadzhieva "Everything passes, everything changes", which is an allegory of the significant mission of Turkmenistan in world history is the dominant of the exhibition. On the large canvas, depicting a woman in armor, riding a horse, sculptures of the Hellenistic period, Parthian rhytons, the author placed a small detail - the image of the head of a two-horned man, similar to that minted on ancient coins. It might be the artist's reflections on the personality of Iskander Zulkarnain, who is identified with Alexander the Great ...

An original work of A. Kuliev "The Parthian Still Life" is dedicated to the subject of Nisa also. No less impressive is the picture depicting the well-known archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, laureate of the International Award named after Makhtumkuli, Professor Victor Sarianidi. The artist managed to capture realistically the moment of work of the archaeological expedition on one of the historical and cultural monuments of the Turkmen land.

Всё более возрастающую роль Туркменистана в возрождении Великого Шелкового пути в современном формате подчеркивает работа, в сюжете которой запечатлён исторический момент – старт строительства афганского участка газопровода Туркменистан-Афганистан-Пакистан-Индия.

Increasing role of Turkmenistan in the revival of the Great Silk Road in the modern format is underlined by work, in the plot of which the historical moment is marked - the start of the construction of the Afghan section of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline.

The image of the medieval city is recreated realistically in the painting by A.Rozykulyeva "National art is my wealth". The plot focus is on the snow-white Akhal-Teke racehorse, which is held by the boy in the national dress.

A. Sahedova's original painting "Project" is written in the style of abstract art. A number of picturesque dedications broadcast a colorful atmosphere of the Turkmen toy, one of them - "Novruz came" by M. Hudaiberdiyeva.

Looking at the presented works of art, think about how great the source of inspiration was and is for the creative people the phenomenon of the Great Silk Road.

This theme was devoted to the scientific conference "The Great Silk Road in Fine Arts" conducted in the meeting room of the National Museum "Ak Bugday".