Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates the personnel of prosecution authorities on the their professional holiday

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates the personnel of prosecution authorities on the their professional holiday

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According to the Constitution of Turkmenistan, prosecution authorities of our sovereign state make monitoring of strict fulfilment of all laws, legislation acts of the President, Cabinet of Ministers, resolutions of the Mejlis providing the supremacy of the law in the society, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on occasion of the Day of Prosecution Authorities Personnel says.

Honestly fulfilling responsible objectives, the personnel of prosecution authorities together with the personnel of other law enforcement and military agencies strengthen the law and order in our independent state. They defend the rights and freedoms of the citizens, interests of the country and its constitutional system, carry out the work for improvement of national legislation and improvement of legal culture of the citizens.

Controlling the compliance to the laws and other legal documents, the personnel of prosecution authorities make important contribution to dynamic development of the country, improvement of life level and social and living conditions of the population, provision of its happy and prosperous life.

According to the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the Law on Prosecution Authorities of Turkmenistan, personnel of prosecution authorities have wide authorities while monitoring the compliance to the law and legitimacy of legal documents. The requirements of prosecutor followed from the law are subject to be performed within certain period by all government authorities, local administrations, all organizations and enterprises regardless of the ownership, officials and citizens.

Fulfilling their authorities, the personnel of prosecution agencies are independent and have the right of judicial inviolability. You are obligated to continue strengthening prosecution control of the fulfilment of the laws by the government authorities, local administrations, non-governmental associations, officials and citizens in our sovereign country. making relative inspections, efficiently using prosecution measures, you have to take specific actions for prevention and elimination of the law violations, protection of rights of the citizens and interests of the country, make the perpetrators compensate the harm caused to the state, the message highlights.

I am confident the personnel of prosecution authorities of our independent neutral state will serve their duties and fulfil set objectives comprehensively and distinctively, they will continue improving prosecution control by their honest work.

Large-scale changes in the country, successful realization of the programmes of the President stipulate steadfast improvement of life of the nation. The State always takes care about the consolidation of equipment and facilities base of the prosecution authorities, improvement of living conditions of the personnel and their families, creation of favourable conditions for work and recreation. This work will be always carried out.

I wish you string health, longevity, family prosperity, great success in responsible activity supporting the improvement of the law, protection of rights of the citizens and interests of the country, provision of wealthy life of the nation, - the message of the President says.