Ï Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China

Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China

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Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
Days of Turkmenistan Culture are held with success in China
The Days of Turkmenistan Culture have been successfully held in the People’s Republic of China on June 23 – 25. Cultural event was organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China and the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan with the support of the Embassy of our country to Peking.

Representative of governmental and public institutions of the PRC, capital administration, scientific and research institutes, cultural workers, heads and personnel of diplomatic missions and international organizations, official delegations of Shandong, Shanxi and Qinxai Provinces as well as Turkmen students studying in Peking Universities took part in the events.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of cultural action, Deputy Chairman of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China Yu Qun made special mention that the Days of Turkmenistan Culture are the bright evidence of activation of friendship relations between China and Turkmenistan, which are historically connected by the Silk Road and gave unique opportunity to the people of China to reveal rich variety of cultural and spiritual traditions of Turkmen nation.

Gala concert on occasion of the opening of the Days of Culture introduced the best compositions of Turkmen musical culture, original dance traditions, the art of bakhshy, performance skill of vocalists. All numbers of the concert programme were met by enthusiastic applauses of the public.

Exhibition of decorative and applied art items and museum values of Turkmenistan was held in exhibition hall of the Central Library of Chinese capital on the second day of the event. Round table session with the participation of the members of Turkmen delegation, ministries of culture and tourism of the PRC as well as the representative of cultural intelligentsia of China was held on the same day.

Prime show of movie “At-myrat” in Chinese language was held under the Days of Turkmenistan Culture. The movie allowed the citizens of friendly country learning a lot of interesting about Turkmen equestrian traditions and large-scale work held under personal patronage of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on protection of the pedigree and increment of the livestock of ahalteke horses.

Joint concert of art masters of two countries finished the Days of Turkmen Culture in Peking.