Ï The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters

The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters

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The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters
The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters
The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters
The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters
The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters
The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters
The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters
The Week of Culture 2018 is finished up by the concert of art masters
Turkmenistan marks the Day of Cultural and Art Personnel and the Day of Magtumguly Fragi Poetry. The Week of Culture 2018, which was finished by the gala concert under the dome of Nowruz ýaýlasynyň ak öýi in Ahal Valley, was timed to these events.

The events of the day have started in the square at Magtumguly Fragi Monument located in historical centre of Ashgabat on one of the main road of the city – the avenue that has a name of the great classic. Flower laying ceremony to the monument of outstanding Turkmen poet and thinker took place there.

First, the basket with beautiful flowers from President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as a sign of recognition and worshiping of poetic and visionary genius of Magtumguly Fragi, his civic courage and love of the Motherland has been placed at the foot of the monument.

After, the members of the Government, representatives of the Mejlis, military and law enforcement agencies, capital’s administration, public organizations, diplomatic missions accredited in Ashgabat, heads of the ministries and departments, mass media, foreign companies working in Turkmenistan, students, youth and the guests of the country laid the flowers to the monument.

Bright carpet of flowers at the footsteps of Magtumguly Monument is the expression of people’s love and immense honour of the great son of the nation.

Flowers laying ceremony has also took place in the capital park Ylham – the historical and artistic open-air museum embodying the connections of the generations and epochs, succession of high spiritual culture that was carried through the generations.

After, the celebrations were moved to Ahal Velayat where the closing ceremony of Week of Culture 2018 and big celebration concerts took place.

The Week of Culture 2018, held under slogan of this year “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, attracted the attention to the protection of traditions, their transformation in modern reality, helped to outline topical directions of further activity for improvement of cultural sphere as well as professional growth of its representatives.

For several days, Ahal Velayat united the best artistic powers of the country and presented wide picture of national art in numerous events. The participation of the masters and young artists and children bands highlighted ever-lasting importance of the succession, owing to which Turkmen culture preserved its originality in its all variety.

Unforgettable concerts and performances with the participation of at masters, bakhshys, famous art ensembles from al the regions of the country were held in different parts of the velayat during the Week. Bright expression and original colours were added by the performance of titled groups of national equestrian games “Galkynysh” and “Turkmen Jigitlery” of the State Circus.

The stages of the museums, libraries and Cultural Houses were presented for the demonstration of visual and decorative and applied art items as well as unique findings discovered by the archaeologists in different parts of the country. Rich history of Turkmen nation represented by the exhibits in deep philosophical understanding of centuries-old national practice and magnificence of spiritual heritage of the ancestors was the dominating subjects of the exhibitions.

Conferences held in Ak Bugday National Museum. Library of Ahal Velayat, Gyoktepe National Museum, the State Academy of Arts, the State library of the State Cultural Centre were dedicated to topical subjects of protection, study and popularization of historical and cultural heritage.

Famous singers, poets and popularisers of Turkmen national music and classic poetry gathered in famous Yzgant Village in Gyoktepe etrap in the days of the forum. It hosted poetic readings as well as bakshys performances in Myalikguly Berdimuhamedov Cultural Palace.

The art of kushtdepdy, which owing to the work carried out at the government level was entered to the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List, is another component of national heritage. Folk and choreographic collectives from different velayats of the country have demonstrated their original interpretation of this ancient dance, which is original hallmark of Turkmenistan and integral part of national celebration, at the stage of Anau Cultural Palace.

Great celebration of poetry and national art was held in Magtumguly etrap of Balkan Velayat with the participation of cultural personnel from all the region of the country. The delegation visited Magtumguly Fragi Museum in administration centre of the etrap and laid flowers to the monument of the great poet in Gerkez village, the home place of the classic of Turkmen literature.

Theatre artists presented their works including new ones under the forum as well. Theatre programme of the Week included the play “The Road of Favour” by national theatre studio of Kaahka etrap. The artist spoke of the destiny of the family in the medieval times that used to live at the caravan route of the Silk Road from the stage of the Cultural House of Gyami village, Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal Velayat.

Traditionally, the release of new opera «Huýrlukga-Hemra» that was held in Magtumguly National Drama Theatre has been timed to professional holiday of art and cultural personnel. Original stage play was based on the famous romantic destan.

In addition to these main events, various cultural meetings, master classes and discussion have been held during the Wekk of Culture 2018.

Besides, the participants of the action had an opportunity to make tours to unique architectural and archaeological monuments located in the velayat.

During the visit of medieval Seyid Jemaletdin Mosque and Paryzdepe Settlement, the delegates of the forum were able not only to appreciate rich heritage of ancient history and original culture of Turkmen nation but also to study the results of the researches made according to the State Programme of scientific and research works and archaeological excavations of historical and cultural monuments located along the Great Silk Road in Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2021.

Traditions and modernity organically interweaved in bright art bouquet, which was presented to the spectators of the final event of the week – gala concert of the art master that took place in «Nowruz ýaýlasynyň ak öýi» building in Ahal Valley. Members of the Government, heads and representatives of the Mejlis, number of ministries and departments, public, universities, mass media, cultural personnel of the country, elders and youth, foreign guests have gathered there.

Bakhshys and folk ensembles presented their unique performance skills to the spectators. Their performances interchanges with modern music and choreographic performances. The concert also included vocal performances from national poetic and music classics. Creative dedications to national heritage decorated the programme. The spectators warmly greeted modern interpretation of popular composition of Nury Halmammedov «Nar agajy».

The song «Perwana boldum imdi» by the lyrics of Magtumguly Fragi, which performance was accompanied by video about the great poet and thinker and the places where he used to live and work has been presented in new version.

Music and choreographic stage plays reflecting the features of national art were highly appreciated by the spectators who awarded the participants of the event with loud applauses.

The handover of the baton of the Week of Culture from Ahal to Balkan Velayat, which would host the event in 2019, were masterly played by the participants of the concert. Performance of ancient kushtedepdy dance symbolizing unbreakable tie of the times and generations was the final accord of the gala concert. Bright celebration concert programme was ceremonial dedication to the power of art, which unites and inspires Turkmen people to new victories and art achievements.