Ï Joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council takes place

Joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council takes place

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council of Turkmenistan where fulfilment of the Programme of the President and number of programmes on social and economic development of the country has been reviewed.

Having announced the agenda, the President gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who started his report from good news came from Genève. It was informed that the Joint Statement on Promotion of Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Silk Road has been unanimously adopted by Turkmenistan imitative at the 38th session of the United Nations Council on Human rights on June 25, 2018. 23 states were the co-author of this document along with Turkmenistan.

In this regard, the Head of the State highlighted a historical significance of this event. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that partnership based on the principles of understanding and trust, respect and of the cultures are considered as one of the key factors of support of peace and security on international level, consolidation of friendship between the countries and the nations.

Together with the great importance in protection and promotion of human rights, the protection of cultural heritage of the Silk Road also supports the provision of rights and opportunities of every individual to participate in cultural life and to access cultural heritage, the Head of the State noted.

Turkmenistan cooperates with the United Nations and its structural divisions for many years. The UN supports the initiatives of our country related to the provision of peace and security on the planet, achievement of sustainable development in regional global scale and we highly appreciate this, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Taking the opportunity, the President expressed sincere gratitude to all states and to the United Nations, which spoke for the adoption of this important document initiated by Turkmen side.

Continuing the report, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Foreign Minister informed about the preparation to High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development under the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which is planned to be held in New York this July.

In this regard, it was mentioned that this month, Turkmenistan has been elected as the member of the ECOSOC in 2019 – 2021. As is known, while being the member of this competent structure in 2013 – 2015, our country took active part in the preparation to the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development in September 2015.

Building the relations with the United Nations, its leading agencies and specialized structures on the principles of strategic partnership, neutral Turkmenistan is the member of 9 UN structures, under which it carries out relative work.

Political forum under the ECOSOC aegis has the role of the main versatile mechanism in the UN system on the monitoring of the fulfilment of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030. This year, issues of provision of the population with water resources and rational water use, access to reliable, stable and modern sources of energy as well as environmental range of problems including combating the desertification, protection of biodiversity and other will be reviewed during high-level meeting.

In addition, it is planned to organize the presentation of the TAPI gas line and relative exhibition under the forum on July 18. Participation of the delegations of Central Asia countries in the event dedicated to the improvement of stability by the reaching the SDGs and to new directions of the cooperation with Central Asia is also planned.

Political forum will bring together 193 UN members as well as more than 50 international organizations. In this regard, it is proposed to send representative delegation of Turkmenistan for participation in the work of the forum.

Turkmen leader requested to provide high organizational level of preparation to the participation of our delegation to coming Political Forum under the ECOSOC aegis.

During joint session, the Head of the State also signed the Resolution on appointement of A. Bayramov as the Consul of Turkmenistan to Russian Federation (Astrakhan).

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on the activity of National Parliament, it was informed that at present, working groups of the Parliament work on number of the laws aimed at steadfast realization of socially oriented policy of Turkmen state, further dynamic development of the branches of national economy and other spheres of life of the society. information on preparation to the first session of the People’s Council has also been presented.

The Head of the State highlighted the necessity of thorough study of the proposals received about the organization of the People’s Council and detailed elaboration of all organizational issues of coming national forum.

After, Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev reported that according to special Decree of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, grandfather of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Berdimuhamed Annayev was conferred with high state award “Medal of Honour” for personal courage, bravery and valour displayed defending the Motherland and fulfilment of military duty during the great Patriotic War.

Berdimuhamed Annayev was wise master and brave soldier, true patriot of his land and fought selflessly in the front lines of 1941 – 1945 war. His life and work serve as a sample of true patriotism, commitment, responsibility, loyalty to duty and advices of the ancestors for young generation of Turkmen citizens.

The President of Turkmenistan expressed sincere gratitude to the Head of Russia for high award conferred to Berdimuhamedov Annayev. This award, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, is a sign of respect to our fellow countrymen who fought at the fronts of the World War II and sacrificed their lives for peace in all planet.

Having highlighted the sanctity of friendship and fraternal relations of the nations of both countries, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that he treat this award as a recognition of joint efforts in support of peace and stability on the planet as well as the demonstration of close and trustful Turkmen – Russian relations, which grow stronger every day.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision as well as on practical measures for the provision of stable growth of national economy.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov mentioned the importance of acceleration of the realization rates of large-scale regional and national programmes and big investment projects. It is necessary to continue working on improvement of the activity of financial, economic and banking spheres for further comprehensive development of the country, the Head of the State said.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the situations in different sectors of fuel and energy complex as well as on commissioning works at the polypropylene film production plant.

Summing up the report, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of the measures taken for diversification of oil and gas industry, technical and technological rearmament of energy sector facilities, establishment of modern production facilities making wide variety of petrochemical goods. In general, all of these is to provide maximum efficiency of use of natural resources for stable growth of the economy of the country, solution of the objective in import substitution and improvement of export potential of the country.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with the number of certain instructions on provision of control of the construction of polypropylene film production plant at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex and construction of petrochemical complexes in Caspian region.

In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on seasonal field works in the regions. At present time, care of the cotton crops is continued in the velayats, inter-row cultivation of the vegetation, irrigation and mineral fertilization are carried out.

More than one million tons of wheat have been produced as for today around the country in general. Great yield of grain is delivered to reception facilities, warehouses and elevators. Timely settlements of the payments to the farmers are carried out. Picking up of the straw and ploughing is ongoing together with the mowing.

Having noted the importance of steadfast speeding up the rates of the harvest campaign, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the Vice-premier with specific instructions on provision of the measures for timely and proper completion of this responsible campaign. The Head of the State also ordered to hold under control qualitative care of the cotton crops and take proper measures for the growth of fruits and vegetables production.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Durdymyradov reported on the situation in the sphere under his supervision and on solution of integrated objectives of large-scale industrialization of the country for establishment of high technology production infrastructure, increment of export capabilities of non-material branches, increment of volumes of domestic production from local materials.

Industrialization has to enter new level of development, the Head of the State highlighted, having pointed out the necessity of rapid realization of the projects that have strategic significance for the economy of the country both in import substitutive direction and with export orientation as well. Having focused on the importance of the solution of the objectives for steadfast construction as well as comprehensive reconstruction of existing production facilities in the region, the President addressed the Vice-premier with the number of specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on work for construction of new and modernization of existing roads. The vice-premier informed that according to the assignment of the President of Turkmenistan, renovation of engineering and communication networks, lighting of bus stops, installation of modern road safety systems, building of pedestrian walkways and underpasses are carried out all around under relative programmes.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted the necessity of integrated approach to the fulfilment of all planned works. From economic point of view, these roads are comfortable routes for passenger and cargo traffic including the transit.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported on the measures for introduction of “Fast Taxi” service in the capital as well as on the formation of multimodal logistic centre at Etrek railway station of the North – South International Railroad.

The Vice-premier informed that the Ministry of Automobile Transport proposed to introduce the internet service on fast call of taxi for the provision of high quality services to passengers. For practical implementation of the service, Altyn Asyr CJSV developed special programme that allows the passengers getting necessary information on the services, prices, mileage and maps.

The report of the Vice-premier was accompanied by the demonstration of special video presentation.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that development of transport infrastructure, modernization of technical base of motor and other transports are the key aspects of economic policy of the country. Modern motor transport that supplemented existing fleet of the capital allows moving around the city with comfort.

Having approved in general the proposal on introduction of fast taxi service, the President pointed out the necessity of the provision of the taxis with cash registers, GPS and navigation systems as well as speed control units and other. The Head of the State highlighted that high requirements for provision of safety, reliability and ecological compliance have to be applied to light vehicles. The Vice-premier was requested to introduce the best world practice and advanced technologies enhancing the quality of services rendered to the passengers.

After, the Vice-premier made a presentation on the work for timely delivery of cargos by the North – South International transport and transit corridor and on the measures for the formation of multimodal logistic centre on Etrek railway station.

New transnational railroad North – South, which operation as the shortest route for European states to the Persian Gulf will increase the volumes of transit cargoes following across Turkmenistan, will stimulate the activation of trade relations in the region, the Head of the State highlighted. Resolution on Role of Transport and Transit Corridors in International Cooperation for Sustainable Development adopted by the initiative of our country by the UN General Assembly has special appropriateness in this context.

Focusing on the formation of multimodal logistic centre on Etrek railway station, the head of the State noted that realization of transport and transit potential of the country put the implementation of the achievements of scientific and technical progress, the latest organizational and methodical approaches taking into account precise calculation in optimization of transport flows to the utmost positions. Having approved the proposal on foundation of relative Interdepartmental Commission for proper organization of this work, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the Vice-premier with the number of certain instructions.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the subject of Turkmen – Austrian business forum planned to be held in Vienna by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

Activation of trade and investment partnership between business circles of Turkmenistan and Europe, discussion of priority directions of cooperation and joint projects, study of new opportunities of export of national goods to European market, opening of innovative production facilities in free economic zones of our country, establishment of the contacts in communication and logistic spheres as well as development of tourism on the route of the Silk Road are the main goals of this event.

Participant of the forum will be introduced with large-scale reforms in Turkmenistan, measures of the State support of private sector as well as with big investment projects given to Turkmen entrepreneurs. Familiarization with the work of leading Austrian companies is planned for exchange of practices in implementation of modern technologies.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that organization of international business events is aimed at the improvement and intensification of foreign trade relations, demonstration of investment and export potential of Turkmenistan to the world community, implementation of the projects for improvement of the competiveness of national economy, its production capacities. The foundation of long-term plans of cooperation and work on perspective projects are laid on professional level, the Head of the State said, having requested the Vice-premier together with the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs to organize the business forum on high level.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of ministers B. Abdieyva reported on preparation of cultural events dedicated to national holidays and remarkable dates in July as well on the opening of social and cultural facilities timed to these events.

Conferences, exhibitions, concerts and summing up of the contests are planned to be held in the capital and regions on occasion of professional holiday of health protection and medical industry personnel. Various contests, sport competitions, music performances and mountain climbing will be held in children health improving centres of Gyokdere and Avaza and in the velayats.

The programme of cultural events includes artistic performances timed to the opening of the Aqua Park with resort and Avaza sanatorium on Caspian Sea and to the opening of other social and industrial facilities. Theatre festival will be held in Ashgabat on July 1 – 7. Festival “Kushtdepdy – the Value of the World Culture” will be held under the events of year “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road” in Balkan Velayat on the second decade of the month.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the amin purpose of cultural events held in the country and abroad is to demonstrate the richest cultural heritage of Turkmen nation. It is necessary to provide high organizational level of these important events supporting further development of national culture and wide popularization of spiritual heritage in the world, the Head of the State summed up.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan P. Agamyradov reported on preparation to the events timed to the Day of health Protection and Medical Industry Personnel. It is planned to conduct International exhibition and scientific conference “Saglyk 2018” and scientific and practical symposium under its framework together with the UN Children Fund and the WHO in honour of this holiday. It is also planned to open modern medical facilities in different parts of the country.

Reformation of national health protection system taking into account advanced world achievements is one of priority directions of the state policy, the President highlighted. Having mentioned the importance of continuation of works on improvement of equipment and facilities base of the industry by implementation of modern medical equipment from the leading foreign manufacturers, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with the number of certain instructions.

After, the Heads of military and law enforcement agencies reported on the activity of the departments under their command, measures for successful promotion of military reform and support of the atmosphere of peace and prosperity in the country.

Having listened to the reports and focused on realization of the reforms in security forces, the President highlighted that sovereign Turkmen state always care of improvement of the power of the Army, modernization and consolidation of its equipment and facilities base. Training of professional military personnel, creation of conditions for service and life of the Motherland defenders are also the objectives of high priority. It is necessary to continue carrying out the work in all security forces on strict compliance with the provisions of military doctrine, which has exclusively defensive character, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country highlighted.

Other subjects of internal and foreign policy, on which relative decisions were made, have been reviewed at the joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council.