Ï Various cultural events expects Turkmenistan citizens in July

Various cultural events expects Turkmenistan citizens in July

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The programme of cultural events includes artistic performances timed to the opening of the Aqua Park with resort and Avaza sanatorium on Caspian Sea and to the opening of other social and industrial facilities. Theatre festival will be held in Ashgabat on July 1 – 7. Festival “Kushtdepdy – the Value of the World Culture” will be held under the events of year “Turkmenistan is the Heart of the Great Silk Road” in Balkan Velayat on the second decade of the month.

Conferences, exhibitions, concerts and summing up of the contests are planned to be held in the capital and regions on occasion of professional holiday of health protection and medical industry personnel. Various contests, sport competitions, music performances and mountain climbing will be held in children health improving centres of Gyokdere and Avaza and in the velayats.