Ï Military personnel and public hold meetings dedicated to teacher and soldier Berdimuhamed Annayev

Military personnel and public hold meetings dedicated to teacher and soldier Berdimuhamed Annayev

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Conference hall of the Officers House of the Ministry of Defence of Turkmenistan hosts the session dedicated to remarkable event – by special Decree of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Grandfather of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Berdimuhamed Annayev was conferred with high state award “Medal of Honour” for personal courage displayed serving military duty during the Great Patriotic War.

Heads and personnel of military and law enforcement agencies, lecturers and cadets of military academies as well as cultural personnel, representatives of public organizations and mass media took part in the event.

The participants highlighted that big work for protection and further strengthening of sovereignty of Turkmenistan, which follows the course of peace-loving and good neighbourliness and wide international cooperation is carried out under the leadership of the Head of the State. integrated programme for provision of defence capability of the country and modernization of equipment and facilities base of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies, training of highly qualified personnel is steadily realized in the country.

While honourably serving their patriotic duty, military and law enforcement agencies personnel follows military traditions of heroic ancestors. The history of Turkmen nation has many examples of unlimited bravery and heroism of glorious sons of the Motherland.

Grandfather of the President of Turkmenistan Berdimuhamed Annayev is among them. Teacher and brave soldier, true patriot of his land, he fought selflessly at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. His life and work serve as a sample of patriotism and loyalty to duty for young generation of Turkmen citizens.

The event was continued by the concert with the participation of military art bands.

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The Centre of Public Organization held the conference with the participation of the representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations, mass media, professors and lecturers of the universities of the capital, cultural personnel, honoured elders and youth.

The participants highlighted that we owe peaceful and wealthy life to those who defended the Motherland at the battlefields and work hard in rare front during the Great Patriotic War. Their fortitude and unconditional loyalty to their homeland deserve respect and will serve as a moral target for next generations.

Grandfather of the President of Turkmenistan Berdimuhamed Annayev awarded with the Medal of Honour by special Decree of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin is among the heroes, whose courage serving their military duties was highly appreciated. This award is a sign of great respect of the memory of our countrymen who fought bravely at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and gave their lives for peace and our future.

Talented teacher went to the front by the first call of the Motherland and came back from war after severe wound, however he continued to teach, having left good memory of himself. He was a collector and populariser of national oral traditions. Berdimuhamed Annayev was conferred with high state award – the Order of the Badge of Honour, however he could not receive the award. His life was tragically cut short by devastating Ashgabat Earthquake in 1948. Today, one of the exemplary educational facilities of the country – school No. 27 in his home village of Yzgant has the name of Berdimuhamed Annayev.

The participants highlighted that Turkmen people has always been committed to humanistic ideals and remain to be loyal to the advices of the ancestors building the relations with other countries on the principles of peace, friendship and understanding for common sake.