Ï Petroleum Products, Textile and Chemical Products on Top Positions at Exchange Trading

Petroleum Products, Textile and Chemical Products on Top Positions at Exchange Trading

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64 transactions were registered past week at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.

Businessmen from the United States of America, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan and other countries purchased, in foreign currency, gasoline, liquefied gas, hydrotreated diesel fuel, lighting kerosene produced at the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries. Diesel fuel produced at the Seydi Oil Refinery, as well as technical iodine, fine-grained potassium chloride, carbamide and technical carbon (Turkmenhimiya State Concern) were bought by businessmen from Russia, USA, UAE, Afghanistan, Armenia and Tajikistan. Various colored denim and terry products, household cotton, cotton yarn, gray cloth, Portland cement were also sold in foreign currency. The Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and others were the buyer countries. The total value of transactions exceeded 51 million 28 thousand U.S. dollars.

Cotton yarn, non-distilled raw fatty acids worth over 5 million 775 thousand manats were purchased in local currency by businessmen from the Great Britain, Armenia and others.

Construction machinery worth 105 thousand manats was purchased by local entrepreneurs for the domestic market.