Ï Session of the State Security Council is dedicated to the outcomes of the first half of the year

Session of the State Security Council is dedicated to the outcomes of the first half of the year

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President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the State Security Council where outcomes of work of military and law enforcement agencies of the country for the first half of 2018 have been summed up.

First, Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev made report on the implementation of the military doctrine. The Minister also reported on the activity of the structure under his command from the beginning of the year as well as on fulfilment of the assignments given by the President of Turkmenistan.

Having listened to the report, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces noted that sovereign Turkmenistan is invariably committed to its neutral status and pays special attention to further improvement of the services protecting the peace and prosperity of the nation. Having focused on important objectives of the Ministry of National Security, the Head of the State highlighted that every officers of national security departments has to provide the supremacy of the law making deserving contribution to the prosperity of the country. The Head of the State pointed out the importance of proper conditions for fruitful activity of the personnel, improvement of professional and educational level of the staff.

After, Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov reported on the work performed by the ministry for support of the order and prevention of crime and road transport accidents in the country from the beginning of the year.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that it is necessary to put maximum efforts for creation of the most favourable social climate. Special attention is to be paid to faire safety in the facilities and living estates, Turkmen leader pointed out. Having spoken of the traffic control service, the Supreme Commander ordered to take additional measures for the control of pedestrians and transport movements.

Defence Minister B. Gundogdiyev reported on the outcomes of the Army for six months of the year. The Minister also informed on spring army enrolment campaign, which was conducted on high organizational level.

Having touched on the improvement of the activity of the Ministry of Defence, the Head of the State highlighted that further modernization of the Armed Forces and keeping it in combat readiness, improvement of technical provision and combating skills of the personnel are the utmost objectives. Having highlighted that political, educational, scientific, technical and social works have to be harmonically combined in profile educational facilities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addresses the Minister with the number of certain instructions.

Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Halliyev reported on practical measures taken for the period under review on the reformation of judicial system as well as on the measures for improvement of qualification of the personnel, provision of the supremacy of law during court cases. Preparation to the Day of Judicial Personnel was separate subject of the report.

Having listened to the report, the President noted activity of this authority has to meet comprehensively the high targets of socially oriented policy of Turkmenistan, which priority is to create the conditions for peaceful life and creative work of people. Having pointed out the necessity to hold under attention the compliance with the law during the judgement, the President of the country addressed the Head of the Supreme Court with certain assignments on organization of proper level of events planned on professional holiday of the personnel of judicial authorities.

Prosecutor General B. Atdayev reported on the activity of prosecution authorities for six months of the year and results of the inspections of certain government structures ordered by the Head of Turkmenistan.

Using wide authority and taking efficient prosecution measures, personnel of the department has to monitor the fulfilment of the rules and regulations in the country, carry out integrated work for protection of rights and freedoms of the citizens, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Focusing on the necessity of thorough selection of competent and qualified personnel, the Head of the State gave number of relative assignments to the Head of the General Prosecution Authority.

Head of the State Border Guard Service Sh. Durdiyev reported on the work for protection of the borders of the country. He also informed on the modernization of the buildings and facilities of frontier outposts and full provision with equipment on modern level.

Making special mention of the importance of objectives of the border guard personnel, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces noted that they have to follow the principle to stand on guard defending the State border remembering that our country is inherent to centuries-old traditions of friendship, peace-loving and good neighbourhood with all countries. The Head of Turkmenistan ordered to hold educational and patriotic events among the personnel.

Chairman of the State Custom Service A. Osmanov reported on the outcomes of work done for the first half of the year as well as on the measures for provision of related legislation. It was informed that custom inspection system of different vehicles crossing the border of Turkmenistan is improved taking into account the realization of transport and transit potential of the country.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that personnel of the department has very important objectives aimed at the protection of national interests, support of the economy and foreign trade relations of the country. The provision of structural departments of the Service with latest technical resources requires the introduction of advanced practice of foreign states, use of unified programme system during custom operations, regular improvement of qualification level of the personnel, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces continued, having ordered to hold the compliance with custom procedures under control.

Minister of Justice B. Muhammedov reported on the outcomes the activity of his department for January – June, fulfilment of the assignments on comprehensive development of existing legislation base, bringing of it to the correspondence with international law standards.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that as for today, the Ministry has important objective to implement international legal practice, its deep study by personnel of the department. It is necessary to pay attention to the improvement of the mechanism of the explanation of new laws to the population, which has to be aware of their rights and responsibilities, the President pointed out.

Chairman of the State Migration Service M. Gurdov reported on the work for the period under review on solution of set objectives of the department.

Coordinated activity of this authority together with security forces supports the development of trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian relations with foreign states, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. Having focused on priority vectors of work of the Service followed from its responsibilities and authorities, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country noted that personnel of Migration Service has to provide quality service to foreign guests.

Director of the State Service for Combating Economic Crimes M. Hudaykuliyev reported on practical measures under realization of anti-corruption programme as well as on the measures for successful fulfilment of the assignments given by the President of Turkmenistan.

At present time, anti-corruption activity is among the main objectives of the state and society, the President said. Participation in the development of regulatory base and actions for prevention of economic crimes, suppression of tax offences, inspections and revisions for detection of illegal activity in the economy are among the main directions of such activity. Having highlighted the necessity of organization of work with the public on prevention of this negative occurrence, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Head of the Service with the number of certain assignments.

Summing up the session, Turkmen leader highlighted that the state would continue paying utmost attention to modernization of equipment and facilities base of all security forces, creation of deserving conditions for service and life of personnel under the Military doctrine of the country, which is exclusively of defensive character.

In this regard, the President ordered the Heads of military and law enforcement agencies to hold the compliance with law and order, which are integral terms of successful movement of the state toward high goals of the epoch of might and happiness, under control.

Number of other subjects, on which relative decisions were made, have been reviewed at the session of the State Security Council.