Ï Oleg Tabanyukhov: Turkmenistan is important strategic partner of Belarus in Central Asia

Oleg Tabanyukhov: Turkmenistan is important strategic partner of Belarus in Central Asia

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Today, Belarusian people celebrates the Independence Day of the country. On this event, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Turkmenistan Oleg Tabanyukhov gave an interview.

For Belarus, July 3 is not just the day of pride for the country but also the memory day of the past. It directly related to the liberation of Belarus from fascism. Therefore, Belarusian people knows first-hand what are the peace, freedom and independence and how much it costs.

Today, civil solidarity, which Belarusian people responds with on weighted state policy of President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, is the main outcome of the independence of Belarus.

Giant changes has happened in all spheres in our state activity and life of the citizens for relatively short historical period. Those, who had an opportunity to visit our country would confirm that Belarus today is peaceful country with highly developed economy and deserving life level of the population. High level of tolerance without any hint of national and interracial conflicts reign in Belarusian society.

At modern stage of development, Belarus has managed to connect universal principles of market economy and democracy with historical features and traditions of the country. this wise principle has provided us with true Independence at modern stage.

Science and education are the priorities of our state. Today, expenses on science take considerable part of the State budget. Development of scientific and high technology branches providing economic growth regardless of the world crises was the natural result of such approach. Owing to applied orientation of science, we have created innovative economy with high technology industrial and agricultural complex oriented toward foreign markets. Belarus exports up to 70 percent of the goods produced in the country. The volume of export of the Republic of Belarus exceeded 37 billion UD dollars in 2017.

These days, we are heading toward the development of IT-country. The Head of Belarusian State signed the Decree on Development of Digital Economy. Made by American Silicone Valley or Russian Skolkovo examples, Belarusian fleet of high technologies is among the leading world suppliers of IT-services and provides the biggest world corporation in all continents with programme software. Just in 2017, the export of programme software of the Fleet exceeded one billion dollars.

Despite the absence of hydrocarbon or other material resources in the country, Belarus demonstrates high economic potential.

Position of our country in the world arena is based on the urge to build long-term relations on equal terms with all partners and international organizations, first with the UN structures, without any exclusion. Multilateral international cooperation is our deliberate and steadfast policy.

Belarus pays great attention to the consolidation of the relations with Turkmenistan. We see Turkmenistan as the most reliable strategic partners in Central Asia.

25 years of diplomatic relations between two countries has been marked in January this year. Belarus and Turkmenistan are connected by the similarity of the approaches to international cooperation, constructive cooperation in bilateral format. More than 130 bilateral documents making contractual and legal framework of versatile cooperation have been signed between the countries and successfully work.

Trade and economic relations are dynamically developed. Despite some reduction, the volume of bilateral trade of the goods and services made 212,000,000 US dollars in 2017. The potential of further development of bilateral trade is not exhausted. Our country set new strategic objectives in this direction.

Cooperation in cultural, education, scientific, sport and tourism spheres is getting stringer every year. The Days of Culture of the Republic of Belarus in Turkmenistan, which were held in January 2018, had traditional great success. We timed this event to 2the anniversary of Turkmen – Belarusian diplomatic relations. Next year, we are expecting Turkmen cultural and art personnel in Belarus.

I cannot help mentioning that V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games were great impulse for the development of our collaboration. Ashgabat 2017 Games allowed our countries not only activating traditional cooperation in training of sportsmen but also became the starting point of new directions of cooperation such as sport refereeing, sport medicine and sport journalism.

High level of development of humanitarian cooperation in many directions of cooperation became reliable foundation of Belarusian – Turkmen friendship and strategic partnership.

Belarus gives high appraisal to success achieved by Turkmenistan in social and economic development. Steadiness of the government policy aimed at improvement of the wealth of people and prosperity of the country gives rise to high respect.

Using today’s opportunity, I would like to express special gratitude to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for his personal good and positive relation to our country and to the activity of Belarusian diplomatic mission in Turkmenistan.

I am thankful to the fortune that I have an honour to represent Belarus in such beautiful country with such wise, hardworking and friendly people.

As the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus, I assure in firm commitment of our country to develop strategic partnership with Turkmenistan in all directions of cooperation both in bilateral format and at international grounds.

I would like to wish peace, wealth and prosperity to Turkmen people and further progress and fruitful beneficial cooperation to our countries.