Ï Outcomes of the first half of the year are reviewed at extended session of the Government of Turkmenistan

Outcomes of the first half of the year are reviewed at extended session of the Government of Turkmenistan

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, which agenda included the outcomes of the work of the branches of national economy for six month of 2018. Evaluation of the course of the Presidential and other programmes of social and economic development of the country has been made, outcomes of activity of the Government, ministries and departments, regional administrations, relative personnel issues have been reviewed as well as priority objectives for the second half of the year have been outlined at the session where representatives of the Mejlis, hyakims of the velayats, cities and etraps, directors of the universities, editors of newspapers and magazines and other officials were invited.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of Turkmenistan gave floor to Deputy CHaiman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the outcomes of development of national economy for the first half of the year. The Vice-premier informed that high production indicators have been achieved in all branches for the period under review in the result of successful fundamental reforms under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

This is indicated by macroeconomic indices. The growth rate of the GDP was observed on 6.2 percent level.

The growth rate of production increased by 4.4 percent by the outcomes of six months of the year comparing with the same period of 2017.

Reporting on the fulfilment of the plan on retail trade turnover, the Vice-premier informed that the growth rates increased by 19.7 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Average salary wages increased by 9 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. Salaries, pensions, state allowances and students scholarships have been paid on time and in full volume.

Construction of production, social and cultural facilities has been carried out in all velayats of the country dynamically in January – June. The volume of drawn investments from all sources of financing for the period was to the amount of 19.1 billion manats.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the necessity of further integrated measures for successful development of all branches of national economy. The Head of the State outlined the fulfilment of previous assignments on industrialization of the country, wide attraction of the investments to the economy, its modernization and diversification, establishment of electronic industry, creation of new working places among the utmost objectives of the state.

During the session, the Head of the State signed the Resolution on reprimand of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers g. Myradov for unsatisfactory fulfilment of his duties and shortcomings admitted in his work.

Minister of Finances and Economy B. Bazarov reported on the fulfilment of the State budget of the period under review. As for June 1 of this year, the revenue of the main financial plan was made by 103 percent while the expenditures were on 85.3 percent level.

Fulfilment of the revenue of the budget was 4,056.1 million manats while the expenditure part 3,235.6 million manats.

51 facilities were privatized for the period under review, 24.1 million manats were paid to the state budget. The volume of investments received from the lease of the state property was 69,8 million manats for the first half of the year.

The ratio of the volume of drawn investments from all source of financing to the GDP was 34.4 percent. The investment programme was executed to 63.8 percent level. 55.5 percent of capital investments were allocated for the construction of production facilities while 44.5 percent for construction of social and cultural facilities.

Speaking of the realization of new edition of National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020, the Minister informed that 871.6 million manats have been drawn for the first half of the year.

Summing up the report, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that number of the officials do not carry out the work for creation of new working places on proper level. This year, 85 thousand students have graduated the school. High educational insitututes are able to receive around 10 thousand aspirants this year. This leads to the fact that some part of the graduates has to go abroad to get the education. Other part serves in national army.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested Deputy Chairman G. Myradov together with other Vice-premiers tot ake specific measures for successful realization of the programmes on provision of working occupancy of the population, it is necessary to balance the number of graduates and working places, Turkmen leader continued. Having highlighted that after graduation of secondary or high school and service in the army, not a single young man would be left without work.

Chairman of the State Statistics Committee H. Gurbanov reported on economic indicators achieved by the ministries and departments for the first half of 2018.

In particular, it was informed that comparing with the same period of the last year, the growth of volumes of many types of production has been provided. The growth rate of oil production increased by 0.2 percent, production of gasoline by 1.5 percent, kerosene by 1.9 percent, petroleum coke by 9.3 percent, polypropylene by 6.1 percent, mineral fertilizers by 7.2 percent, cement by 0.7 percent, plastic fibre optic pipes by 9.4 percent, cotton fibre by 12.3 percent, cotton fabrics by 15.7 percent, leather by 7.3 percent, fish and fish products by 23.8 percent, sewing and knitted garments by 8.9 percent. bread and bakery production by 2.3 percent. in addition, the development of production of new goods has been observed – 2.6 million square meters of glass was produced for the period under review.

Positive indicators has been achieved in agricultural complex as well.

The volume of cargo transportation made by all modes of transport has grown by 6.6 percent of six months of the year. The growth rate of passenger transportation increased by 3.1 percent comparing with the same period of 2017.

The Head of the State highlighted the importance of comprehensive analysis of the processes in the country for forecasting of the tendencies of development of all branches of the economy and detection of existing reserves. Credibility, objectiveness and transparency are the main principles of the state statistics, the President of Turkmenistan noted, having ordered the Head of the State Statistics Committee to hold the collection, processing and summarization of the statistical reporting under control.

After, Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev reported on the realization of the programme of improvement of banking system of the country. The Chairman informed on the fulfilment of foreign currency income plan to the accounts of the ministries and departments for export of goods and services.

Volumes of credits used for development of the economy increased by 8.3 percent for the first half of 2018. The volume of credits granted to non-governmental sector increased by 9.8 percent.

The report on the activities performed under the formation of electronic infrastructure of banking services. As of July 1, the number of banking cards increased 1.4 times comparing with the same period of the last year.

It was informed that new service «Goýum bank karty» as well as the capability of Internet payments have been introduced in the first half of the year. Work for provision of the banking cards to agricultural producers has been arranged for timely settlement of the payments. Specific measures for improvement of non-cash payments by Altyn Asyr card system are taken.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the level of work in this direction generally meets the time requirements. This is indicated by the number of macroeconomic indices. For example, comparing with the same period of the last year, the volume of import of good reduced by 43 percent while the export of national production increased by 41 percent. however, there is the potential, which needs to be involved, the Head of the State noted, having signed the documents, which realization is to support wide attraction of the entrepreneurs to establishment of new enterprises, would allow regulating of foreign currency market, and addressed the Chairman of the Central Bank with the number of certain assignments on timely fulfilment of the provisions of the documents.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the outcomes of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry until 2030 for the first half of the year.

Plan of oil and gas condensate production is executed by 103.1 percent, oil processing by 102.4 percent, diesel fuel by 103.1 percent, lubrication oils by 121.2 percent. comparing with the same period of the last year, the growth rate of production of gasoline was 101.5 percent, polypropylene 106.1 percent, the investments were drawn by 103.1 percent.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested the Vice-premier to accelerate the modernization of oil and gas complex, having highlighted that improvement of the structure of the industry and efficiency of its work is only the part of work that has to be done.

The President pointed out that it is necessary to abolish unnecessary departments in fuel and energy complex system, to bring in order the payments settlement between branch departments as well as to analyse which facility need to be transformed into joint stock venture and which might be given to private entrepreneurs. In a word, necessary measures need to be taken for organisation of coordinated and efficient work of oil and gas complex, the Head of the State said.

The Vice-premier was assigned to arrange the activity of fuel and energy complex until the end of the year taking into account current situation in oil segment of the global economy.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the structures under his supervision for the first half of 2018.

Plan of total volume of production of the Ministry of Industry for January – June is fulfilled by 117 percent with the growth rate of 111.5 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Fulfilment of production plan by the Ministry of Textile Industry reached 126.3 percent with the total growth of 124.5 percent.

Planning assignments for production of carpets and carpet items for six months of the year were executed by 127.9 percent with total growth rate by the facility of branch was 104.8 percent.

The fulfilment of the plan by the facilities of the State Concern Turkmenhimiya for the period under review was 100 percent with the growth rate of production by 110.2 percent.

Facilities of the State Fishery Committee fulfilled production plan by 101.8 percent, having significantly exceeded the growth rate comparing with the same period on thelast year by 131.7 percent.

Having focused on the utmost objectives of the strategy of development of industrial complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the importance of steadfast improvement of production output of the facilities of national industry, introduction of advanced technologies and progressive methods of management at the facilities.

Having highlighted that saturation of local market with quality goods of own make that do not yield to foreign analogues and increment of the volumes of competitive export production are priority objectives of the complex, the Head of the State gave specific instructions to the Vice-premier on taking of the measures for speeding up the growth rates and further balanced development of the branches of industrial sector of the country.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. CHakiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of transport and communication sphere for January – June 2018.

In general, the plan of transport and communication complex has been executed by 107 percent with the growth rate of 111 percent.

By the Ministry of Railroad Transport, the plan was executed by 101 percent with the growth rate of 104 percent.

By the Ministry of Motor Transport, the plan of services provided for the first half of the year was fulfilled by 125 percent with the growth rate of 102 percent.

By the Ministry of Communication, the plan of work for January – June 2018 was executed by 110 percent with the growth rate of 109.5 percent.

By Türkmenhowaýollary Service, the plan for aviation services was executed by 111 percent with the growth rate of 130 percent.

By the State Service of Maritime and River Transport , the plan of cargo transportation was fulfilled by 102 percent while the growth rate of passenger trafficking was equal to 173 percent.

Addressing the Vice-premier and top managers of transport and communication complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined number of objectives for the second half of the year including the reconstruction of railways and roads, construction of new airports, attraction of the investments for development of communication sphere.

In addition, it is necessary to continue the training of the specialists in different profile directions and to receive international certificates. In this context, the President focused on necessary measures for comprehensive operation of Turkmenbashy International Seaport as well as requested to elaborate the objective of establishment of transport and logistic centres.

The Head of the State signed the Resolution on foundation of Interdepartmental Commission for proposals on establishment of transport and logistic centre in Turkmenistan for efficient involvement of the capabilities of international transport and transit corridors as well as increment of the competiveness of national transport complex.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision in the first half of the year as well as on the work for increment of volumes of export by the industrialists and entrepreneurs of the country.

It was mentioned in the report that by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs, the volume of total trade turnover for six months of the year grew by 11.5 percent including 23 percent of retail and 3.9 percent of wholesale trade. The enterprises produced 4.7 percent mre of the goods and the income increased by 34.7 percent.

The State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange held 124 trade session and registered 12,256 contracts for the period under review. Total volume of income of the SCRME has grown by 19.6 percent.

The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs produced 26 percent more industrial goods for the first half of the year. This indicator increased by 65.2 percent by agricultural and food production. The volume of trade turnover has grown by 1.3 percent. The income in service sphere was equal to 1.5 percent.

Our country, having favourable geographic location at the intersection of transport routes, has great opportunities for establishment of trade and economic relations almost with all states, Turkmen leader has said. In this context, Vice-premier Ch. Gylyjov received the assignments on further increment of the volumes of export of national goods, establishment of close business contacts with foreign partners, study of the demands and capabilities of foreign markets in order of mastering of the best world practice in international commerce.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the outcomes of the activity in construction and energy complexes as well as in the spheres of municipal services for six months of the year.

By the city administration of Ashgabat, works and services were performed to the amount of 225,573,000 manats, the plan was executed by 104.7 percent with the growth rate of 111 percent.

By the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the works and services were fulfilled to the amount of 181 million manats what makes 100.4 percent of production plan with the growth rate of 104.7 percent.

Total volumes of production, works and services by the Ministry of Energy for the period under review was 670,980,000 manats with the growth rates of 121.2 percent

By the Ministry of Municipal Services, the plan was executed by 108.3 percent with the growth rate of 111.3 percent.

The State Concern Türkmenawtoýollary fulfilled the plan by 100.5 percent with the growth rate of 100.1 percent.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier to hold the session with the heads of the branches under his supervision and analyse the situation at the construction sites of the country as well as to develop the programme of construction for 2019.

The Head of the State noted that despite sufficient financing and necessity to build the number of the facilities, the volume of investments to this sphere as well as the number of new constructions has been reduced.

Construction of several important facilities, which opening is planned in the next year, is behind the schedule. There is absence of control and proper measures for increment of the rates of work are not taken, the Head of the State highlighted.

Taking into account available practices and with regards to the transition of national economy to market relations, it was decided to re-organize the Ministry of Municipal Services and all departments under its control to give to the jurisdiction of the city administrations, the Head of the State informed.

Experience has shown that transition of structural divisions of this Ministry to local administration authorities considerably improves the efficiency of work. The Department of Municipal Services will be founded under the Ministry of Construction and Architecture. It will deal with the coordination of profile objectives, setting the prices on municipal services and other relative activity, the President said.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of the activity of the structures under his supervision and informed that 92 books and manuals from 200 of the planned for 2018 have been published.

Turkmen school students won 90 medals at International Olympiads from January to June. The State Programme of Energy Saving for 2018 – 2024 has been developed in this period.

The growth rate of the income from the State voluntary medical insurance was 158 percent, from sold production and services was 115 percent and from sanatorium services was 113 percent.

96 national competitions and 55 sport mass events were held in the country for the period under review. Our sportsmen took part in 52 World and Asian championships as well as in other international competitions where they have won 110 medals.

Addressing Vice-premier P. Agamyradov and Minster of Education M. Gedliniyazov, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that personnel of education sphere has important objective to enrol the students to the universities. The Head of the State has warn everyone who involved in this process not to admit any deviations and to hold the entry campaign transparently and on high level. Talented and hardworking young people has to entry and study in our universities, Turkmen leader highlighted. Continuing the subject, the Head of the State noted that it is necessary to speed up the reforms in educational sphere.

The President of Turkmenistan also highlighted the importance of the partnership with the world universities, attraction of foreign specialists to cooperation. It also spoken of paid education of the students.

Deputy Chairpersons of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the outcomes of work of the spheres under her supervision for the first half of the year.

Various events including scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, contests, theatre performances, movie shows, music concerts on occasion of holidays and remarkable events as well as cultural actions and circus performances with the participation of foreign artists have been organized for the period under review. The days of culture of the Republic of Belarus and the Islamic Republic of Iran were held in Turkmenistan while the days of culture of our country were held in the PRC.

Artists of Magtumguly National Music and Drama Theatre took part in IV International Theatre Festival “Days of Theatre of Turkic World” in Turkish Mersin where they received the prize for the best stage performance and special award for performance skills.

Music festival dedicated to the 80th anniversary of outstanding Turkmen composer Nury Halmamedov has also been held.

Week of Culture in Ahal Velayat with the prime release of opera Hüýrlukga-Hemra» is in the list of important events of the first half of the year. Different events timed to the Day of Culture and Art Personnel as well as the Day of Magtumguly Fragi poetry were organized.

Giving information of financial and business activity of the State Committee for Tourism, the Vice-premier told that for the period under review, 72,509 tourists received the services, which makes 105.2 percent comparing with the last year.

Turkmen State Publishing Service printed 147 types of book products and 88 learning guides. The plan was fulfilled by 127. 5 percent.

Having listened to the report and addressing the Vice-premier and heads of the Ministry of Culture and mass media, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of active involvement of equipment and facilities base of cultural sphere made in the last year, capabilities of national communication satellite for popularization of spiritual values and glorious history of Turkmen nation.

At the same time, it is important to continue work on improvement of cultural contacts with other states of the region and the world, finding of talented artists who are able to represent Turkmenistan in the world arena.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported on the outcomes of activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the first half of the year in the context of realization of the Concept of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan in 2017 – 2023.

Outcomes of foreign visits of the Leader of the Nation as well as the visits of heads of number of foreign states to our country are visual evidence of the implementation of this constructive policy. Important agreements achieved during high-level talks and meetings gave new impulse to the development of efficient partnership meeting common interests.

Consultations between foreign departments have regular character.

Regular sessions of bilateral Intergovernmental commissions and Working groups, which activity is to support the diversification and intensification of efficient trade and economic partnership, stimulation of fruitful humanitarian and cultural contacts, have been held. Number of joint business forums with the participation of representatives of business circles from several countries has also been held for the period under review.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State requested the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister to develop the plan and provide high level of preparation of the events related with coming visits, chairing of the country in the IFAS until the end of the next year, activity of neutral Turkmenistan in international organizations.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to organize proper participation of Turkmen delegation in work of the UN General Assembly as well as gave specific instructions related to the organization of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, events on occasion of International Neutrality Day and other relative events.

After, the Head of the State has listened to the reports of the heads of regional administrations and agricultural complex.

First, Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Sh. Amangeldiyev reported on the outcomes of work in the first half of the year, rates of the grain mowing, measures for care of the cotton as well as on realization of National rural programme.

The President of Turkmenistan noted that it is necessary to approach the objectives related with quality completion of grain harvest campaign on integrated basis. At the same time, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity of provision of proper organizational level of care of the cotton in full compliance with agrotechnical standards.

Having highlighted the importance of successful fulfilment of the objectives followed from National rural programme, the Head of the State ordered to pay special attention to the improvement of social infrastructure while performing such activity.

After, Hyakim of Balkan Velayat S. Satlykov reported on the outcomes of work in the region for the period under review, fulfilment of the programme of organized grain harvesting as well as on the measures for improvement of social and living conditions of the population.

Having listened to the report, the Head of Turkmenistan stated that despite that the state make significant investments to the development of the velayat, big production facilities are systematically built, transport and transit potential is developed, new construction are nut put into operation in time in the velayat.

Proper attention is not paid to the quality of social facilities, the Head of the State said. Having highlighted that less living houses were built in Balkan Velayat comparing with other regions, only one recreation centre for 30 patients and Cultural House for 300 people were put into operation, the President expressed his discontent with such situation.

Having noted that it was already warned that the heads who were not able to fulfil the programme of construction of social facilities would be released from the position, the President of Turkmenistan dismissed S. Satlykov from the post of the Hyakim of Balkan Velayat for the shortcomings admitted in his work.

After, Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat M. Bayramguliyev reported on the outcomes of work from the beginning of the year in the northern region of the country, results of grain harvest campaign, care of the cotton crops and fulfilment of National rural programme.

The Head of the State requested to provide coordinated activity for organized competition of the mowing of the wheat. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also ordered to hold under attention quality and timely solution of the objectives of National programme of improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020.

In his turn, Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev reported on the outcomes of work for the period under review, integrated measures on successful completion of the wheat harvest and efforts put for improvement of the efficiency of cotton care. It was also reported on the situation at construction sites in the region.

The President ordered to pay special attention to the speeding up the rates of work in directions that have great importance for comprehensive development and consolidation of economic potential of the velayat, issues of proper organization and timely conduct of important seasonal agricultural campaigns.

It is necessary to hold under control the quality and completion of construction of the facilities in the region in set schedule, the Head of the State highlighted, having given the number of certain assignments to the Hyakim.

Hyakim of Mary Velayat reported on the main subject of the agenda and on the outcomes of the first half of the year, course of seasonal agricultural works and measures for development of social sphere of the region.

Having highlighted the necessity of the provision of high organizational level of importance agricultural campaigns, coordinated solution of set objectives on proper storage of the grain as well as strict compliance with agrotechnical standards during field works, the Head of the State addressed the Hyakim with relative instructions.

Having focused on the improvement of social and living conditions of the population, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of steadfast fulfilment of National rural programme.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of work of the branches under his supervision for the first half of the year as well as on seasonal field works in the regions.

In general, the growth rate of production volumes, works and services by agricultural complex was 102.9 percent comparing witht eh same period of the last year. This indicator is equal to 102.9 percent by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, 105.4 percent by the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land resources, 105.3 percent by the State Association Türkmen atlary. Plan for drawing of the investments by the ministries and departments was executed by 139.1 percent.

At the moment, inter-row cultivation of plants, vegetation irrigation and mineral fertilizing are carried out in the cotton fields. Necessary measures have been taken for the provision of efficient work of agricultural equipment.

The wheat harvest is continued. The grain is delivered to reception facilities, warehouses and grain elevators. The ploughing of the soil is carried out simultaneously with the mowing.

Having demanded to intensify the works for realization of the programmes of development of agriculture, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, hyakims of velayats and etraps, head of agricultural complex with the nmbe rof specific assignments.

The Head of the State noted that the harvest of the wheat is almost completed. Produced yield indicates that our country provided its food security. The excess of the grain can be exported to foreign states. The cotton is growing in the fields. It is necessary to carry out all necessary agrotechnical activities timely and on high quality level and to prepare the equipment to coming harvest season in order to receive generous yield of this important agricultural crop.

The Head of the State also drew the attention of Vice-premiers P. Agamyradov and E. Orazgeldiyev on the fact that modern scientific institutes have to work closely on the objectives of development of the agriculture and water supply.

It is necessary to introduce water saving technologies to production and actively implement advanced practice of other countries in this sphere, the President of Turkmenistan said. Rationally using water resources, it is possible to receive good yields of agricultural crops and to provide food independence of our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Director of the State Service for Combating of Economic Crimes M. Hudaykuliyev reported on the outcomes of work on investigation of violations related with harm to the state. It was reported that investigation activity is carried out together with relative law enforcement authorities for fulfilment of the assignments of the Head of Turkmenistan on actual measures for counteraction against the corruption and economic crimes.

Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that all officials have been warned several times that implacable combat against the bribery and corruption would be carried out. Nobody is allowed stealing the money from the people and get rich by illegal money, the President continued, having highlighted that the laws in the opposition of this negative occurrence would be strengthened and shall it be necessary, the structure of the security authorities and number of personnel would be expanded. Elimination of the facts of stealing of the state money is the main objective today, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having also noted the necessity of reviewing the order and appropriateness of pardoning actions.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed on the activity of the Parliament by the outcomes of the first half of the year and preparation to the People’s Council session.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of further steadfast work of National Parliament on legal provision of the reformation processes in important spheres of life of Turkmen society, comprehensive development of economic spheres, science and culture, systematic improvement of social and living conditions of the population, respect and protection of the rights and freedoms of human and citizen.

Addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of coming events in the life of the country – the first session of the People’s Council, which will be held on the threshold of the Independence Day of Turkmenistan. Its main session is planned to be held on September 24 and honouring ceremony of Turkmen citizens conferred with the state awards for success in work would be held on September 25.

After, the Head of the State addressed the participants of the session with programme speech, which outlined the outcomes of work for past six months of the year, having highlighted priority aspects of internal and foreign policy as well as defined key objectives for short term perspective.

Finishing extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants strong health, family wealth and great success in work as well as prosperity to the people of the country.