Ï The address of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers

The address of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the enlarged meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers

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Dear Cabinet Ministers!
Dear meeting participants!

In the first six months of the year, in the framework of the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on the social and economic development in 2018-2024, the ambitious works has been done with the aim to strengthen the role of our country in the development of global economy and creation of innovative industrial enterprises on the production of a wide assortment of competitive, high-quality goods that are of great demand on the local and foreign markets.

The regular steps have been done to implement the important reforms to achieve the main goal – bring our country up to the level of developed democratic states in the world with the socially-oriented economy that guarantees the decent standard and quality of living.

Steadily following our principles in the foreign policy as well, we, as before, have actively developed cooperation with the United Nations Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the European Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Commonwealth of Independent States and other international structures to ensure the energy and water security, address environmental problems, develop transport infrastructure, education and culture, secure the human rights and freedoms, and strengthen the global security.

The reliable fiscal and monetary policy pursued in the country is the context of our internal strategy. In accordance with it, we systematically increase the investments into the infrastructure of the private and public sectors. Good results have been achieved in the production of goods and rendering services in a number of sectors of the national economy that made it possible to achieve GDP growth of 6.2 percent.

The growth in incomes of the State budget gave us the opportunity to increase the average wage up to 9 percent. The national currency - manat - remains stable.

We continue the large-scale construction of about 1600 industrial and social facilities with a total cost of about 40,500 billion US dollars.

In accordance with the National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on the improvement of the social and living conditions in villages, settlements, cities of etraps and etrap centers until 2020, capital investments amounted to 731.2 million manat were assimilated.

Over the past six months, we put into operation 26 large facilities, apartment houses of the total area of 612,600 square meters. The total cost of these facilities is about 3.200 billion US dollars.

As part of the economy diversification, we are successfully implementing the State programme for the production of import-substituting products, increasing the output of export-oriented products, and creating an electronics manufacturing industry.

For the first time in history, Turkmenistan has produced about 100,000 computers. This will be a good basis for the further development of programmes for the digitalization of the economic infrastructure. As a result of all these steps, the volume of products exported to foreign countries increased by 41.5 percent. At the same time, there are still many tasks set to us.

We should take the effective steps to reduce the government share in the economy and expand its non-state sector. The list of subjects to be privatized should include separate enterprises in the energy sector and the transport and communications complex, infrastructure and many other facilities. Today, the enterprises and organizations of the private sector work better and more efficiently than state ones.

The laws adopted in the period of the state formation in order to facilitate the life of the population, should be gradually changed. Now, the standard of living of the people has increased significantly, and the existing privileges restrain the paces of our successful transition to the system of market relations.

As already noted above, the works on privatization should be accelerated. Its main instruments should be the placement of shares, the formation of the stock market and the opening of competing trade enterprises.

For investors, this is a very good opportunity to build up mutually beneficial cooperation. In this regard, I have taken the decision to transfer the complex of the Avaza National tourism zone under the supervision of entrepreneurs.

A. Dadaev, you should create a council to manage the recreation and entertainment complex in Avaza, to transfer each hotel, each building to one or several entrepreneurs. All necessary documents must be registered through the Ministry of Finance and Economy.

Dear Cabinet Ministers!

As you know, a number of international and domestic events are scheduled for the second half of the year. By tradition, holding these events at the high organizational level should become a matter of honor for all the heads of ministries and industry departments.

Given that the indicators of the first half of the year are generally satisfactory, I allow all heads of ministries and departments and other managers to take leave during the period of July 9 - 23, after holding the sectoral meetings on the results of the first six months of the year on Saturday and Sunday. As usual, you can stay in Archman, Yili suv or other health resorts.

E.Orazgeldiev, after consulting with the leaders of the supervised complex, preparing for the cotton picking campaign, you have to decide if you cannot take the vacation now, during the agricultural campaigns, then you can have rest later - after the grain harvesting and cotton picking campaigns are over.

I wish everyone good health, well-being and great successes, prosperity to the people of the country in the year under the motto "Turkmenistan is the heart of the Great Silk Road".