Ï Mass potato harvesting is ongoing in the north of Turkmenistan

Mass potato harvesting is ongoing in the north of Turkmenistan

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3.5 thousand hectares have been allocated for this agricultural crop in Dashoguz Velayat this spring. At the moment, more than 7.5 thousand tons of potato have been produced. Farmers of Gurbansoltan-eje etrap who have already picked 5.5 thousand tons of this food crop from 700 hectares are the leaders of the campaign. This is more than half of the planned volumes.

In addition, the farmers of Dashoguz Velayat carry out early onion harvesting, which was planted on 690 hectares this year. More than 2600 tons of this crop have been produced in the same Gurbansoltan-eje etrap, which is the main supplier of fruits and vegetables in the region.

Dashoguz Velayat is a large producer of various fruit, vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops. Integrated reformation programme aimed at the improvement of production potential, financial stimulation, use of economic mechanisms and scientifically based methods of agricultural production, selection of the breeds, which are more suitable for local soil and climate conditions, rational land management has been implemented in agro industrial sector of the region under the State programme of import substitution.

Balanced combination of agricultural innovations and best traditions of land and water management brings positive economic result. For example, it was around of 48 thousand tons of potato only that was produced in the velayat. Besides, the farmers of the region supply onion and cabbage, carrot, tomato, cucumber and other vegetables to trade networks of the country. Cucurbitaceous and fruit producers of Dashoguz Velayat also produce generous yields.