Ï The President of Turkmenistan finishes new poem

The President of Turkmenistan finishes new poem

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As it has been already informed at the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of six months of the year, the President of Turkmenistan announced the holidays for the Government of the country during July 9 – 23. Today, the Head of the State, who started his holidays in Avaza National tourist zone, with his grandson Kerimguly has made cycling tour along the coastline and performed various gymnastic exercises. Also, the Head of the State and his grandson have done some creative work.

Recently, the cycling became very popular in our country. The Head of the State has laid an excellent tradition to hold various cycling races, which gather thousands of Turkmenistan citizens of all ages. Huge work that is made on development of this sport has been supported by the world community. By the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Resolution on declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day.

Being an active supporter and promoter of healthy life style, the Head of the State give personal example to the compatriots, first of all, to the youth. Even today, the President spend his time doing sport, having demonstrated again an excellent physical fitness.

Riding the bicycle with his grandson, the President of Turkmenistan enjoyed architectural beauties and picturesque views o Avaza. Located on ecological Caspian coast, this world-class sea resort by right is thought to be the symbol of the achievements of our country in the development of tourism and recreation industry. Excellent hotels, children recreation camps, cottage compounds, parking and entertainment complexes and high class of service make Avaza NTZ the centre of attraction of numerous Turkmenistan citizens and our foreign guest, ideal place for family holidays especially in summer season. Gold sand beaches, warm sea, sun and fresh air, all of these guarantee the charge of energy and good condition to resorters for long time.

This unprecedented by the scales investment project of huge social and economic importance, which is realized by the initiative and under patronage of the Head of the State, became the model of development of the regions. Having started rapid development of tourism industry, the Avaza Project combined several factors stipulating the prosperity of Turkmenistan, which are the integrated use of the richest natural resources, climate conditions and beneficial transit and transport location of the country, diversification of national economy on this base ad beneficial international cooperation.

The President of Turkmenistan pays special attention to creation of the most favourable opportunities for the sport infrastructure of the resort. Super modern sport complexes for martial arts, game, water and winter sports including swimming, ice-hockey and figure skating, fitness, weightlifting, fencing, boxing, taekwondo, judo, sambo, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, handball, volleyball, etc. have been built in Avaza. Windsurfing, water ski, canoeing and kayaking, sailing, all of these have to be developed in Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea. In this context, it makes sense to use the bicycles not only as a sport inventory but also as ecologically friendly transport.

Having finished the ride, the Head of the State with his grandson had a training in the gym of one of the sport complexes, having made various exercises on various machines.

Serious attitude of the Head of the State to the sports is always reflected in steadfast social policy of Turkmenistan aimed at the improvement of the life quality of the compatriots, creation of the conditions for upbringing of healthy and morally strong generations. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that regular physical exercises and sports help to not only support the health and physical condition but also enhance the formation of such personal merits as hard working and commitment.

In addition to different sports, the President of Turkmenistan invariably tries to find some time for doing music or writing books and scientific work in his tight working schedule filled with important state affairs and during holidays.

It is worth mentioning that recently during one of the sessions of the Cabinet of Ministers, speaking with the pride of high achievements of Turkmen sport, coming international rally Amul – Hazar 2018 and rapid dynamics of Turkmenistan development, the Head of the State has composed a versus about it.

Today, the Head of the State finished the work on new poem “Sport Turkmenistan” dedicated to development of sport of highest achievements in our country. it is symbolically that 2018 under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” is marked by large event of Amul – Hazar 2018, which includes international rally, track and field and cycling races.

The track of the races run along the legendary ancient route, which is restored in new quality now and that used to run across Turkmenistan in old days. Foreign participants of the rally would be able not only to learn the heritage of Turkmen nation but also to see new life that comes to these legendary places with fundamental social and economic changes, scientific and technical progress and industrial development of the regions of the country that improves its role of important transport hub on the Silk Road in our age.

Beautiful Avaza!
The Silk Road outstretches
are the words of new poem that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov read out to his grandson.

The President noted that taking into account that Turkmenistan is a neutral state pursuing the open doors policy through international cooperation, it would be reasonable to translate new poem into English language, having creatively approached to the text of the translation. Young boy enthusiastically responded to the proposal and started this interesting work. During the process, the Head of the State read out new poetic work in Turkmen while his grandson in English languages.

After, Kerimguly started to compose a music to put on the words of the poem written by his grandfather. Having listened to the first chords, the Head of the State noted the originality of the tune and gave some advices concerning further elaboration of its main motif, tonality and rhythm.

This is the melody that makes the main element in the music and bear the seal of artistic talent of the individual. Harmonically combined poetry and music become the favourite song of people and by thus remains for the centuries, - the President of Turkmenistan said.

Discovering wonderful world of music for himself, Kerimguly being a beginning composer follows wise advices of Arkadag who pays special attention to development of national song and music culture, protection and succession of its rich traditions. The Head of the State highlights that every piece of art is born from the inspiration and internal harmony of the individual, his artistic aspiration, talent, love of homeland, spiritual heritage of his nation and nature.

Speaking of the significance of deep study of the origins of music art, which is an integral part of unique spiritual and cultural treasury of Turkmen nation, the Head of the State highlights the necessity of active involvement of the youth to art works, which enhance the discovery and realization of talents in different spheres and to the expansion of the world outlook in general.

These are young people who demonstrate strong desire to the development of their skills, improvement, gaining new knowledge and who grow up as harmonic, spiritually rich individuals that are able to make deserving contribution to the prosperity of the state and society.


These days, Deputy Chairmen of the Government, heads of ministries and departments, public organizations and Mejlis deputies spend their holidays in Avaza. As it was mentioned above, the Head of the State announced at the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 5 that all officials are granted the holidays on July 9 – 23 that they can spend in Avaza national tourist zone, sanatoriums of Archman, Yilysuw, Mollacara and other health improving centres of the country, having charged with healing energy and gained new power for coming big work and solution of import subjects of social and economic development of Turkmenistan set for the second half of the year.