Ï Miras magazine introduces articles on historical and cultural heritage

Miras magazine introduces articles on historical and cultural heritage

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First issue of quarterly scientific and popular magazine of National Institute of Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences opens the series of publication on historical and cultural heritage of our people.

Materials, published in the magazine in Turkmen, Russian and English languages, reflect common patterns and tendencies of development of historical science of Turkmenistan and the achievements of the world science in this field.

Its pages contain the articles of national and foreign historians and archaeologists, anthropologists, cultural, language and literature experts.

“Discoveries and New Developments” section contains the publications dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the National Manuscript Institute of the Academy of Sciences.

It includes the article “Calligraphy of Manuscripts” narrating about the work of specialists on collection, classification, storage, study, translation and publication of handwritten documents.

As for today, more than 10 thousand rare manuscripts are kept in unique fund of the institute; hundreds of damaged works have been restored.

The biggest book in the fund is the work “Muhyt” (Ocean) by Muhammed Sarakhsi weighing more than 17 kilogrammes while the smallest one, “Heftek” is only5 by 9 centimetres.

The article also says about various styles of calligraphic handwriting distinguished by their originality.

Article “Legends and Truth” highlights important historical milestones of the formation and development of vast system of trade routes between the East and the West, the role and importance of the largest cultural and political and trade centres on the territory of modern Turkmenistan.

Protection and popularization of national cultural heritage including the literature, which is very topical in this year held under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” are among the main subjects of the magazine.

For example, section “Collaboration of Cultures, Nations and Civilizations” presents article “Reflection of National Values of Turkmen Nations in the Epic of Gorkut Ata. The material highlights the significance of this literature monument in patriotic education of the generations.

The attention of the readers is focused on the images that are reflected in the imagination of the nation on national traditions and rites, the role of the elders in the life of Turkmen society, woman in the family and other. At the same time, it makes parallels with modern times. “Traditions of building a tent (yurta) are not lost in our days”, - the author states, having highlighted that white tent is mentioned throughout entire epic.

Publication of the scientist from Uzbekistan “Philosophic and Moral Heritage of Akhmed Yasavi and its sources” contain new scientific and theoretical view on artistic heritage of Yasavi who laid the foundation of Hikmet genre (Advices). Poetic tradition of Hoja Akhmed became the exression of wise advices, the author says.

Regular issues of the magazine is traditionally ended up by the review of the events of social, scientific and cultural life of our country for the first quarter of the year. The readers would be also able to get some information on book novelties.

Printed with high quality, the magazine is illustrated with the reproduction of picturesque paintings and photos of modern art masters, rare archive materials and map sketches.