Ï Application of the documents is ongoing in high and secondary vocational education institutions

Application of the documents is ongoing in high and secondary vocational education institutions

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During extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution approving the plan of reception of the students to the universities of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat and Ahal Velayat in 2018 as well as the plan of reception of students to secondary vocational education institutions in 2018. High and secondary vocational education institutions of Turkmenistan were assigned to organize the enrolment for the study from July 8 to August 18, 2018 and to conduct entry exams on their premises.

The President has also approved the composition of the State Board for the enrolment to high and secondary vocational education institutions of Turkmenistan in 2018, which is to conduct organizational and methodological guidance of the entry and its organization in set order.

Administrations of Ashgabat and velayats were assigned to make necessary conditions for proper work of working commissions for entry to educational facilities.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to conduct entry campaign transparently and on the highest level, having made special mention that talented and hardworking young people have to entry and study in our universities as this is the presence of young qualified specialists is one of determining factors of rapid development of the country.

Organized application of the documents is carried out in high and secondary vocational education institutions of Turkmenistan these days under the fulfilment of the objectives set by the Head of the State.

From the very first day, the entry campaign has been marked with high activity indicating the aspire of young man and women to new knowledge and their wish to make their contribution to the improvement of intellectual and economic potential of the country. School graduates were addressed with special TV programmes and publications in national media dedicated to high and secondary vocational education institutions that hosted“open doors” days.

Totally, it is planned to accept around 10,000 students to the universities of the year in new academic year.

Owing to socially oriented policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, permanent care of the formation of educated young generation, harmonic upbringing of the youth, training of high-class specialists, which are the intellectual potential of the nations, is taken in Turkmenistan.

Nowadays, young generation of Turkmenistan citizens has all opportunities for quality education and mastering of chosen professions. Modern knowledge gained by our citizens has to be implemented in the branches of national economy where large-scale programmes aimed at active introduction of advanced technologies are realized.

Intellectual potential, which is characterised with the ability of the professionals to generate new knowledge and skills, ideas and discoveries, in other words, more significant social and economic progress, is the main resource in these conditions.

These days, the State Programme of import substitutive production and growth of volumes of export oriented production and establishment of electronic industry is successfully realized in Turkmenistan under diversification of the economy.

All profile universities especially Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management have to train qualified managers for the production, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having highlighted the importance of the partnership with the world famous universities and attraction of foreign specialists to cooperation.

Introducing international standards to educational process, our country intensifies the cooperation in humanitarian sphere with the UN, European Union, leading scientific and educational centres of the world. Realization of the number of efficient projects under various international programmes is practical outcome of such cooperation.

New State samples of the documents on education have been developed after amendments of educational plans of secondary schools, initial and secondary vocational and high educational institutes as well as training of the specialists by two-phase system of high professional education.

In order to execute the Law of Turkmenistan on Education, the Head of the State signed the Resolution on March 24, having approved the following samples: certificate of secondary education, diploma of initial professional education, diploma of initial professional education with honours, diploma of secondary professional education, diploma of secondary professional education with honours, Bachelor’s diploma, Bachelor’s diploma with honours, Master’s diploma, Master’s diploma with honours, specialist’s diploma with high professional education, specialist’s diploma with high professional education with honours, diploma of further professional education, diploma of further professional education with honours, diploma of improvement of qualification. The Document recognizes the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan on Approval of the State Samples of documents of education as null and void.

Outcomes of annual contests of scientific works and innovative developments of young scientists and students indicate the improvement of scientific and educational potential of the universities of the country. At the same time, addressing the issues of training of the specialists, the Leader of the Nation invariably highlights the importance of moral upbringing of young generation noting that the knowledge is not efficient by itself if it is not correlated with social responsibility of individual, historical and national traditions of the nation and its ethical values.

The society needs educated, high moral and initiative people who would be able to take the decision and ready to reach new heights in profession and personal growth, having the feeling of responsibility for the country, its social and economic wealth, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights directing educational system toward the training of the specialists who have not just certain knowledge and skills but also who are able make new values, generate fruitful ideas and implement them accelerating general progress.