Ï Liliana Yusupova wins the prize of International festival of circus art

Liliana Yusupova wins the prize of International festival of circus art

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Liliana Yusupova wins the prize of International festival of circus art
Representative of Turkmenistan was awarded with silver prize of XI International festival of circus art “Echo of Asia” held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, on July 4 – 8. This is another success of Turkmen Circus, which received new development due to the great attention of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid to cultural sphere.

Competent jury of the festival where the artists from Central Asian countries as well as Russia, France, Canada, Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine, Vietnam, Nicaragua and Ethiopia took part awarded original performance in air gymnastic genre outstandingly performed by our compatriot Liliana Yusupova, who was warded with the prize in nomination For High Performance Skills and Professionalism.

In addition, Liliana has won special Cup of Ukraine National Circus, which directors were also the part of the jury.

It is remarkable that L. Yusupova is the member of equestrian games group Galkynysh of Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan. This collective deservingly represents our independent neutral state in the leading world circus arenas.

Our horse riders performed in Italy, Russia, China, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries with the great triumph. They were numerous winners of the largest reviews and prestigious circus contest, which is proven by the main prize “Golden Gaetano” won at the I International Festival of Circus Art “At the Fountain Square” in Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation).

Turkmen riders invariably conquer the most demanding public with their faming equestrian performances with fancy horse riding and stunting as well as with complicated acrobatic and gymnastics stunts. Therefore, it is no wonder that many Galkynysh group’s members try themselves in other circus genres expanding the range of skills and making the performances more spectacular and effective.

By the way, Liliana is not the first girl of this group who achieved the success in air gymnastics. Earlier, in 2016, Selbi Shikhiyeva received silver medal in the same nomination For High Performance and Professionalism at festival “Echo of Asia”.

Circus art received the second birth in our country due to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Today, the circus occupied the place in in rapidly developing entertainment industry in Turkmenistan. It is loved not only by children but also by adults and this is family type of entertainment as it unites all generation in one emotional wave.

Performance on the circus arena opens the doors to wonderful world of bravery and agility, grace and elegance, beauty and talent. Therefore, the circus has educational importance together with the art. This aspect is highlighted by the Head of the State speaking of the popularization of national heritage through the circus art.

Groups of national equestrian games Galkynysh and Turkmen Horsemen, which are famous far beyond the homeland, became such active popularisers. In the last several years, Turkmen horse riders deservingly occupied leading positions in the constellation of the world circus talents.

Our horse riders and all other circus artists note that unremitting attention of the Head of the State gives them wings, inspires and obligate them to better commitment, tireless artistic search of extraordinary solutions and approaches to their work.