Ï The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races

The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races

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The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races
The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races
The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races
The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races
The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races
The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races
The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races
The Head of the State demonstrates outstanding results covering the part of the track of Amul – Hazar 2018 races
After the conversation with the representatives of the press, the Head of Turkmenistan got ready to drive through one of last and most complicated parts of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, having noted that motorsport requires the most serious and responsible attitude from every pilot. Everything is important in the race including detailed study of the map, comfortable gear and full compliance of other necessary things to the requirements, strict following of the rules. Before taking the seat in the vehicle, the President cleaned his sport shoes form the sand. Having taken the pilot seat and fastened the seatbelt, the Head of the State checked the controls, navigation and communication systems. By doing so, the President of Turkmenistan has demonstrated thorough approach to everything what he does.

The participants wished luck in successful covering the track to the Head of the State. It is remarkable that at the start, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov let the racer from the Motorsport Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan to take off before him.

In this context, it is worth mentioning that having proposed the idea of the rally along the Silk Road, the President personally supervises tits implementation starting from organizational issues to practical measures. Undoubtedly, these spectacular competitions will be remarkable event not only in the life of the country but also in the calendar of international sport season of this year. This is indicated by the interest of national teams from the number of countries to participate in this intriguing rally across the Karakums.

Continuing the subject, it is necessary to mention the uniqueness of the nature of the final part of the route on the territory of Balkan Velayat. It runs across picturesque landscape where the beauties of the coastline and sea views organically match the spaces of magnificent Karakum Desert. Such wonderful and breath-taking natural harmony is inspiring factor for the participants of the rally. Racing car driven by the Head of the State along the road symbolizes confident move of independent neutral Turkmenistan toward new achievement in creation and progress.

By the way, the specialists say that the condition of this part of nature with its various flora and fauna meets high criteria from ecological point of view. In this aspect, great attention is paid to natural protection aspect during the organization of the rally.

Therefore, International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 held by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the year under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” will be deserving contribution to the restoration of this legendary historical route, which centuries ago connected Asia with Europe not only by trade bit also by cultural contacts.

In the meantime, the Head of the State driving the vehicle at high speed has come the first to finish line where he was greeted by loud applauses. Having covered 18 kilometres in 14 minutes and 30 seconds, the President of Turkmenistan as usual demonstrated excellent result.

Having come out of the vehicle, the Head of the State again focused on the track, which is stipulated by natural features of the territories including the desert part. It makes different level of complexity in various parts of the route, which requires great skills and comprehensive training of the drivers.

After, the President looked around the exhibition organized under the preparation of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018. Minister of Internal Affairs I. Mulikov made relative report.

The exhibition demonstrated the samples of banners and panels, symbols of the competitions, uniform of sportsmen, volunteers and service personnel, various souvenirs and gifts, textile garments made by local factories. Images of the starting point of the race in Turkmenabat, posters of racing cars with their technical characteristics were presented to the Head of the State.

Video dedicated to International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 has also been demonstrated there.

Looking around the exposition, the Head of the State noted that together with high quality of the production, which issue timed to International rally, it is also necessary to pay utmost attention to such aspects as aesthetic component and originality, use of national elements in decoration in harmonic combination with modern designer developments.

Work in this direction has to be carried out in coordination with the solution of relative organizational issues, the Head of the State noted and addressed the Minister of Interior and Deputy Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs with the number of assignments.

Continuing the subject, the President of Turkmenistan gave specific instructions to relative officials on organization of cultural events reflecting the world importance of these remarkable events as well as the achievements of national sport at the camping sites along the track of the rally and at the finishing point.

Concerning the sport suits produced by textile complexes of the country and souvenirs, they have to bear bright national colours. It is necessary to use the elements reflecting the beauty of Turkmen land and its unique places of interest including Karakum Desert and Caspian coast in the design of such items, the Head of the State pointed out. Original souvenirs have to be good memory of Turkmenistan and coming big sport event for our guests.

Having highlighted again the importance of high organizational level of the rally Amul – Hazar 2018, thorough and comprehensive approach to all issues related to its preparation and conduct, the Head of the State noted the necessity to make all possible for these competitions to be unforgettable and remarkable event.

Having said goodbye to the participants, the President of Turkmenistan wished them success in work and in solution of set important objectives.

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