Ï How to protect oneself from overheating in hot weather

How to protect oneself from overheating in hot weather

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Due to hot weather these days, Information Centre of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of the country prepared some recommendations about the protection of human body from overheating.

Specialists note that vital microelements are produced in human body in summer time under the sun. Water and salt exchange is activated and plenty of liquid is removed through the skin. It is necessary to drink 1.5 – 2 litres of water per day for normal functioning of organism. Raising and fresh fruit and vegetable juices are also healthy. Food consumed during the day has to be freshly cooked, nutritious and easily digested.

Children and aged people are recommended to stay out mainly from 6 to 9 in the morning and from 18 to 21 in the evening, having taken necessary quantity of water and having put on appropriate summer dress.

Having come to cool place from outside it is necessary to change wet clothes to dry and do not put head, face and chest under the air conditioner as it may cause col-related illnesses and inflammation of upper respiratory tract.

It is not allowed having cold shower and drink ice-cold water after one comes from outside. It may cause the diseases related with teeth, oral cavity, gullet, etc.

Hyperthermia, the same like overheating, is the stress for the human body, therefore, it is necessary to come out of this state carefully. It will help to prevent acute inflammation and chronical diseases.

The immune system has to be improved for this. Tea with lemon and honey, apple compote, rosehip, barberry and camomile broth are very useful for health as they replenish the organism with necessary microelements and increase natural resistance to the diseases. Camel milk and ayran are very valuable food products.

Mint, camomile, camel thorn, thyme, yarrow, licorice are useful in summer period with their unique thirst quenching features and ability to refill vital powers. Apples, pears, melons and water melons are also useful in hot summer season.

It is necessary to be precautious at the seacoast. It is not recommended to swim in the sea under direct sunlight and after the sunset.