Ï Turkmenistan National team is the third in the Asian Jujitsu Championship

Turkmenistan National team is the third in the Asian Jujitsu Championship

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Turkmen masters of jujitsu have won almost twenty medals of Asian Championship held in Aktau (the Republic of Kazakhstan). Around 400 sportsmen from 20 countries took part in the tournament.

Turkmenistan National team has the best sportsmen, which have won the medals of the world and Asian championships as well as the Ashgabat 2017 Games. Our masters performed in three jujitsu disciplines in Aktau – contact, ne-waza and combat.

They have won the most of the medals in contact jujitsu competitions. Mergen Tejenov has won the gold in the weight category above 94 kg. Serdar Hojamuhammedov was the first in the weight category up to 94 kg, having defeated the opponents from Chinese Taipei in the semi-final and final.

Rustam Rozmetov was the best in the weight category up to 77 kg. He had to fight against the hosts of the tournament in all three rounds (quarter-final, semi-final and final). The same situation was with Batyr Durdiyev in lightweight category up to 56 kg – he had to fight all rounds against the sportsmen from Kazakhstan and successfully won.

Begenchmyrat Kakabayev (up to 85 kg) and Yusup Tanriberdiyev (up to 62 kg) won silver medals.

Turkmenistan team has also won the gold in women heaviest weight category above 70 kg. It was taken by Sabina Agajanova who took over the sportswoman from Kazakhstan in the final, who in her turn, defeated our other sportswoman Aysoltan Garchova, who became the third. Veronica Rus (55 kg) and Sayara Avezmetova (49 kg) who defeated the opponents from Kazakhstan in the final have also won the gold for National team.

Turkmen jujitsu masters have also distinguished themselves in ne-waza discipline, where special attention is paid to takedown wrestling, having won various medals. Aysoltan Garchovova was the best in the weight category above 70 kg. Sabina Agajanova won the silver this time. Angelina Filippova won another gold in the weight category up to 55 kg. She had to take over four opponents on her way to the gold. Violetta Krovyakova (62 kg) and Mergen Jorayev (85 kg) have won the silver. Nedjmetdin Chariyev has won the bronze in the weight category up to 85 kg.

In combat jujitsu, Aysoltan Garchovova and Sabina Agajanova won the bronze. I the result, two our sportswoman took totally six medals competing in three disciplines of jujitsu.

Therefore, Turkmenistan became the third in total medal count of the Asian Jujitsu Championship, having won 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze medals.