Ï Balneology of Turkmenistan: Integrated approach and potential of growth

Balneology of Turkmenistan: Integrated approach and potential of growth

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Social and economic strategy of the Head of Turkmenistan stipulates transfer of the country to new level of development drive by mobilization of intensive sources of growth, first of all, by improvement of human factor, development and introduction of innovative technologies and advanced management methods.

Solution of these objectives is closely related with the promotion of sanatorium and resort business, which is to support the provision of physical wealth of people, increment of live level on one hand and as a branch of national economy on another hand – the improvement of social prosperity by restoration of labour resources and the growth of the occupancy of the population, economic development of the regions of the country and social progress in general.

The State Health Programme developed under the leadership of the Head of the State I aimed at equipment and facilities modernization of national system of health protection and improvement of its role in formation of such vital environment where full reveal of creative potential of the society and every individual is possible. In this context, the improvement of sanatorium service is one of the most important vectors of large-scale activity in the country.

It is not a secret that modern scientific and technological provision of health resorts and support of their operation on proper level require lot of money. While being a scientist and a doctor, who is confident that sanatorium and resort treatment and prevention are the most efficient components of medical practice, the President of Turkmenistan pays special attention to intensification of this sphere allocating significant means for this, which from economic and social points of view are direct investments to the health of the nation, in other words to human capital of the country.

Monograph of the Head of the State “Turkmenistan: Country of Healing” revealing huge potential and perspectives of our country as the health resort of international significance is dedicated to the development of balneology based on the richest healing potential of local natural sources. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes in his book that there are many healing places in Turkmenistan, which are expecting to be discovered and scientifically studied. All these treasuries will be placed to serve people, the Head of the State says.

Improvement of health of infants and schoolchildren, youth, work-age population and protection of health of old people, extension of longevity are the main priorities of sanatorium and resort sphere of Turkmenistan. It was proven the integrated health improving and preventive measures increase the level of health by 1.5 times. Use of natural healing resources in combination with new medical technologies increases the efficiency of the health improvement of the citizens by 25 – 30 percent.

At present time, sanatoriums in Turkmenistan, which significantly changed their appearance due to fundamental reconstruction and newly built provided with the latest equipment, provide qualified services and comfortable conditions for recreation and treatment. Health resorts “Berzengi” in Ashgabat, “Archman” and “Yily Suv” in Ahal velayat, “Farab” in lebap, “Bayramali” in Mary Velayat, “Mollakara” in Balkan Velayat, “Dashoguz” sanatorium in northern region receive the patients all year around and very popular among our people and foreign guests. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that unique natural conditions of our country, rare by compositions mineral waters and healing muds helps healing many illnesses, supports the health improvement, reduce fatigue and bring back vigour and energy.

Such medical methods as cryotherapy - application of cold airflow, inhalation of smallest salts particles, ozone therapy, aromatic therapy, hot stone massage, hot sand treatment and other are widely applied among healing methods in our sanatorium practice. The sanatoriums have the conditions for SPA-procedures. Stretching of vertebral column is used. Hydrotherapy department has mineral baths and showers, water massage baths made based on healing herbs of Turkmenistan, galvanized baths, gyms, etc.

Recreation resorts of Turkmenistan have new specialized equipment from Germany, USA, Great Britain, Italy, Slovakia and other European countries allowing making complete test and treatment of patients.

Phyto-bars in the sanatoriums offer various tea brewed based on the information from multi-volume scientific encyclopaedia of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan” and his book “Tea. Medicine and Inspiration”. There libraries, internet cafes, restaurants, shops and other cultural and social facilities for the guests. In addition, tours to local places of interests are organized.

Avaza National tourist zone has been built on clean Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea under the leadership of the Head of the State. It became famous not only as modern resort but also as the centre for representative meetings, conferences, exhibitions, festivals and sport events of international level.

At present time, Avaza sanatorium is ready to be opened in Turkmenbashy. It will offer different rehabilitation procedures that will help improving the health and strengthening of immune system.

Sea water, air rich with ions of iodine, mineral clay and flora of Avaza are the healing power of nature. Coastal sanatorium built by the initiative of the Leader of the Nation will use the complex of rehabilitation health-improving procedures, namely aerotherapy, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy, sea baths, balneotherapy, physio treatment, algotherapy and other methods useful for health.

Highlighting that care of people’s health is one of main aspects of the state policy of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proves it by specific measures and practical activity for development of sanatorium and resort sphere of the country and bringing of it to deserving positions in the world health tourism.

Fundamentally new system of sanatorium and resort treatment and health improvement in the country is a part of general structure of efficient improvement of the population’s health and absorbs the best national and foreign practices. From organization of treatment and health improvement point of view, Turkmen resorts enter the world level these days by improvement of export value of medical services and resources of our country, many of which are unique.

Turkmen land is indeed healing place that has huge power for recreation and support of health. Some of such sources are yet to be discovered, while other need some scientific studies for their efficiency for treatment of diseases. These are various mineral sources in Koytendag, Syunt- Hasardag Gorge, in hot Karakums, Badhyz plains, etc.

Scientific study, wise use of natural and climate features and healing characteristics of different geographic zones will be able to make Turkmenistan as a leader of sanatorium and health improving tourism in the region and the world.

The Head of the State sets the objectives for development and organization of large-scale events aimed at the formation of health protection trend of the country’s population including the organization of ecologically favourable living environment, correct nutrition, physical culture and active leisure.

In this regard, sanatorium and resort business is important component of the state social and economic policy and I aimed at wide availability of treatment and prevention services for the population.

The President directs the process of development of this branch in the frames of the system health protection to the improvement of quality of all social, living and cultural sphere of Turkmen resorts, creation of modern industry of rehabilitation, recreation activity and rest as well as to scientific and research works in the sphere of natural treatment resources, implementation of new organization and management methods in the work of sanatoriums.

Integrated approach of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the solution of the issues of innovative development of national balneology allowed modernizing sanatorium base of the country and bringing it to new technological level and hence, increasing the efficiency of work for prevention of diseases and health improvement of the population. Further realization of this approach to operation of sanatorium and resort sphere as a branch having huge potential of growth is able to be strong factor of development of Turkmen health protection and national economy in general.