Ï Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients

Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients

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Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Innovative medical centre in Turkmenistan is able to receive foreign patients
Multiprofile medical centre, which is the largest in Central Asia, has been on occasion of the Day of Personnel of Health Protection and Medical Industry. Capabilities of this unique facility allow receiving the patients from foreign countries, first of all from the neighbouring including Afghanistan.

According to the instructions of the Head of the State, organizational issues related with the stay of foreign patients as well as with scientific and methodological staffing of the hospital have been solved in multiprofile hospital of Lebap Velayat. Highly qualified specialists will be attracted for work in the centre and close connections with capital and foreign profile clinics will be arranged for this purpose.

Super modern medical complex, which total area id 50,000 square meters, includes multiprofile hospital and infectious diseases clinics provided with medical equipment from the leading companies of Germany, Japan, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, France, USA and other countries as well as living complex for medical personnel. This large investment project has been made by "NAHAL” Business Entity, the member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The main five-storey building designated for 676 patients has the departments of emergency care, anaesthesiology and reanimation, angiography, pulmonology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, physiotherapy, haemodialysis, x-ray, ophthalmology, surgery, cardiology, otorhinolaryngology, nephrohematology, neurosurgery, neurology, diseases of central and peripheral nervous systems, vertebrae pathology, rheumatology, toxicology, traumatology and orthopaedics, urology as well as blood bank, laboratory and other.

24/7 emergency medical care has rooms for checking of the patients, operative and precise diagnostics, first aid in such direction as cardiology, neurology, pulmonology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, surgery.

It has portable reliable and easy-to-operate reanimation and diagnostic equipment. For example, the medics have portable defibrillator «Nihon Kohden Europe GmbH», portable ALV machine «Oxylog 2000 Plus» and other at their disposal. The department also has special room of intensive care and anti-shock rooms for the people with heavy injuries.

Surgery room of trauma department is also equipped with modern medical devices such as anaesthesia apparatus «Fabius Tiro» from «Drager» (Germany), multifunctional operational table. By the way, the hospital has electronic system of patients registration who are depending on their illness are sent to relative specialist and to related department for stationary treatment.

Accurate diagnostic is provided by new generation equipment installed in x-ray department including computer tomography scanner «Aguilion ONE Vision» from the world-known Japanese company «Toshiba», which allows getting image in 4D format.

Number of different diseases can be diagnosed using MRI units «Magnetom Essenza Siemens». These are various inflammation processes and tumors, problems of blood and nervous systems, spinal cord and joints failures and other. In many cases, this method allows not only detecting the pathology at the earliest stages but also finding out its origin and hence, starting to give proper treatment.

Fluoroscope «Luminos Fusion» from Siemens is a digital apparatus for early diagnostics of lung diseases. Comparing with regular fluoroscopes, it almost excludes negative impact of x-ray radiation on the organism of the patient. Mobile digital x-ray system «Mobilett Mira Max Siemens AG, Siemens Healthcare GmbH» is available in the department. The unit is very important during diagnosis of the pathologies of bone and joint system, gastrointestinal, abdominal and other.

Highly qualified cardiologists, rheumatologists, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, ophthalmologists, gynaecologists, otolaryngologists and paediatricians receive the patients in consultancy and diagnostic department. It has the rooms of functional diagnostics equipped according to the latest achievements of medicine.

For example, it has multifunctional ultra sound device «Toshiba Aplio-500». Offering wide range of improved clinical programmes, new generation system provides high capacity, accuracy of clinical data and reliability of the diagnostics. The device has sensor control panel, thousands of receiving and transmitting channels, more than 30 sensors including for checking abdominal, small organs, muscular and skeletal system, peripheral vessels and cardiologic studies.

Morphological and functional changes of heart and its valve apparatus (ECHO-ECG method) as well as ultrasound test of brain (neirosonographic) including new born babies (until 1 year) became possible using ultra sound scanner «Toshiba Aplio 500». This diagnostic procedure replaced MR tomography.

The main function of anaesthesiology and reanimation department, which is able to host 24 patients, is to provide medical aid to seriously ill patients by intensive care, use of various methods of anaesthesiology during surgery operations. Modern equipment from the leading world producers is connected to central monitoring station «Infinity Сentral Station Wide».

Special software программа «Infinity Omega» developed by Drager allows gathering and controlling all current medical date about the patients in real-time mode, recording and archiving them automatically. Statistical data can be used by the specialists during scientific studies.

Readings of vital system of the organism of the patient is clarified by cardiac monitors «Infinity Delta», which help to monitor the condition of the patients, to control arterial pressure, breath, heart rhythm, level of oxygen and temperature of human body all day round.

«Drager Sawina300» ventilators located in the department are considered to the most advanced and reliable these days. It helps to treat people with respiratory organs failures and with different lung diseases.

Cardiac defibrillator «TEC-5631» is designated for emergency care of the patients with impaired heart rhythm and various types of arrhythmia. «Injectomat MC Agilia» and «Volumat MC Agilia» are used for intravenous injection of precise doses of strong medicine.

In addition, the department has medical equipment for additional study and diagnostics of the patients during the treatment including one of the most advanced ultra sound units «Aplio 500 TUS-A500/WA», portable x-ray apparatus «Mobilet Mira Max» designated for severely ill recumbent or disabled patients.

Special attention was paid to automation of work place and instruments of surgeons and anaesthesiologists during the operations. Anaesthesiology units «Fabius Plus XL» and «Fabius Tiro» from «Drager» allow using modern anaesthesiology medicines and methods of artificial lung ventilation. Information on blood pressure, oxygen level, heartbeat of the patient as well as on the concentration of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and anaesthetic gas inhaled during anaesthesia is displayed on the monitor connected to the device. This information allows cardiologists, anaesthesiologists and other specialists controlling current readings of the patient’s condition.

It also has the units for gathering, filtration and transfusion of blood «CATS Plus» from German «Fresenius Kabi», special units for freezing and heating of blood and its components as well as for infusion solutions before the transfusion to patient «Barkey S-line» and «SAHARA-III», which are necessary for fast stopping of internal bleeding.

Angiography is another sphere of activity of the hospital. The department has angiographer «Infinix VF-i» from Japanese Toshiba, which is distinguished by high efficiency both in diagnostics and in the treatment of cardiovascular system illnesses at earlier stages, during prevention of complications and recovery of the tonus of vessels.

Multifunctional laboratory has all necessary equipment, apparatus and chemicals for all spectrum of analysis like clinical and biochemical, cytological, bacteriological and other. The equipment was supplied by «EliTechGroup», «Fresenius Kabi Deuschland», «Glaswa-renfabrik kari Hecht», «Horiba ABХ SAS», «SIEMENS», «Tcoag Ireland Limited».

For example, these are automatic immune analyser with personal computer «VIDAS PC», haematological analyser «ABX MikrosES60», which is able to make blood test by 18 parameters, 4-channel mechanical analyser coagulation analyser «KC-4 Delta», which is used for blood-clotting analysis, biochemical analyser «Mikrolab300» and other.

These devices are used during diagnosis of various blood related diseases like leukaemia, haemophilia, Werlhof's disease, osteoporosis, epilepsy and several types of anaemia. Immunologic analysers used in the lab help in analysis of thyroid hormones as well as in diagnostics of several types of viruses. Biochemical analysers detect kidney, liver and pancreas diseases.

Equipment of physiotherapy department has also been thoroughly selected. For example, it has the units for electrical and magnetic, laser, ultraviolet and ultrasound therapy. Wax and ozocerite applications, reflex therapy, massage as well as inhalation of various medicine for people with respiratory diseases will be made there.

High pressure oxygen chamber is used for treatment of the patients with the pathologies of cardiovascular and endocrine systems, diseases of respiratory and digestive organs. It supports the improvement of metabolism and blood circulation in tissue, detoxification, enhance the healing of trophic ulcer and post-operation wounds as well as the process of bone regeneration after fractures and injuries, reduces the swell of tissue and renewal of cells.

30 patients can be treated in gastroenterology department simultaneously. It has all conditions for early diagnostics and treatment of complex diseases of gastrointestinal tract and liver using modern equipment.

The personnel has automatic three-phase electric cardiographer «CARDIOVIT MS-2010 Schiller AG» with sensor display. This portable tablet ECG unit is designated for work under high load, mainly to monitor the condition of the patients all day around.

Phytotherapy corner will offer various healing broth made of medicinal plants.

Highly professional specialists compose the team of hemodialysis department, to make which they will use high technology artificial kidney unit «5008S» from «Fresenius FMC» (Germany). Today, this is the most efficient methods of treatment of acute and chronicle kidney failure, removal of toxins and slugs from blood.

In its turn, toxicology department is equipped with two «Multifiltrate» units, which is used for emergency medical care during poisoning caused by chemical, medicines, mushrooms, snake and insect bites, allergy reaction on food and other acute diseases caused by various intoxication.

Other departments of the centre including the ophthalmology are distinguished by innovative equipment, which allows making complicated operations with minimum risk for health, making other advanced services. The department includes outpatient section for therapeutic ophthalmology. The personnel has modern computers used for diagnostics and treatment of eyelid, tear ducts, eye balls and bottom diseases.

Ultrasound device «Aviso» from French «QUANTEL MEDICAL», spectral imaging scanners «Spectralis OCT» from German «HEIDELBERG» allows making diagnosis of retina and its vessels diseases. Modern computer and laser technologies give opportunity to keep the vision to the patients who previously were thought to be hopeless. This method is priceless in diagnosing of vessel, inflammatory and swell eye disease.

Microsurgery section of ophthalmology department includes two rooms, one of which is designated for laser procedures while another one for complex eye surgeries. It has microscopes «ТAKA GI Seiko», phacoemulsifiers and vitreotoms «QERTLI», lasers аппараты «QUANTEL MEDICAL» and «EXELSIUS MEDICAL», which allow making surgery for removal of cataract, lenses implanting, laser eye correction, efficient treatment of glaucoma, strabismus, myopia and hyperopia.

In addition, the centre has physiotherapeutic ophthalmology room with helium neon laser, laser stimulator «LAST» and «LOT», electrical stimulators «KROT», magnetic therapy devices «AMOATOS» and «Amblikor».

Multifunctional hospital has three surgery departments. Each of them has separate operation room. In addition, there are small operation, functional study and diagnostics rooms. Patient rooms have multifunctional beds «LINET» with electrical motor, central communication and oxygen systems.

Patients with cardiovascular diseases such as ischemia, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis will receive fast and accurate diagnosis, professional and efficient treatment and further rehabilitation care under doctors’ monitoring in the heart diseases department. Specialists make angiographic test of the patients and send them for operative treatment during various types of congenital heart condition by open and endovascular methods as well as to the treatment by stenting of coronary vessels, catheterization.

Department of otolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery will make operations related with ear, throat and nose diseases including the removal of polyps, breath and hearing restoration, removal of complications appeared after cold or virus illnesses, correction of nasal membrane, face bone and lower jaw fractures as well as plastic surgery, tracheostomy, removal of papilloma in throat, etc.

Operation section has high technology electrical surgery unit «Coblator II» from «Arthro Care» (USA), which is used for removal of tonsils without bleeding. This methodology is based on the application of cold plasma and allows cutting or removing the tissue with short after operation period with minimum pain for the patient. Cold plasma surgery is successfully applied in the clinics of USA, Europe and Russia.

Nephrohematology department has patients rooms with functional beds, fridges and TV sets. The department will treat acute and chronical kidney diseases as well as anemia, haemophilia, blood vessels. Besides, it is planned to do scientific studies in this field of medicine.

Diagnostics, emergency and planned medical treatment of traumas and tumours of brain and spinal cord, osteochondritis, neuropathy, scoliosis, kyphosis and other are the main specialization of neurosurgery department.

Moreover, the hospital has spinal cord neurology and pathology department where acupuncture, healing blockade and manual therapy will be used together with specialized equipment for rehabilitation of the patients.

Innovative healing methods will be used in the departments of brain blood circulation failures, pulmonology and urology.

For example, it has a lithotripter from German «Dornier Compact Sigma». This high technology device for detection and breaking of the kidney and bladder stones will allow making procedures by remote electromagnetic waves, another modern device from Dornier Medilas» is designated for laser breaking of the stones.

Rheumatology department will make complex treatment of inflammation and degenerative diseases of the joints like arthritis, intraarticular injections of glucocorticosteroids, hyaluronic acid, chondroprotective medicine, etc.

It is planned to use «KARL STORZ» arthroscope in the traumatology and orthopaedic department for meniscectomy of knee joint, rehabilitation of knee joint. Various procedures on shoulder, elbow, hip and ankle joints became possible using the arthroscopy.

In addition, the department has all necessary for osteosynthesis on open and closed fractures using various fixators including Ilizarov's apparatus and bone transplants taken from the patient.

Great attention is paid in Turkmenistan to timely detection of risk factors enhancing the development and spread of non-infectious diseases that require active treatment as well as the activities for prevention and monitoring of their course.

According to the World Health Organization, diabetes and thyroid diseases are the most common among endocrine health problems. Their timely diagnostics and treatment in the department of endocrinology and of new hospital will allow avoiding serious complications. The patients will be consulted on the diabetes and importance of correct nutrition and sports.

Three-storey building of multifunctional hospital has infectious disease centre. The first floor of the building accommodates the reception with separate room for each patient. In certain cases, the affected patient is placed in separate room for complete diagnostics and symptomatic treatment. There is a department for treatment of the patients affected by airborne infections.

Reanimation department is designated for the treatment of the complications during sever forms of infectious diseases. It is equipped with the apparatus made in Germany like artificial lung ventilation unit Babylog-8000 plus», respirators «Drager Savina 300» for the adults and aesthesia device Drager Fabus Tigo».

The hospital makes all kinds of laboratory tests, which helps to detect the condition of vital organs and systems of human body. For example, the lab has «Rotor Gene Q5 Plex» device from «QIAGEN GmbH» (Germany). It detect DNA and RNA viruses and bacteria with 100 percent accuracy even they are in small amount in the study materials ((blood, fluids).

Bacteriology department of the laboratory has high class equipment. It allows detecting the presence or absence of microorganisms as well as the type of infection in very short time.

Molecular and gene laboratory will diagnose virus hepatitis, papilloma virus and other infections even in cases of absence of their clinical signs.

Super modern endoscopic room is equipped with gastroscopy unit «EG 530WR» and colonoscope «ES conta530WL3» from Japanese «Fujifilm Corporation».

It has “Fibroscan” unit, which allows diagnosing liver diseases within 3 – 5 minutes and detecting pathologic and physiological changes of the tissues of this important organ and to make the decision of proper treatment.

High pressure oxygen chamber is high technology device constructed based on the latest achievements of science. It is possible to monitor the tonus of the blood system of the patient continuously on special display. The treatment using the chamber improves the blood circulation and metabolism in tissues and allows making detoxification of the organism and increases the activity of immune system.

The second floor of infectious disease hospital will be allocated for treatment of the patients with virus hepatitis. It will have impatient clinic where the people with chronicle liver diseases will be permanently monitored by doctors.

Intestinal infections department is located on the third floor and includes the section for infants, children and adults.

Children departments are equipped with special electrical beds «HORIZON 300», while the section for babies has changing tables«ZERO1120» from «Favero Health Projects Spa» (Italy).

Multifunctional hospital has helipad for involvement of emergency aviation in emergency cases. It has also communication system for prompt response to the needs of the patients and improvmen tof quality of medical service.