Ï National experts exchange the opinions on the adaptation of the Sustainable Development Goals

National experts exchange the opinions on the adaptation of the Sustainable Development Goals

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In the beginning of July, before High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in the UN Headquarter under the aegis of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), specialists of the Ministry of Finances and Economy exchanged the opinions the adaptation of the Sustainable Development Goals in our country on national level.

These day, the conversation on this subject was continued at round table by the personnel of the above-mentioned ministry Muhammetgeldy Atayev, the Doctor of Economic Science, the Professor, the Chief Editor of scientific and practical magazine “Finances and Economy”; Iskander Orazov, the Deputy Head of the Consolidated Department of the State Finances and Economic Policy; Begmyrad Gurbanliyev, the Head of the Department of Regions Policy of the Consolidated Department of the State Finances and Economic Policy; Seytnur Jepbarov, the Deputy Head of the Department of Policy of Sustainable Development of the Institute of Strategic and Sustainable Development.

M. Atayev: In the end of the last month at the joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered to provide high organizational level of preparation of the delegation of our country in Political Forum under the aegis of the UN Economic and Social Council. After couple of weeks, Turkmen delegation took part in the opening ceremony of the Ministerial Segment of this forum on the subject of the Reforms on the Way to Stable and Viable Community during its visit to New York.

I. Orazov: Indeed, the schedule of the visit was very rich with the meetings with the different level officials, negotiations and other events held in the fields of the forum under the ECOSOC aegis. Let’s recall how it was…

M. Atayev: In the very first day, the members of Turkmen delegation had two meetings with the UN Deputy Secretary-General, Head of the UN Bureau on Combating Against Terrorism, Mr V. Voronkov and the UNISEF General Director Assistant on Education Mrs G. Born. The meetings with another UN Deputy Secretary- General on Economic and Social Affairs Mr Liu Zhenmin, Chairperson of the UN ECOSOC Mrs M. Chatardova as well as with the Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of the UNFPA Mr D. Wordofa took place on the next day.

B. Gurbanliyev: I would like to add that presentation “Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line: New Energy Silk Road for provision of the access to reliable, stable and modern energy for all” has been organized in the UN Headquarter in New York. According to foreign participants of the presentation, it had great success. It was held on July 18, on the third day of the visit of Turkmen delegation to New York.

M. Atayev: In the same time, the representatives of Turkmenistan have met with Mr. D. Nueten, the Minister of Climate Change Issues, Communication and Energy of Ireland and the head of our delegation Deputy Foreign Minister Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a speech at general debates of the Ministerial Segment of Political Forum as well as at the event “Improvement of Sustainability by Achievement of the SDGs: New Methods of Work in Central Asia”. Important meetings between the representatives of Turkmenistan with the Administrator of the United Nations Development Program Mr. A. Steiner were held on the fourth day of the visit at the UN Headquarter while the head of our delegation has met the main official of the UN – Antonio Guterres.

S. Jepbarov: It is worth mentioning the United Nations Secretary-General gave high appraisal to the cooperation of Turkmenistan with the UN during the meeting, having generally characterized bilateral multidimensional cooperation as very constructive. It includes the solution of topical security issues, problems of refugees and migration, work on realization of the global counterterrorism strategy on regional and national levels carried out by our country and other.

I. Orazov: Back then, Antonio Guterres highlighted great role of the Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia located in Ashgabat in the context of fruitful partner relations with Turkmenistan. As the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres expressed the support of the policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, activity of our country in international arena and made special mention of the input of our state into successful realization of the Sustainable Development Goals and their adaptation on national level.

M. Atayev: There is no surprise as the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030, which is approved by the UN, almost entirely meets the goals and objectives outlined in new Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on Social and Economic Development of the country in 2018 – 2024, which main direction is to provide high living standards of the population, protection of rights and interests of the citizens, growth the wealth of people. The programme not only outlines the action plan for the next seven years but also lays the mechanisms of its implementation from the position of long-term efficiency and future perspective. It is important to understand that these activities reflect planned measures for the achievement of the SDGs.

S. Jepbarov: I agree that today, realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, which are in the focus of the world community, is one of the key directions of economic growth of our country, which is under priority attention of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who is the initiator of global, regional and national projects. The achievement of the SDGs is planned to be on branch and territorial levels in the aspect of creation of balanced and production and social infrastructure of the velayats.

B. Gurbanliyev: It is important to mention that Turkmenistan is the first country in Europe and CIS that adapted the global sustainable development goals based on three-tier strategy elaborated together with the United Nations. The Strategy includes wide national consultations, indicators of the SDGs tested in national programmes.

I. Orazov: I would like to add the fact that in 2016 the Government of Turkmenistan and the UN Country Team elaborated and signed the framework Programme of partnership between Turkmenistan and the UN for 2016 – 2020, which plans the main event mainly related to the directions of the realization of 2030 Global Agenda.

M. Atayev: This document became good platform for the intensification of the dialog with the UN in the context of the above-mentioned Strategy, which first phase has started in October 2015 and ended in March 2016. By the outcomes of the consultations held with the UN agencies, 121 objectives out of 169 have been recommended without amendments, 27 objectives have been adapted taking into account the country features. 197 indicators have been adopted including 39 national indicators. Consultations with the all ministries and departments have been held at the second stage. In September 2016, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the list of objectives and indicators of the SDGs adapted to the conditions of our country. All of them were brought to the attention of relative ministries and departments for implementation in current activity. At present time, the work for methodology of evaluation of these indicators and implementation in profile and regional programmes is carried out.

B. Gurbanliyev: The approval of the Action Plan on realization of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN countries members in Turkmenistan by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on November 18, 2017 was another defining factor. Two-level system of adaptation of the SDG has been made in our country where National High-Level Committee for Realization of the SDGs and Interdepartmental Technical Coordination Committee for Realization of the SDGs chaired by the Ministry of Finances and Economy are on political and technical level accordingly. The Institute of Strategic and Sustainable Development under this Ministry has specialized department, which has objectives and functions of analysing and scientific developments of the work on the SDGs. They are included to the Plan of Scientific Studies of the Institute for this year as well as to the Programme of development of economic, financial and banking sector of Turkmenistan for 2018 – 2024.

M. Atayev: All countries of the world are actively searching for new model of stable economy these days thinking over the subject how to provide the justice and equality in the society together with reconstruction and growth of the economy? It is necessary to mention that for the last several years, owing to the policy of the President of Turkmenistan who has perceptively caught the essence of the subject, our country achieved grandiose success in the formation of own national model of socially oriented market economy with the emphasis on gaining of human and intellectual potential, improvement of the wealth of the nation. For this purpose, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov initiated large-scale reforms in all spheres, which are to support the achievement of stable development of the country. 2030 Global Agenda pays great attention not only on the level of the main ministries and departments, which are the performers of these activities but also adopts various initiatives for improvement of the awareness about the SDG, comparing of the objectives, goals and indicators of the SDGs with national strategies in development sphere, initiation on interdepartmental discussions and consultations, inclusion of the SDGs to National strategies.

I. Orazov: I would like also to say that in May this year, Turkmenistan and the UNDP adopted Joint Action Plan for the development of National review on the realization of 2030 Global Agenda in Turkmenistan. Legal document instituting the creation of the platform of actions between coordinating structures on realization of the SDGs, which are the Ministry of Finances and Economy of Turkmenistan and the UNDP, has been drafted under its frame. It is planned to draft the Report of the Government of Turkmenistan on realization of the SDGs until the end of this year.

S. Jepbarov: It is important that work in this direction has never stopped and is always improved. For example, the training on the methods and forms of the achievement of the objectives and target indicators of the SDG of specialists of the key ministries and departments under the realization of middle-term programme of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is carried regularly with the support of the UN agencies.

B. Gurbanliyev: The main sources of financing of the SDGs are the means of the State budget, which are used for the realization of the State, national, profile and regional programmes. In addition, some projects are carried out together with the UN agencies on the terms of co-financing. Money of the state enterprises and crediting departments are also used from Turkmenistan side.

M. Atayev: During the sessions of High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development under the ECOSOC aegis, above-mentioned meetings and consultations held under its framework, the objectives of realization of certain Sustainable Development Goals, which were reviewed at various grounds of the UN and its agencies, have been discussed. Special attention has been paid to the Goals 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, which has already had some progress in implementation.

S. Jepbarov: Concerning the implementation of the Goal 6 on Provision and Regional Management of Water Resources and Sanitary for All, I would like to note that policy of our country pays special attention to the provision of the population with pure drinking water. Special programme, according to which steadfast construction of the facilities of this important sphere is carried, has been elaborated by the assignments of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. I would add that referring to the statistics, 7 big and 10 small water treatment facilities have been built and put into operation.

B. Gurbanliyev: I would like to make special mention on the Water Code of Turkmenistan that entered into force from January 1, 2017. It regulates the relations in stable and rational water management for satisfaction of the requirements of legal entities and physical persons in water resources. Its activity is aimed at the improvement of the importance of water resources, provision of protection of water from contamination, clogging and exhaustion, prevention and elimination of negative impact of waters, rehabilitation and improvement of water facilities.

I. Orazov: I will add that the Law of Turkmenistan on Drinking Water, which activity is aimed at the establishment of the state guarantees on provision of the population with drinking water has been adopted earlier in September 2010. This regulatory document defines the state requirements for control of the quality of drinking water and its safety for human health, protection of drinking water sources and their use. It also sets out legal, economic and organizational bases of rational use and environmental protection from population, clogging and exhaustion as well as operation of the system of drinking water supply and cooperation of the organizations in the sphere of drinking water supply.

S. Jepbarov: Concerning the realization of Goal 7 on Ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy sources for all, it is planned to inform on the benefits, which our population has using free electricity and natural gas. The system of the electric and gas supply to the population is modernised in the country in compliance with the National programme of the President of Turkmenistan on the improvement of the social and living conditions in villages, settlements, cities and etrap centres till 2020 in the new edition.

M. Atayev: If to look into the root, further development of the world economy is closely related to the progress in energy provision sphere. I would like to remind that on May 17, 2013, the UN General Assembly has unanimously adopted the Resolution “Reliable and Stable Transit of Energy Carriers and its Role in Provision of Sustainable Development and International Cooperation” by the initiative of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The Law of Turkmenistan on Electrical Energy, which regulates legal, economic and organizational basis of the activity in electrical energy sphere and aimed at the increment of power capacities of electrical energy system of the country based on further modernization of the branch and use of innovative energy saving technologies and equipment, has been adopted on August 16, 2014.

B. Gurbanliyev: Turkmenistan has been elected as the chairing country in the Conference of the Energy Charter in 2017. The Ashgabat Declaration has been adopted at the 28th session of the Conference of the energy Charter, which was held on Novemebr 27 – 28, 2018 in Ashgabat. It was published as the document of the second session of the United Nations General Assembly on point 19 (i) of the agenda.

I. Orazov: Measures for implementation of Goal 11 “Ensuring the openness, security, vitality and environmental sustainability of cities and human settlements” are also actively realized. Great attention is paid in our country to creation of conditions of urbanization of the population. Fundamental changes for modernization of the cities and modern villages have been made in the country for this. Ashgabat, our white-marble capital, has been changed. Hundreds of comfortable houses have been built, velayat and etrap centres like Esenguly, Serdar, Bereket have been renewed.

S. Jepbarov: The opening ceremonies of new villages Bagtiyar Zaman in S. A Niyazov etrap in Dashoguz Velayat, Berkarar Zaman in Lebap Velayat and Dovletly Zaman in Mary Velayat in 2016 were an excellent example of successful realization of National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on the improvement of the social and living conditions in villages, settlements, cities and etrap centres till 2020

B. Gurbanliyev: These villages are new types of settlements with comfortable living houses of cottage type and the presence of entire complex of social facilities like kindergarten, schools, libraries, gyms, modern catering and medical facilities, etc. all of these is provided with modern equipment. New villages also have cultural centres, shopping facilities providing the life of the tenants on urban level. The State stipulates significant beneficial crediting terms, which are very important for rural residents. 10 percent of the cost of the house is paid as initial down payment while the rest of the amount is paid within 30 year with minimal interest.

M. Atayev: I would like to draw your attention on active implementation of Goal 12 “Ensuring transition to rational consumption and production patterns”. At present, considerable investments are sent to industrial project, innovative infrastructure and social facilities. Industry and construction have considerable part in the GDP. Quite well-equipped agricultural complex operates in the country. The capacities of manufacturing industries are being increased, the share of science-intensive enterprises is growing. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requires the environmental compliance of such facilities.

I. Orazov: Such requirement is regulated on legal level. Adoption of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, which stipulates the accountability of the state fir the environment protection, control of rational use of natural resources for protection and improvement of life conditions of the citizens as well as protection and rehabilitation of the environment, plays important role in the establishment and development of ecological legislation. New edition of the Law of Turkmenistan on Environmental Protection has separate article VII “Ecological requirements to business and other activities” which includes chapter 31 “Ecological requirements to location, design, construction, reconstruction, putting into operation, operation and destroy of the buildings, facilities and other constructions”.

M. Atayev: It is important that the competency of authorised body of the state administration in natural protection sphere have been extended among adopted regulations. Rights and responsibilities of the citizens and public associations in this sphere, economic measures in natural protection sphere have also been defined. Compulsory state ecological insurance, ecological certification, eligibility on ecological expertise have been instituted. Ecological requirements during business of other activity in Turkmen part of Caspian Sea have been strengthened. This regulation document was supplemented with new article on the protection of subsoil, land and water resources as well as with the articles on protection of flora and fauna, etc. All of these reflects modern standards of environmental protection and hence, the life quality of people.

B. Gurbanliyev: This is very topical taking into account the strategy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on intensive industrial development of Turkmenistan as it enhances the criteria of the state ecological expertise for prevention of possible negative impact of new facilities and projects on the environment and evaluation of the compliance of planned activity with natural protection legislation. The wastelessness of production, prevention of the air and water pollution and waste minimization are the main principles of ecological compliance of the industry.

S. Jepbarov: In 2016, Turkmenistan founded the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources for unified policy in environmental protection sphere and regulation of land relations, enforcement of control of flora and fauna protection and rational use of land resources. Weak spots of any project requiring special elaboration or fulfilment of special recommendations are being detected at the review of project documentation sent for the state ecological expertise to this authority.

I. Orazov: The subjects related to the location of planned facility, preventive environmental protective measures aimed at minimization of environmental impact and human health and prevention of their consequences, operation of gas and dust purifying units, treatment of drain water received during production process, use of resource saving technologies and many other are related to this range of problems. Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered that final decision would be taken only in the process of comprehensive discussion with independent expert. Following the results of the expertise, the State Committee points out the deficiencies of the projects and the necessity of elimination of the remarks or return the project for further elaboration.

S. Jepbarov: I would like to draw the attention at the fact of importance given in our country to realization of the measures on the SDG 15 “Protecting and restoring terrestrial ecosystems and promoting their rational use, rational forest management, combating desertification, cessation and reversal of land degradation and halting the loss of biodiversity”. In 2017, under realization of the Programme on Import Substitution and Improvement of Export Potential, our country took the measures for the growth of production of tree seedling and decorative plants. At the same time. The activities on protection of biodiversity and prevention of degradation of deserted pastures are carried out. Huge work is made on realization of the Forest Programme of Turkmenistan.

B. Gurbanliyev: Complex of agrotechnical and land improvement measures, implementation of scientifically based crops turnovers on reconstructed and virgin lands are taken in this direction for the protection of land resources in Turkmenistan. Integrated project of construction of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake is aimed at the solution of the subject of land improvement, prevention of flood of deserted pastures by drainage waters and improvement of quality of water of Amudarya River.

I. Orazov: Therefore, the implementation of the policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov makes positive effect of sustainable development. Every objectives under the realization of the SDGs requires the efforts of not only our state but also in regional and global scale. In this regard, the efforts aimed at the improvement of potential and support by the partners will help to eliminate the issues in the region and on the planet and to reach the success in the realization of the Sustainable development goals.

M. Atayev: I would like to mention that strategic course of economic development of our country developed and implemented by esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is aimed at industrial and innovative type of economic growth, provision of competitive national economy and improvement of the wealth of the nation. Adaptation of the global SDGs on our social and economic ground stimulates further prosperity of our homeland and wealth of Turkmen citizens on one hand and from another hand, it will support the progress in the world solving numerous issues of universal importance.