Ï Turkmenistan prepares to participation in the Summit of Head of Caspian states and other international events

Turkmenistan prepares to participation in the Summit of Head of Caspian states and other international events

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At the session of the Government on July 31, the Vice-premier, Foreign Minister R. Meredov reported in the preparation to important international events planned in nearest months. It includes the V Summit of Caspian States in Aktau (the Republic of Kazakhstan), which will be forestalled by the number of five-sided meetings of different levels. It is planned to hold the Summit of the heads of the states, the founders of the International Fund for Saving Aral Sea (IFAS), which is chaired by Turkmenistan at present.

Regular session of the Councils of Heads of the CIS states will be held in Dushanbe (the Republic of Tajikistan) o September 28. As is known, our country will chair the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2019. In this regard, the draft of relative Concept has been developed and presented for review to the Head of the State.

Visit of the President of Turkmenistan to New York (USA) for participation in the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly is planned on September 29 – October 2. It was mentioned in this context that priority positions of our country at coming global forum, which were sent by diplomatic channels to the UN members as well as were highlighted in mass media, have been developed and approved with the support of the Head of the State.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that building the relations with other countries and international organizations on the principles of equal rights, respect and constructive partnership, neutral Turkmenistan proves its commitment to wide fruitful dialog for universal peace, security and wealth.

Having highlighted the subject of coming meeting of the heads of Caspian States, the President mentioned that solution of many Caspian issues became possible by the initiative of our country. As is known, the meeting of the foreign ministers of Caspian states were held in Ashgabat in 1996 where organizational and legal format of negotiation mechanism of development of the Convention on legal status of Caspian Sea in the form of Special Working Group has been outlined by the initiative of Turkmen side. In 2002, Ashgabat hosted the I Summit of Caspian States. Its outcomes made the basis of important decisions made at the summits in Tehran, Baku and Astrakhan hold in 2007, 2010 and 2014 respectively. Therefore, the practice has shown that all initiatives of Turkmen side were timely and in demand in historical perspective.

Turkmenistan makes regular proposals, which are to support the optimization of beneficial cooperation between five Caspian states, being steadfast supporter of diversification of trade and economic relations, expansion of the contacts in ecological sphere, efficient realization of huge natural and resources, transit and transport, energy and industrial potential of the Caspian region, Turkmen leader highlighted. This is visually indicated by the initiatives of Turkmen side related to various aspects of Caspian range of issues including the formation of relevant legal framework of five-sided partnership. Thus, important documents of understanding in Caspian Sea have been elaborated and adopted by the initiative of Turkmenistan.

Continuing the subject, having again highlighted special importance given to the development and adoption of the Convention on Legal Status of Caspian Sea, which is the main document to make reliable legal foundation for long-term versatile cooperation, the President of Turkmenistan said that our country stands for solution of relevant issues on the base of mutual respect and universal standards of international law.

We would continue supporting the consolidation of fraternal and good neighbouring relations between Caspian countries, which nations are united by centuries-old historical and cultural ties, consolidation of the status of ancient Hazar as the sea of peace and friendship, the Leader of the Nation highlighted, having addressed the Vice-premier, the Head of Foreign Department with the number of relative instructions.

Further, having focused on the preparation to the Summit of heads of the state founder of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and having requested to hold them under unremitting control, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that while chairing in the IFAS, Turkmenistan takes steadfast measures for further improvement of activity of the Fund, which is important regional structure aimed at the provision of cooperation in the sphere of improvement of ecological, social and economic situation Aral Sea region.

After, going over to the agenda of the session of the Head of the CIS states in September, the head of the State highlighted that our country would undertake the chairmanship of the Commonwealth in 2019 and would continue supporting constructive multidimensional partnership in the CIS, which meets common interests.

The cooperation under the Commonwealth of Independent States has always been and remains to be one of priority directions of foreign course of Turkmenistan, the Leader of the Nation noted. Being the associated member of the CIS, our neutral country makes actual contribution to the development of interstate cooperation that has considerable potential and capabilities in different spheres. Under its chairing, Turkmen side will make all necessary for efficient activity of the authorities and profile structure of the Commonwealth targeted to specific results. Speaking of this, the Head of the State ordered to elaborate all organizational and other relative objectives in detail.

Steadily implementing the strategy of wide international cooperation, our country pays special importance to traditional partnership with the United Nations, which is built on strategic base.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan sees its participation in the work of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly as the continuation of systematic activity as full member of the United Nations.

Multiple election of Turkmenistan as the vice-chairman of the UN General Assembly as well as its participation in the number of big structures of the United Nations is the evidence of recognition of high international authority of the country. For example, our country has been elected as the member of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for 2019 – 2021 in June.

Creative initiatives of Turkmen side are supported by the United Nations being entered to relevant Resolutions of the UN General Assembly. It includes the Resolution on the declaration of June 3 as the World Bicycle Day, which the UN welcomed and supported the work carried out by Turkmenistan for development of sport and physical training and health improving movement, formation of ecological culture of the society and stimulation of international cooperation in this field.

Summing up what was said above, the Head of the State highlighted the importance to provide high organizational level of preparation to all coming international events on the basis of thoroughly thought and integrated approach.