Ï The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev

The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev

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The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev
The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev
The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev
The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev
The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev
The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev
The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev
The briefing dedicated to the international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" is held in Kiev
The Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine, with the support of the General Directorate for Servicing Foreign Representations at the State Administration of Affairs of the President of Ukraine, organized a briefing dedicated to the forthcoming international rally "Amul-Khazar 2018" in September.

Representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Kiev, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Automobile Federation of Ukraine, the mass media, Turkmen students and the diaspora took part in the event, which took place in the GDSFR Media Center.

The mass media were represented by popular TV channels, print media, Internet resources, such as “Channel 5”, information channel “UATV”, news agency “Ukrainform”, Newspapers and online media “Correspondent”, “Observer”, "News of Ukraine", "Sport.ua", "Lenta", "Diplomatic chronicles", " Інтерсоціум", “Ruhu hour", " Вечірні вісті ", "Image.ua", "Outlook" and others.

The presentation was accompanied by thematic videos, informing about the complex preparation work for the vehicle road and the features of its route, most part of which will run through the Karakum Desert, unique historical and cultural monuments, traditions and customs of the Turkmen people, and current achievements of the country.

Opening the briefing, P.Krivonos, General Director of the GDSFR, expressed his gratitude to the Embassy for fruitful cooperation and choice of a platform for the presentation of a unique sport event organized at the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan and symbolizing the consolidating mission of sport.

The guest of honor of the event - Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine on European Integration N.Movchan appreciated the fact of participation in such a prestigious rally of Ukrainian riders, noting that this is a guarantee of intensification of cooperation between the two countries.

First Vice-President of the Automobile Federation of Ukraine A. Feldman, on behalf of the organization's leadership, expressed gratitude to the Turkmen side for the invitation to participate in the international rally and disclosed some details of the training of Ukrainian riders.

In his turn, the ambassador of Turkmenistan in Ukraine N. Amanmuradov acquainted the attendees with the complex preparation work for the upcoming "Amul-Khazar 2018" rally and aspects of information support for races, including the conditions created for representatives of foreign media. The special status of the international rally is attached by the fact that President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov personally patronizes the implementation of a large-scale project that, in addition to the sports component, is aimed at popularizing the role of Turkmenistan in the history of the Great Silk Road and in the integration processes of the present. Foreign participants of the races will have the opportunity to drive along the ancient caravan route, get acquainted with the unique archeological monuments, natural sights of the country.

Briefing also included the achievements of Turkmenistan in the creation of international transit and transport corridors, the initiative of the head of state to revive the Great Silk Road in the modern format, as well as the policy in the sphere of sport and the environment, the tourist and investment potential of the country.

Ukrainian journalists showed great interest in the forthcoming rally, history, culture and traditions of the Turkmen people, modern achievements of the country, expressing a desire to visit Turkmenistan for lighting such a significant event.

An excellent addition to the subject of the meeting became photo exposure, as well as a book exhibition, an honorary place on which was allocated the works of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

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