Ï Efficiency of agricultural complex is the base of food security

Efficiency of agricultural complex is the base of food security

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Increment of various agricultural production volumes and provision of food abundance are the most important priority of social and economic policy of Turkmenistan. Due to efficient measures aimed at intensive development of agricultural sector and comprehensive government support of national agricultural producers, significant success has been achieved in this sphere.

Great attention is paid to the formation of new economic relations, rational use of land, water and other natural resources, environment protection development of agrarian science, selection and livestock breeding, introduction of innovative technologies and advanced management methods, attraction of private business in agricultural complex, training of qualified specialists, improvement of life quality of rural population by creation of modern social infrastructure the regions.

Integrated reforms, which are to form up legal, economic and organizational terms for competitive time requirements of agricultural production, give positive results. It is visually indicated by the fact that today, Turkmenistan completely provides its own requirements in wheat.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the wheat yield this year indicates that our country provided its food security. The excess of the grain will be exported.

Issues of improvement of the efficiency of grain production are always under control of the President. For example, during direct video conference session this week, which agenda included priority objectives of social and economic development of the country and situation at the fields in the regions, the Head of Turkmenistan has focused on coming sowing of winter crops. Turkmen leader demanded the hyakims of the velayats to improve the accountability for strict compliance of agrotechnical standards, comprehensive provision of sowing campaign with all necessary resources and quality performance of all planned agricultural works.

Systematic work for improvement of crop production and land fertility, active development of virgin lands, expansion of land improvement and water provision of the fields are the bases for successful development of national grain production. Modern tractors, harvesters, seeders and other machines and equipment of latest models with improved operational characteristics are bought for the needs of agricultural complex.

For example, dozens of new harvesters John Deere W540 and TUCANO 430 (CLAAS), which the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management procured for the country according to the contracts with «John Deere International GmbH» (Switzerland) и «Umax Trade GmbH» (Germany), have been taken to the fields during 2018 harvest campaign. The contracts stipulate the procurement of big lots of agricultural equipment, units, dredgers as well as spare parts and consumables with the 3-stage delivery term in 2017 – 2020. New equipment is also involved in current preparation of land for the next sowing.

The state product procurement, guaranteed price, exemption of farmers from taxes, provision of them with technical services, seeds, mineral fertilizers, pest control chemicals on beneficial terms, all these measures of financial and economic stimulation of agricultural producers give proper efficiency and enhance the interest of the grain producers in the result of their work.

Good yield is the basis of wellbeing of every farmer and an exam on professional skills. the number of people of people who succeeded in work and proved their skills to work in the fields grows every year.

Being the founders of one of the oldest agricultural civilizations, which is proven by numerous archaeological studies, Turkmen people cultivate generous lands for thousands of year and know by their centuries-old practice how much work is required to grow full-bodied golden ears. Moreover, the bread have always been the criterion of wealth, the symbol of abundance and prosperity.

Adoption of the State programmes on import substitutive production and increment of export volumes were important step toward further development of food segment of national economy and satisfaction of the requirements of the population for wide variety and high quality food products.

According to the request of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, every velayat of the country has built and continue building big livestock and poultry complexes of full production cycle starting from the cultivation of forage crops and feeding of young elite feedstock until the processing of meat and milk to ready food products. These are various cheese, sausages, milk, sour milk, yogurts, butter and other.

Hothouse farms, where tomatoes, cucumbers, paprika, eggplants as well as mushrooms, herbs and other are grown, provide the population of the cites and rural areas with fresh vegetables all year around. Production of canned fruits and vegetables, natural juices, drinks, pasta, bakery and confectionary has been arranged.

Representatives of private sector, who received the opportunity to implement big projects in different spheres of agriculture, take active part in this large-scale work.

For example, poultry complex for production of 5 million eggs and 500 tons of chicken meat has been built and put into operation by local entrepreneurs in Mary Velayat this year. Its territory has five enclosures, which are able to accommodate 132 thousand birds simultaneously.

All premises are automated and provided with specialized equipment including for support f comfort microclimate, water and air purification. The production of the facility will be sold both in internal and foreign markets under «Kekeç» trademark.

In addition, livestock farming has also received strong impulse for the development in the result of specific measures aimed at bringing of agricultural complex of the country to new level.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined the increment of the livestock of sheep and cattle, growth of production volumes of meat and dairy products among the utmost objectives of this branch.

Livestock complex with output capacity of 100 tons of milks and 100 tons of meat, which was put into operation by the members of the UIET in Murgab etrap, Mary Velayat in May this year, is to support the solution of these objectives. The farm has 750 cattle including 150 Holstein cows, which are famous by its record milk production.

The complex has 250 hectares of lands where clover, barley, corn and other crops are grown for creation of necessary forage base. In future, the entrepreneurs plan to double the number of diary and meat producing cows as well as to open processing workshops.

Livestock complex in Tejen etrap, Ahal Velayat, which has also been built by local entrepreneurs, is among new facilities. Equipped with latest technologies, the facility is designated for annual production of 3,000 tons of milk and 100 tons of meat. 600 hectares of land including for livestock farm and growing of forage crops have been allocated in Seleňli Gengeshlyk.

Canned products facilities like compote, jam, juices, pickled vegetables and marinades with annual output capacity of 1 million cans per year was opened in Chekir settlement, Kerky etrap, Lebap Velayat.

Construction of livestock complex designated for 600 cattle and annual production of 80 tons of meat and 600 tons of milk has been completed in Azatlyk Farmers Association of Sayat etrap in the eastern region. Local entrepreneurs build modern diary factory and soft drink production facility in Darganata settlement.

At the same time, relative infrastructure for collection, storage, transportation and whole sale of agricultural production is created all around the country. Horticulture, viticulture, melon growing, beekeeping and other types of agrarian business are actively developed.

It is worth mentioning that volumes of food products made by the farmers in personal farms are growing systematically. Modern new type villages are quite exemplary in this aspect. Every house has 12 – 16 acres of infield where people can make gardens or build necessary technical constructions for livestock and poultry.

Therefore, rural residents have an opportunity to grow fruits and vegetables, to make diary and meat products for own needs and for sale in the market.

It is worth special mention that organization of rational use of agricultural lands, introduction of virgin lands in agricultural rotation are important factor of provision of food security. In this regard, the Laws on Amendments and Addendums of the Code of Turkmenistan on Land and on State Land Cadastre have special importance.

New Water Code of Turkmenistan, which is another important step in successful solution of the objective of rational use and careful protection of water resources of the country and improvement of the efficiency of irrigated farming as the main factor of dynamic development of agricultural production, has been put into effect from January 1, 2017.

Adopting the Law on Grain Growing in March 2017, Turkmen parliamentarians have focused on large-scale reforms in agriculture, which are aimed at the formation of competitive agricultural complex, improvement of food security and export potential of the country.

Steadfast development of grain growing, increment of wheat production and other agricultural crops were highlighted as important aspects of agrarian policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during discussion of this project. The farmers grow generous yields of white wheat every year. Today, our country has an opportunity to export the excess of wheat.

In this regard, the above-mentioned Law, which establishes legal base for production, collecting, processing, storage, realization, transportation and use of grain crops in Turkmenistan, is very urgent.

In addition, national legislation has been supplemented by the Laws on Collection, Protection and Rational Use of Genetic Resources of Cultural Plants and on State Regulation of Development of Agriculture.

New levels are to be achieved in agricultural sector during realization of the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2018 – 2024, which implementation is to support the progress of the country and steadfast improvement of the wealth of the population.