Ï Transport and communication complex demonstrates stable growth

Transport and communication complex demonstrates stable growth

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As it was informed at the session of the Government on August 3 dedicated to the outcomes of seven months of the year, plan for communication services and cargo and passenger transportation has been fulfilled by 110 percent with the growth rate of 114 percent in transport and communication complex.

By the Ministry of Railway Transport, the growth rates of services is 107 percent. The plan for cargo transportation has been executed by 106 percent and for passenger transportation by 101.1 percent.

By the Ministry of Automobile Transport, the growth rate of services for January – July has reached 105 percent. The plan for cargo and passenger transportation has been fulfilled by 102.4 and 102.2 percent accordingly.

By the Ministry of Communication, the growth rate of works made 110 percent.

By Тürkmenhowaýollary Service, the growth rate of aviation services has reached 137 percent. These indicators by cargo and passenger turnover made 129 and 110 percent accordingly.

The plan of cargo transportation of the State Service of Maritime and River Transport has been fulfilled by 104 percent and the growth rate of passenger turnover is equal to 168 percent.

In this regard, the Head of the state highlighted that it is necessary to continue the work on transformation of the facilities of transport sphere together with the main objectives on modernization of railway and motor roads.