Ï Amul – Hazar 2018 Project is multiformat action

Amul – Hazar 2018 Project is multiformat action

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Media forum in the first decade of august in Ashgabat dedicated to International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 was important step in preparation to large sport competitions, which will be held in September this year by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. On occasion of the Independence Day, our country will bring together numerous guests as it was last year when we hosted 2017 Asian Games in the capital with great success. This time, the competitions will have larger scale in geographic aspect – the route of the races will run from the east to the west across the Karakums and entire territory of Turkmenistan.

The media forum not just allowed giving information about the organization of the rally to representatives of foreign mass media, which expressed the interest in highlighting of the races, but also attracting the attention of international press to our country as perspective sport and tourist centre on new Silk Road. Modern speeds and powerful vehicles, which will have to cover the distance of 1,500 kilometres, will highlighted new mission of this route. Of course, it will not be just the demonstration of vehicles’ capabilities but the test of the drivers. The exam on skills, will, commitment and team spirit are the merits, which helps people to change the world to the best. This is the factor that gives such huge peace-making significance to the sports.

The rally will also symbolize the commitment of Turkmenistan to active policy in the sphere of ecology and transport and communication corridors including the creation of multimodal roads, the Head of the State said, having added that our country is one of the first producers of synthetic ecological fuel meeting Euro 5 standard.

Organization of the desert race in Turkmenistan will support wide popularization of this sport, formation of principles of healthy life style, introduction of rich nature, landscape, beautiful places, cultural and historical heritage of our land to people coming from different countries of the world.

Foreign participants of the rally will be able not only to experience the heritage of Turkmen nation but also to see new life that comes to these legendary places together with fundamental social and economic reforms, scientific and technical progress and industrial development of the regions of the country, which consolidates its role of important transport hub on the Silk Road in modern age.

The Head of the State also notes the necessity of introduction of new tourist routes along this Road involving not only the famous but also many other interesting historical and archaeological monuments of our country as well as its natural attractions.

On May 12, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has launched and taken part in the qualification competitions, during which Turkmensitan teams for participation in International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 were defined.

Wide preparation to the rally in the aspect of organizational and technical provision of the competitions and in the sphere of improvement of sport potential of the country, development of international relations in this sphere is carried out in cooperation with famous specialists of this profile, companies with the experience in participation in similar events. One of the objectives of coming competitions is to show new image of Turkmenistan as a country with carefully preserved historical, cultural and spiritual heritage passed from generation to generation, unique nature and colossal economic potential.

The project “The Great Silk Road” was conceived by the Head of the State not only as large cycle of sport events but also as original review of the achievements of the country in unbreakable connection of its past, present and future.

Several legs covering complicated parts of the Karakums in different regions of the country with the finish at Caspian coast in azure white-marble Avaza are planned in coming races. The participants of the rally will be able to see natural beauties of Turkmenistan, its unique landscapes with their own eyes, to touch ethnographic originality of national culture and feel the atmosphere of new dynamic time.

Organization of International rally Amul – Hazar is a symbol of active promotion of transport initiatives of Turkmenistan, which have regional and global importance and are aimed at the rapprochement of the states and nations, expansion of trade, economic and humanitarian relations and universal progress.

These are historical routes of the Silk Road where people from different countries, regions and civilization used to meet and cooperate, which give special significance to the competitions.

Entire world history indicates that when the countries follow the course of understanding and cooperation, the peoples benefit from that. Such approach is clearly seen in the policy pursued by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov based on the principles of good neighbourliness and high responsibility for the future of the humankind. The country proposed certain projects required by the world community including on the formation of new international transport routes – road, railway, maritime and air.

Having proposed the idea about such large-scale sport event, our state demonstrates again its position of peace-making and creative country. This idea became the leitmotif of the series of presentations of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally organized in many countries by diplomatic missions of Turkmenistan.

Special interest of foreign pilots who wished to participate in this project was raised by the fact that the main distance runs across Karakum Desert. At present, Central Karakums are one of natural phenomenon of Turkmenistan that has no analogues in the world in the aspects of landscape, zoological, botanical, economic and ecological researches for study of plain and desert ecosystems where pristine nature of the desert remained unchanged.

The finish of the competitions will be on Caspian coast where fashionable resort – Avaza National tourist zone, is located these days. Therefore, the team will drive from the east to the west of Turkmenistan following historical route of the Silk Road as if they made a trip from the past to the present by vehicle.

Organization issues of this events were given to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs and other departments of Turkmenistan by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Regarding sport part of the competitions, its provision was entrusted to the team of Africa Eco Race organizers led by Jean Louis Schlesser according to signed agreement.

Amul – Hazar rally, Turkmen Desert Race in international classification, has already attracted the Intention of the International Automobile Federation (FIA), which special committee noted good perspectives on inclusion of the project to the world high profile series in the future.

Rally Amul – Hazar 2018 is to confirm again the importance of the connection of ecological factor with all kind of events including with international motorsport competitions. By the way, coming competitions are called eco rally raid what speaks of itself.

In this context, the objectives of ecological wealth and improvement of biosphere of Caspian Sea, which will be discussed at the Summit of Caspian States on August 12, are very important.

It is worth mentioning here that our rally will finish at the coast of Caspian Sea where another important event – the meeting of the Heads of the States Founders of the International Fund for Saving Aral Sea, is planned in the third decade of August.

Therefore, Amul – Hazar 2018 project is not just a competition but also multiformat action aimed at multiple effect in different sides of the country’s life. Undoubtedly, it will be remembered for long time by our numerous guests and will be another contribution of the country in assertion of the role of sports as a messenger of peace and friendship.

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