Ï The outcomes of the IFAS Summit are discussed at the conference organized by the Foreign Ministry

The outcomes of the IFAS Summit are discussed at the conference organized by the Foreign Ministry

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The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted the conference dedicated to the outcomes of the Summit of the Heads of the State – founders of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea.

Representatives of foreign department of the country, experts - ecologists, political scientists, representatives of public organizations, professors and lecturers and students took part in the event. In their speeches, they highlighted the importance of the Summit on Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea, during which the Presidents of Central Asian states has outlined the aspects of integrated solution of the problems related to the improvement if social, economic and ecological situation in the Aral Sea basin.

The participants of the forum noted special importance of constructive initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the improvement of the work of the Fund. Systematic approach of Turkmen leader to the solution of the issues of the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and appropriateness of the initiative on the formation of such institute as the Consultative Council of the Heads of Central Asian states has been highlighted. Such summits stipulates the participation of competent international organizations such as the UN, OSCE, CIS, which would improve the cooperation of the world community in the work for protection and rehabilitation of Aral Sea.

In general, noting the importance of the meeting in Avaza, the spokesmen had the same opinion that the outcomes of the Summit indicate consolidating approach of Central Asian states to the solution of topical objectives of regional development. In this context, the meeting was an important stage in the process of activation of cooperation in wide spectrum of directions.

Turkmen leader highlighted at the Summit that our country stands for solution of the issues of cooperation in water and ecological sphere based on universal standards of international law, taking into account of the interests of all countries in the region and with the participation of international organizations.

It was noted during the conference that the heads of the state – founders of the IFAS outlined the necessity of further development of equal and beneficial cooperation in use and protection of interstate watercourses, which would serve to constructive work for saving of Aral Sea.

Active work on such documents as the Concept of the Aral Sea Basin Programme (4th phase) and the Concept of the United Nations Special Programme for the Aral Sea basin countries has been actively carried out during preparation to the Summit. In this regard, the concept of the necessity of creation of legal mechanism that considers the interests of all countries of the region in integrated management of water resources taking into account the climate change and reduction of water resources presented by the President of Turkmenistan has been highlighted.

Finishing the discussion of the outcomes of the IFAS Summit, the participants of the conference expressed the confidence that proposals and initiatives laid out in Joint Communique would serve to the definition of key directions of further activity under the International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and would be reflected in practical measures on improvement of ecological situation in the region.