Ï Seminar organized by the OSCE Centre is dedicated to topical tendencies of mass media development

Seminar organized by the OSCE Centre is dedicated to topical tendencies of mass media development

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Two-day seminar dedicated to journalist education has started its work in Yildyz Hotel of the capital.

The training is conducted by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat under the support of realization of the provisions of National Action Plan for Human Rightsin 2016 – 2020. Representatives of the Foreign Ministry, the Institute of the State, Right and Democracy, the Ministry of Education and number of other departments, profile faculties and departments of the universities of the country, mass media take part in the event.

Welcoming the participants, Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, Ambassador Natalya Drozd highlighted the appropriateness of the subjects of the agenda of the seminar in the context of the policy for development of informational environment, foundation of new printing and electronic media, expansion of the access to Internet, establishment of cooperation with foreign press pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Productivity of long efficient cooperation of Turkmenistan with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe for further improvement of qualification of national mass media personnel and interesting exchange of opinions has been mentioned.

The training is divided into three main subjects – “General approaches to regulation of mass media”, “Freedom of expression and access to information” and “Regulation and self-regulation of mass media”. International experts – the candidate of law sciences, associate professor of journalism department of Belarus State University, member of Social Mass Media Coordination Centre and Eurasian Academy of TV and Radio Natalya Dovnar and Branca Cesto (Croatia), who have big experience of expert activity in various international projects including in our country, gave lectures on this issues.

The lecturers have touched upon various directions of mass media activity in the context of international practice and National action plan for human rights in Turkmenistan. Such subjects as the role of mass media information in modern media sphere, standards and princiiples of their regulations, particularly Radio and Television during the transit to digital broadcasting, online media and other have been highlighted.

Practical lessons were dedicated to the methods of cooperation with government authorities and other interested parties in receiving of the information. Principles of professional ethics of the journalists, their rights and responsibilities were demonstrated on specific examples.

In the second day of the seminar, the participants will be introduced with international practice of mass media regulation, system of development and teaching of the module about the freedom of speech as well as the aspects of organization of journalist education.