Ï 15 teams represent Turkmenistan in the rally “Amul-Hazar 2018”

15 teams represent Turkmenistan in the rally “Amul-Hazar 2018”

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15 teams represent Turkmenistan in the rally “Amul-Hazar 2018”
15 teams represent Turkmenistan in the rally “Amul-Hazar 2018”
15 teams represent Turkmenistan in the rally “Amul-Hazar 2018”
15 teams represent Turkmenistan in the rally “Amul-Hazar 2018”
15 teams represent Turkmenistan in the rally “Amul-Hazar 2018”
15 teams represent Turkmenistan in the rally “Amul-Hazar 2018”
The conference dedicated to the forthcoming International motor rally “Amul-Hazar 2018” took place at the Sport Hotel in the Olympic Village. The driving licenses and equipment were awarded to the members of the Turkmen team on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

15 teams of the Motor Sports Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Federation for Motor Sports that demonstrated the best results in the qualification tournaments held in May this year will represent our country at the large international contest.

The conference brought together the high-ranking officials, specialists of the ministries and departments, who are in charge for the preparatory work and organization of the motor rally “Amul-Hazar 2018” as well as journalists, the representatives of the public organisations, university professors and students.

The idea to organize the International motor rally, the cross-country race and the bike ride along the Great Silk Road that was put forward by the Turkmen leader was widely supported by all the compatriots and especially the athletes.

The President of Turkmenistan pays significant attention to the creation of all necessary conditions to host large sports events in the country that contributes to making peoples and cultures closer to each other, strengthening the peace and friendship in the region and all around the world.

The ambitious works is carried out in the country to develop the relevant modern infrastructure and popularize the principles of the healthy and active way of life, regular physical exercises and sports among the people, and the youth in particular. In this regard, the forthcoming rally with the participation of the teams from many countries will not only increase the sports prestige of our country but will promote the further popularization of various sports, including motor sports, as well.

Those speaking during the conference emphasized that the preparatory work for the rally is carried out in partnership with the famous specialists in this sphere, the companies that have accumulated great experience in such events. One of the goals of the forthcoming contest is to demonstrate a new look of Turkmenistan as a country that carefully preserves and hands over from generation to generation the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage, the unique nature and enormous economic potential. The rally will be held in a few stages that will run through the rough parts of the Karakum Desert in various regions of the country and will finish in Avaza on the coast of the Caspian Sea. The participants of the rally will have an opportunity to enjoy the natural landmarks of Turkmenistan, its unique landscapes, the ethnographic originality of the national culture as well as to feel the spirit of the new dynamic time.

The Great Silk Road project was initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as a major cycle of sports events as well as a unique panorama of our country’s achievements in indissoluble connection of its past, present and future.

The Silk Road rally has been included into the world racing calendar and Turkmen crews take an active part in the events. Nowadays, the Amul-Hazar 2018 motor rally ranks among the international car racing.

In the framework of the conference, the certificates of drivers and navigators as well as the special sports uniform were awarded to the members of the Turkman national team on behalf of the Turkmen leader.

Thus, Muhammetmyrat Gurbanov, Shamyrat Gurbanov, Gurbanberdy Danatarov, Rafael Gaynulin, Merdan Toylyev, Shokhrat Toylyev, Yolaman Abayev, Arslan Karakulov, Begench Annayev, Mekan Amantaganov, Agamyrat Annayev, Annageldy Sahetgurbanov, Suleyman Sahatov, Kerimberdy Rahmanberdyev, Guvanchmyrat Hommadov, Rejepniyaz Annaberdyev, Kerim Avezov, Bayrammyrat Annaev, Parahat Garlyev, Timur Mamedov, Begnazar Nuryagdyev, Hodjaguly Annamammedov, Gaygysiz Akmyradov, Mergennur Agayev, Arslan Hommadov, Mergengeldy Ovlyaguliyev, Meilis Hydyrov, Chary Muhyev, Mekanmyrat Populov, and Normunds Meymans, Vadim Shmaylov and Zaharovs Androv will represent Turkmenistan in the rally “Amul-Hazar 2018”.

Our athletes will drive the cars Nissan Patrol, Mitsubishi L 200, Chevrolet, Toyota Hilux, Toyota Lancruzer 200, as well as quadricycles and trucks (MAN).

Undoubtedly, the rally “Amul-Khazar 2018” will be best remembered by our numerous guests and will become another contribution of the country in affirming the role of sport as an ambassador of peace and friendship.

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