Ï Representatives of tourism industry of Turkmenistan and China discuss prospects of dialogue

Representatives of tourism industry of Turkmenistan and China discuss prospects of dialogue

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The forum “Turkmenistan-China: tourism along the Great Silk Road” took place in Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on August 31.

The main goal of the forum, organized by the diplomatic mission of Turkmenistan jointly with the State Committee for Tourism of Turkmenistan, the Committee for the Development of Tourism of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the EXPO secretariat, is to promote the mutually beneficial Turkmen-Chinese cooperation in this sphere and establish the dialogue between the core companies of our country and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China.

The representatives of the federal and municipal administration, the research organisations, leading tourist agencies and mass media participated in the forum.

The forum started with the meeting of the delegation of Turkmenistan with Vice-Governor of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Erkin Tuniyaz. The representatives of the Committee for the Development of Tourism of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the EXPO secretariat “China-Eurasia”, the secretariats for foreign relations and journalists attended the meeting.

Speaking during the forum opening ceremony, Erkin Tuniyaz presented the programme of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region on the enhancement of the tourism cooperation with the countries, located along the Great Silk Road and the development of the internal and inbound tourism in this region.

“Turkmenistan is a unique culture with great potential not only in the sphere of tourism but also in the trade and economic area. The steps taken by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in this context deeply impress and we are interested in developing Turkmen-Chinese travel industry”, emphasized Erkin Tuniyaz.

Speaking during the forum, Ambassador of Turkmenistan in China Chinar Rustamova focused on the achievements, the trade, economic and investment potential of the country and told about the development of the spheres of culture and tourism.

The representatives of China expressed the readiness for the wide popularization of the information about Turkmenistan among their compatriots so that they want to see with their own eyes the unique beauty of the Turkmen nature, to feel the atmosphere of the historical heritage and the original traditions and hospitality as well as to enjoy the architectural sights of white-marble Ashgabat.

Turkmen colleagues shared their experience in hosting foreign guests. Head of the Department for International Relations of the State Committee for Tourism of Turkmenistan Abdurahman Mametniyazov presented the tourism potential of the country. Director of the Ahalsyyahat Travel Agency Gurban Gurbanov told about white-marble Ashgabat. Manager of the Ayan Travel Agency Musa Babajanov focused on the history of the ancient cities of Turkmenistan, located along the Great Silk Road.

The prospects of cooperation, including the opportunities for developing the key areas, were discussed during the forum. The travel agencies of Turkmenistan expressed the readiness for studying the specific character for hosting and providing services to the travelers from China.

Upon completion of the forum, the delegation from Turkmenistan had a meeting with the Governor of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region to discuss the aspects of the Turkmen-Chinese investment cooperation and the partnership in the trade and economic sphere.