Ï Turkmen sambo wrestlers perform on the last day of the Asian Games

Turkmen sambo wrestlers perform on the last day of the Asian Games

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Our sportsmen had fights in sambo tournament in the final day of XVIII Asian Games. Two Turkmen sportsmen competed in the weight category up to 90 kg.

Nurberdihan Orazmuhammedov has successfully passed the 1/8 final, having confidently took over 3:0 the opponent from Thailand. However, the ¼ final fight, he lost 1:3. In additional round, he did not have luck as well.

Our another sportsman in this weight category was able t move further in this round. Ruslan Esgerov has lost in the first fight but received the opportunity to start his way to the bronze through additional tournament as his opponent has successfully qualified to semi-final.

In the first match of this tournament, Ruslan was losing 1 point but 10 seconds before the end of the fight throw the opponent on the shoulders. Having received two points, he took over the wrestler from Uzbekistan.

In the second match of additional tournament, our athlete did not give any chance to the opponent from Indonesia. Having made the series of efficient throws – two throws for 2 points and one throw for 4 points, our sportsman was leading 8:0. He made efficient hold in the end and finished the fight in advance. Unfortunately, he lost in the final fight for the bronze.

This fight was the last for Turkmen national team at the Asian Games. Turkmen sportsmen was one silver and three bronze medals. Official closing ceremony of the Asian Games would be hold in the next day.