Ï Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources Launches Call for Tender for Purchase of Pest Control Measures

Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources Launches Call for Tender for Purchase of Pest Control Measures

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Lot no. 1 –herbicides against monocot weeds,

herbicides against dicot weeds in winter plantings;

insecticides against wheat pests;

fungicides against wheat diseases

Lot no. 2 – Seed treatments for cotton

Lot no. 5 –Insecticides against locusts

To bid:

• Submit an application for the tender with full name of the bidder, its legal status, country of registration and bank details;

• Read the Guidelines for Tendering Procedures for Selecting Chemical Suppliers for the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Turkmenistan;

• Receive the bidding documents, after payments have been made for every lot;

• Receive lot specifications and technical requirements.

Bidding documents will be considered after the payments have been received. Applications for the tender must be sent to the following address: Ashgabat, 92 Archabil Ave, Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Turkmenistan.

Bidding time for all lots: 30 working days following the date of publication.

For further inquiries call (+99312) 44-74-64, 44-74-62

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