Ï Session of the State Security Council dedicated to the outcomes for eight months of the year takes place

Session of the State Security Council dedicated to the outcomes for eight months of the year takes place

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President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the State Security Council. The agenda included the summing up of the outcomes of activity of military and law enforcement agencies for eight months of 2018 and the main directions of work of security forces in the nearest future.

Having opened the session, the Head of the State gave floor to Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Y. Berdiyev who reported on the outcomes of work of the department for January – August.

Having focused on priority objectives of military and law enforcement agencies in the context of defensive military doctrine, the Head of the State pointed out the importance of proper fulfilment of the plans of further development of the Armed Forces. It is necessary to hold under control operational, combat and mobilization readiness of military division, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted, having ordered to improve the qualification of officers on regular base.

Minister of Interior I. Mulikov reported on the work for prevention of crimes and road transport accidents and support of law and order in the country from the beginning of the year. Information about the month of traffic safety has also been presented.

Summing up the report, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country highlighted that it is necessary to take proper measures for coordinated activity of all structural division of the Ministry. Special attention has to be paid to the aspects of preventive activity against any crimes and provision of fire safety. It was noted that propaganda of behavioural culture on the roads of the country, explanation of personal responsibility of every participants of road traffic for its safety are urgent objectives of this department.

Defence Minister B. Gundogdiyev reported on the outcomes of activity for eight months of the year, measures for fulfilment of the assignments. Preparation of personnel of the Armed Forces to military parade on occasion of coming 27th anniversary of the Independence of Turkmenistan was one of the subjects of the report.

Improvement of work of defence department is among priority directions of military reforms, the President of Turkmenistan noted, having highlighted the importance of further modernization of equipment and facilities base of the Armed Forces of the country. it is necessary to take integrated measures for support of their combat readiness, improvement of technical provision and combat skills of military personnel. Educational, political, scientific and technical and social work has to be carried out on proper level in training facilities, the Head of the State said, having addressed the head of the ministry with relevant assignments.

Preparation to military parade has to be under special control, the President highlighted.

Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Halliyev reported on practical measures taken for the period under review for organization of judicial system as well as for improvement of qualification of the personnel of the department.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that complex of measures is to make judicial system more professional and efficiently working for the sake of Turkmenistan citizens providing their right and legal interests. In this regards, the President of Turkmenistan addressed the Chairman of the Supreme Court with number of instructions.

Prosecutor General B. Atdayev reported on the activities of prosecution authorities for January – August of the year, results of inspections carried out by the order of the Head of the State.

Having pointed out the improvement of activity of this authority, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces ordered to monitor the fulfilment of legislation in the country.

During the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed relative documents on appointment and release of the prosecutors from the positions.

Head of the State Border Guard Service Sh. Durdiyev made report on the situation on the border of Turkmenistan as well as on the outcomes of work of his service for the period under review. Information about the modernization of equipment and facilities base of Border guard division on modern requirement level has been presented.

Being committed to the principles of neutrality, our country steadily implements the policy of peace-loving, good neighbourliness and wide international cooperation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. At the same time, our sovereign state carries out the reforms based on the military doctrine for support of defence capability of the state and provide Nationa Army with latest special equipment and machinery. Provision of the integrity of the borders of the country is the main requirement, Turkmen leader said, having ordered the Head of the service to improve physical, tactical and combat training of the staff.

Chairman of the State Custom Service A. Osmanov reported on the outcomes of work carried out for eight months of the year.

Summing up the report, Turkmen leader ordered the head of the department to rake integrated measures for improvement of the efficiency of the Service activity, wide practical implementation of international practice. It is necessary to hold the provision of order of good and transport movement across the custom border under attention, the Head of the State noted, having requested to gold under control the compliance with related procedures.

Ministers of Justice B. Muhammedov reported on the outcomes of activity of the department under his supervision for January – August on comprehensive development of existing legislation base, on preparation of the proposals on implementation of the standards of international documents, which our country has joined.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that participation in legal provision of the regulatory activity is one of priority direction of the work of the ministry. It is necessary to pay greater attention to explanatory work of the legislation, which come into force, among the population, the Head of the State said, having addressed the head of the ministry with certain assignments.

Chairman of the State Migration Service M. Gurdov reported on the activity for the period under review on solution of set objectives.

Perfect fulfilment of the objectives followed from international agreements of our country in migration sphere, detection and prevention of illegal activities in this field are the most important requirements of this structure, the Head of the State highlighted.

Director of the State Service for Combating against Economic Crimes M. Hudaykuliyev reported on the results of activity of the structure under his supervision for January – August of the year, implementation of anti-corruption programme as well as on the outcomes of analytical work performed by the request of the President of Turkmenistan.

Having listened to the report, the President noted that the policy in this direction lies in the development and implementation of steadfast measures for elimination of the causes of this negative occurrence in different spheres of life. In this context, having outlined the main directions of work for coming period, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country addressed the Head of the Service with number of assignments.

Summing up the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Turkmenistan is committed to the principles of positive neutrality and invariably follows the provisions of National military doctrine, which has exclusively defensive character and serves as reliable guarantee of peace and stability, as well as further prosperity of the country and wealth of the population.

Having noted the importance of fundamental changes under large-scale reform, which main provision is to renew equipment and facilities base of military and law enforcement agencies of the country, the President outlined the number of priority objectives.

Strengthening of personnel potential was named among the main directions. At the same time, special emphasis was laid on the necessity of improvement of working methods of all security forces including studying international practice, training of high qualified, honest and disciplined specialist who are able to operate modern specialized equipment and know foreign languages, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Creation of conditions for service of military personnel and comfortable life of their familiies is one of the main aspects of the reforms in this sphere, the Head of Turkmenistan noted.

The President ordered the leaders of military and law enforcement agencies to hold under control the compliance of law and order. Other subjects, on which relative decisions were made, have been reviewed at the session of the State Security Council.

In the end of the session, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in responsible work to all participants.