Ï President of Turkmenistan Congratulates Energy Industry Workers on the Occasion of Professional Holiday

President of Turkmenistan Congratulates Energy Industry Workers on the Occasion of Professional Holiday

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Energy industry is one of the most important sectors of the national economy. To increase the efficiency of works in this industry, the large-scale projects were implemented and new high-capacity power plants were built and commissioned in a short space of time. Power lines were renovated and cutting-edge equipment was installed, states the Address by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of Turkmenistan’s Energy Industry Workers Day.

We have successfully executed projects to supply electricity to the Galkynysh gas field that possesses an enormous industrial potential; to the promising oil and gas fields on the right bank of the Amudarya; to other major industrial enterprises and modern settlements and villages under construction. On this festive day, it gives me pleasure to state that all these works have been carried out by Turkmen power engineers.

Specialists of the electric power industry have gained tremendous experience in management and technical maintenance of modern power plants built for reliable and stable supply of electricity to Avaza National Tourist Zone, the Turkmen capital, enterprises and organizations, communities throughout the country.

We use our natural wealth and energy resources for the benefit of the people, to ensure prosperous life for all citizens of our country. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed to further develop the electric power industry and to manage our natural resources with a view to improving the social conditions and the quality of life of the population.

We are preparing for major works to build an annular energy system that will cover not only Ashgabat, but the whole country; to significantly improve the supply of electricity through introduction of modern energy-saving technology; to implement projects for wind and solar electricity generation with regard to our natural and climatic conditions.

Taking into account the future increase in electricity demand, we adopted the Concept of Development of Electric Power Industry in Turkmenistan for 2013-2020. New power plants and high-voltage lines are being built within its framework. It is my firm belief that Turkmen power engineers will cope creditably with these challenges and fulfill successfully the established plans, states the message.

The commissioning of new power plants facilitates the increase in energy availability for domestic consumers and the growth of the industry’s potential. This enables us to export the surplus abroad.

Currently we are exporting the growing amounts of electricity to the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Diversification of electricity generation is most beneficial from the economic standpoint.

Currently, the world is facing a rise in consumption of energy resources. Many countries are interested in working with Turkmenistan in the sphere of electric energy. This testifies to the enhanced international standing of independent neutral Turkmenistan and the growing role of the energy industry in the development of the national economy, says the presidential Address.