Ï Regular session of the Government is dedicated to the outcomes for January – August

Regular session of the Government is dedicated to the outcomes for January – August

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held the session of the Cabinet of Ministers where the outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for eight months of the year.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the outcomes of development of national economy for January – August.

According to macroeconomic indicators, the GDP grew by 6.2 percent including by 4.4 percent in industrial sector.

Retail sale turnover indicator is 19.5 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Average salary wage increased by 9.2 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. Salaries, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships were paid timely and in full volume.

Rapid construction of 77 social facilities, 32 water treatment plants, more than 223.5 thousand square meters of living has been carried out for the period under review under the fulfilment of the objectives outlined in national reform programme in all regions. The volume of drawn investment from all sources of financing was 1,201.1 million manats for this period.

Summing up the report, Turkmen leader focused on the importance of specific measures for support of stable growth rate of all branches of national economy. Realization of the programmes of industrialization of the country, development of electronic industry, creation of working places, activation of investment activity have been outlined among priority vectors of work in near term perspective. Staged transition to digital economy has also been mentioned among the main objectives, which requires the complex of measures, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having addressed the vice-premier with relative assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M Meredov reported on the results of work of oil and gas sector for January – August this year.

Plan for oil and gas condensate production has been fulfilled by 100.8 percent, oil processing by 103.6 percent, gas export by 101.1 percent. Comparing with the same period of the last year, the growth rate of gasoline production is 102.3 percent, diesel fuel – 100.3 percent, polypropylene – 101.9 percent, drawn investments – 120.4 percent.

Information about the construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, which is carried out as per the schedule, has also been presented.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the objectives of realization of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan until 2030, which is to provide efficient use of hydrocarbon resources of the country for stable growth of national economy and improvement of export potential.

The Head of the State has demanded to analyse thoroughly again the situation in structural divisions of fuel and energy sector and to provide optimal involvement of available reserves for increment of oil and gas production and processing. The Vice-premier received specific instructions on further diversification of oil and gas industry, creation of the facilities making petrochemical products demanded on the world markets.

The president has also mentioned international importance of the TAPI project in the context of the formation of new architecture of global energy safety, improvement of beneficial trade and economic relations between the states of the region, having ordered to hold the construction of new energy route under strict control.

Having pointed out the deficiencies in work of oil and gas sector, the President of Turkmensitan reprimanded Vice-premier M. Meredov, having requested to activate the reforms in the industry and take certain measures for improvement of efficient activity of fuel and energy complex as soon as possible.

The President has also reprimanded Chairman of the State Concern Türkmennebit D. Hajiyev and Chairman of the State Concern Türkmengaz M. Archayev for improper fulfilment of their duties and non-provision of fulfilment of the government orders.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldieyv reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for eight months of the year as well as a=on the course of seasonal agricultural works.

In general, the growth rate of production volumes, works and services has reached 104.6 percent. The indicator of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management is 104,7 percent, the State Committee for Natural Protection and Land Resources – 104 percent, the State Association Türkmen Atlary – 105.4 percent.

Plan for investment drawing by the ministries and departments is fulfilled by 161.3 percent.

Sowing of winter crops is continued in the velayats. At the same time, the cotton harvesting has started in Ahal, Lebap and Mary Velayats and proper organizational work for fulfilment of the plans is carried out.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of the objectives for further dynamic development of agricultural complex, increment of various agricultural production volumes in the country, having given number of certain assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K. Durdymyradov reported on the outcomes of activity of the structures under his supervision for eight months of 2018.

It was informed that for the period under review, the production plan of the Ministry of Industry was executed by 113.7 percent with the growth rate of 112.1 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

Fulfilment of production plan by the Ministry of Textile Industry has reached 126 percent with the total growth rate of 127.2 percent.

Carpet and carpet goods production plan for eight months of the year has been executed by 123.6 percent with the growth rate of 108.3 percent.

For the period under review, the facilities of the State Concern Turkmenhimiya fulfilled the plan by 100 percent. At the same time, the growth rate is on 106.7 percent level comparing with the same period of the last year.

Facilities of the State Fishery Committee performed production plan by 102 percent with the growth rate of 123.8 percent comparing with the same period of 2017.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity to hold the increment of production power of industrial sector, provision of the facilities with latest technologies and application of advanced management methods in plants and factories operation under control.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D. Amangeldiyev reported on the results of activity of the branches under his supervision for the period under review and on the work for development and urban planning of Ashgabat.

Administration of the capital fulfilled the plan for works and services by 113.2 percent with the growth rate of 114.7 percent.

These indicators of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture were 100.1 and 108.9 percent accordingly for the period under review.

The growth rate of total volumes of production, works and services by the Ministry of Energy were 119.8 percent. 15,475,384,000 kilowatt-hours have been produced for January – August 2018.

The State Concern Türkmenawtoýollary fulfilled work and service plan by 100,2 percent with the growth rate of 101 percent for the period under review. The Vice-premeir also reported on the work for development of Ashgabat.

Having highlighted that there is not much time left until the Independence Day, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity to continue the works for further integrated development and improvement of the infrastructure of the capital.

Speaking of the outcomes of work of the branches under his supervision for the past eight months of the year, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported that the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs increased the volume of total trade turnover by 5.4 percent and the volume of production by 2.5 percent for the eight months in relation with the same period of the last year.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange held 166 trade sessions for the period under review where 16,250 contracts have been registered.

Total amount of services provided by the Trade and Industrial Chamber for January – August 2018 increased by 12.8 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. 14 exhibitions and 13 conferences were held for the reported period.

From the beginning of the year, the growth rate of industrial production by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs is 40.2 percent, agricultural and food production by 36.9 percent. The trade turnover grew by 1.6 percent. Works in population service sphere has increased by 1.9 percent.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that significant changes in the main principles of organization of trade sector, which acquired entrepreneurship activity and market character with the dominance of private sector, took place in our country, having considerably strengthened its positive effect on the growth of the GDP.

The Head of the State focused the attention of the Vice-premier on the necessity of strict control of support of food abundance as well as provision of the population with other required high quality goods.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the activity of the structures under her supervision for eight months of the year.

It was mentioned that scientific and practical conferences, various cultural meetings and exhibitions, contests, theatre performances have been held in accordance with slogan of the year “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”.

Ashgabat hosted the Days of Culture of friendly states. Number of events has been organized together with diplomatic representatives of foreign states accredited in Turkmenistan.

Work for improvement of work of theatres, museums, libraries and other cultural facilities as well as mass media is continued.

The Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with instructions on proper integrated preparation of celebration events and cultural actions in honour of remarkable dates planned until the end of the year.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of the branches under his supervision for January – August. The Vice-premier has also informed that 132 out of 200 learning manuals and guides has been published for the period under review. Work for modernization of educational programmes has been done.

Turkmen school students won 96 medals at international school contests for the period under review. Turkmen university students won 24 medals including 3 gold, 9 silver and 2 bronze at the similar contests.

Agreements on cooperation between 17 Turkmen educational facilities with 18 foreign universities have been signed under international partnership from the beginning of the year.

Elaboration of 245 scientific subjects has been carried out in scientific and research institutes and universities of the country.

The growth rates of income from voluntary medical insurance is 140 percent comparing with the same period of the last year, 117 percent from sold production and rendered services and the same amount from sanatorium services.

International relations in sport sphere are also under development. 105 national competitions and 70 mass sport activities have been held in the country for reported period.

Our sportsmen participated in 71 international competitions including 9 world championships where they have won 4 medals and in 24 Asian championships where they won 64 medals as well as in other tournaments where they got 82 medals.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that changes in the society are in close collaboration with the system of education, which has to follow time demands. The rates of social and economic development of the country set new parameters for education growing generation and require the improvement of teaching methods, the Head of the State mentioned.

The President gave instructions to the Vice-premier on further development of medical science and introduction of innovations in health protection system.

The Head of the State noted that sport sphere also needs the renewal of approaches to reveal its potential, which requires detailed study of the best world practice.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev made report on the outcomes of activity of transport and communication sphere for January – August 2018.

The Vice-premier reported that in general, the plan for communication services, cargo and passenger transportation of transport and communication complex has been fulfilled by 109.5 percent with 113.7 percent of the growth rate.

The growth rate of works by the ministry of Railway Transport has reached 110 percent. This indicator in cargo and passenger traffic is 100.1 and 100.6 percent accordingly.

The growth rate of services by the Ministry of Motor Transport is equal to 106.5 percent for eight months of the year. Cargo traffic plan has been executed by 104.2 percent with the growth rate of 101.4 percent. The plan for passenger transportation has been fulfilled by 102.8 percent with the growth rate of 103 percent.

The growth rate of performed works by the Ministry of Communication was 109.4 percent.

For the period under review, the growth rate of aviation services rendered by Turkmenhowayollary Service has reached 130.8 percent. This indicator in cargo and passenger transportation was 119.7 and 110.5 percent.

The State Maritime and River Transport Service fulfilled cargo and passenger transportation plan by 105.4 and 107.4 percent accordingly.

Having listened to the information, the President noted that development of international, economic relations and foreign trade of Turkmenistan causes the growth of cargo traffic volumes, which services increase the role of all existing and new big transport hubs.

In this regard, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to hold under control these issues for successful fulfilment of set objectives.

After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on the outcomes f activity of the ministry for eight months of the year in the context of practical implementation of foreign course of neutral Turkmenistan.

From the beginning of the year, legislation base of cooperation with foreign partners has been supplemented by 145 signed documents.

Regular character is inherent to the consultations between local foreign department and foreign offices of other countries. 37 meetings have been held in this direction from the beginig of the year.

Sessions of bilateral Intergovernmental commissions and working groups, which activity is aimed at the consolidation of beneficial trade and economic relations and fruitful humanitarian and cultural contacts with different countries of the world, took place.

Continuing the report, the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister informed on the preparation to the 55th session of Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) General Assembly in Ashgabat on September 30 – October 5, which also stipulates number of different events.

As is known, the ABU was established in 1964. As for today, 279 TV and Radio companies from 73 countries are the members of the Union. The State Committee for Television, Radio and Cinematography has been accepted as full member of the ABU in April 2012.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that neutral Turkmenistan would continue pursuing peaceful foreign course steadily expanding the geography and spectrum of fruitful cooperation.

Speaking of the importance of high level organization of coming session of the Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union General Assembly, the Head of the State gave instructions on elaboration of all relative objectives, having highlighted that organization of this representative forum in Turkmen capital would support the intensification of fruitful international partnership and beneficial exchange of practices in TV and Radio broadcasting.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about the activity of National Parliament for eight months of the year and on the work for preparation of the first session of the People’s Council.

34 Laws of Turkmenistan and 46 Resolutions of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan have been adopted during 3 sessions of national Parliament for this period. Work for development of the draft laws aimed at further legal provision of intensive development of all branches of national economy as well as supporting interstate relations is continued.

Number of meetings with representatives of foreign states and international organizations has been held from the beginning of the year. Cooperation with structural divisions of the United Nations in Ashgabat is continued.

After, the Chairperson of the Parliament informed about the preparation to the first session of the People’s Council this month.

Having listened to the information, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of further active activity of the Mejlis for improvement of national legislation as well as development of regulatory bills and strengthening of legal base of international relations.

The President requested to elaborate all issues of the organization of the People’s Council and to take necessary measures for the first session of nation-wide forum on high level.

Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of Turkmenistan stated that the outcomes of work for eight months demonstrate successful fulfilment tof all adopted programmes aimed at further improvement of social and living conditions fo people and industrialization of the economy.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State wished strong health and great success in work to all participants and prosperity to people of Turkmenistan.