Ï “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the great Silk Road” is a winner of I Class Diploma of International book contest

“Turkmenistan – the Heart of the great Silk Road” is a winner of I Class Diploma of International book contest

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“Turkmenistan – the Heart of the great Silk Road” is a winner of I Class Diploma of International book contest
Four books published by Turkmenistan State Publishing Service in 2017 received the awards of XV International CIS Contest “The Art of Book”, which was held in Russian Federation under 31st Moscow International Book Fair and Exhibition.

Book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” received I Class Award in “Dialog of Cultures” nomination. “Arkadag’s Doctrine – the Basis of Health and Inspiration” was the prize winner in “My Country” nomination. II Class Diploma was awarded to brightly illustrated “Turkmen Fairy Tales” in “Books for Children and Youth” nomination. “Gurgenj. Medieval Scientific and Cultural Centre of the East” received III Class Diploma in the nomination “Training Literature and Education”

Printing production of our country has been awarded several time with prestigious prizes of the main review of the publishers of the Commonwealth countries and other international profile contests, which indicates steadfast development of national printing sphere. Growing volumes and variety of books and periodic published in the country reflect scientific, educational and spiritual priorities of socially oriented policy of the Head of the State.

The “Art of Book” contest is aimed at the improvement of friendship and activation of cooperation between the nations of the Commonwealth, protection of their historical relations. Modern Turkmenistan is open for global economic integration and full cooperation of the cultures with the nations of the planet. Intensification of the partnership with the CIS countries including in humanitarian sphere is one of the priorities of foreign strategy of our state.

Therefore, this is quite obvious that book of the Head of the State “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” was the first in the nomination “Dialog of Cultures”. This work, which has been translated to many languages” carries positive charge. First of all, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays attention to consolidating role of ancient international route and its importance in modern integration processes.

The “Art of Book” contest is held regularly starting from 2004 under the aegis of Interstate Council for cooperation in periodical press, book publishing and distribution and the Federal Agency for Printing and Public Communications of the Russian Federation. The contest is aimed at the encouragement of the best publishing projects, activation of cooperation in publishing sphere, popularization of high achievements in printing sphere together with development of exchange of spiritual and cultural values.

This year, the jury paid great attention to artistic decoration of books. It is worth mentioning that more than 100 books were nominated in 10 disciplines at the contest. It is pleasant to realize that all four books presented at the competition by the State Publishing Service of Turkmenistan were of high printing quality.