Ï President of Turkmenistan: The State Service Academy Enjoys Growing Prestige with Every Year as a Major Educational Institution

President of Turkmenistan: The State Service Academy Enjoys Growing Prestige with Every Year as a Major Educational Institution

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I would like to offer my congratulations to you on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the State Service Academy under the President of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said in his Address to the Academy’s teaching staff and students.

We attach special significance to government administration and training of highly-qualified employees, while successfully carrying out socio-economic, cultural-educational and socio-political transformations.

We have adopted the Laws of Turkmenistan “On State Service”, “On Professional Ethics and Conduct for Government Officials”, and a number of normative legal documents. The establishment of the State Service Academy ten years ago marked an important step towards modernizing the government system.

Over the short period of time, the institution has gained a wealth of experience in training senior state officials and employees for government agencies, state administration bodies and local authorities, the message stated.

The State Service Academy under the President of Turkmenistan enjoys growing prestige with every year as a major educational institution, training highly-skilled state officials, who are able to worthily represent our country’s interests. The use of research and teaching methods, best practices, new knowledge, research studies focused on key issues of state policy, educational books and monographs are highly instrumental in continued professional development of government employees.

In the contemporary context, the organization of the government system requires high standards of professionalism, extensive knowledge and comprehensive training to keep up with the times. For this purpose, the state provides everything necessary to improve the activity of the State Service Academy under the President of Turkmenistan.

The Academy’s alumni have contributed significantly to the impressive achievements in strengthening the political, economic and socio-cultural sectors. After graduation, these young people work for government agencies and local authorities as well as in sectors of the economy, particularly in science, education, culture, healthcare and large industrial enterprises, helping successfully implement national and state programs. They are an inspiring example of how to serve one’s native country devotedly.

We duly acknowledge the role that the teaching staff and students of the State Service Academy under the President of Turkmenistan play in fulfilling the goals and objectives of home and foreign policy. I am confident that you will continue to make the best use of your energy, knowledge, diligence and abilities for Turkmenistan’s prosperity, - the President of Turkmenistan said in his Address.