Ï The President of Turkmenistan receives the Chief of Staff of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The President of Turkmenistan receives the Chief of Staff of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

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The President of Turkmenistan receives the Chief of Staff of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Chief of the Staff and Head of the Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mahmoud Vaezi.

Having expressed the gratitude to the Head of the State for spared time, the guest conveyed the greetings from the Government of his country with the wishes of success and prosperity to all Turkmen people. It was mentioned that Iran pays great attention to consolidation of traditionally friendly relations with dynamically developing Turkmenistan. Taking the opportunity, Mahmoud Vaezi congratulated Turkmen leader on International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, which was started on the day before.

Having expressed the gratitude for good words and addressed return wishes to the Head of friendly country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight that interstate dialog, which is secured with friendship and good neighbourliness, is filled with new content every year. Having noted that Turkmen – Iranian cooperation is based on solid foundation of old fruitful cooperation, the Leader of the Nation spoke for the imrovment of such cooperation in all directions.

During exchange of the opinions, the sides highlighted the issues of current condition and priorities of the partnership, especially in trade and economic sphere that is based on significant legal framework. Close cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran serves to national interests of both states, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

In this context, it was noted that the presence of huge potential for expansion of productive relations opens new opportunities for implementation of big joint projects. It was highlighted that number of successful projects implemented by both countries meets the sustainable development goals and have big social and economic importance.

The Head of the State and his guest also discussed the prospects of cooperation in fuel and energy sphere where wide opportunities are present taking into account favourable geographic location of our countries and huge natural resources. These factors justify bilateral efficient partnership in provision of energy security, Turkmen leader noted.

It was highlighted at the meeting that Turkmenistan and Iran pay great attention to implementation of the projects of construction of transport and transit corridors on international significance for development of transport and communication infrastructure of Turkmenistan and Iran in the region. This is brightly indicated by transnational railway Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran, which is to support the optimization of transport flows in Eurasian space.

Partnership in Caspian Sea was one of the subjects of discussion. In this context, the guest highlighted the importance of the initiatives proposed by the President of Turkmenistan at the V Summit of the Head of Caspian States in Aktau, the Republic of Kazakhstan in August.

Special mention has been made on the issues of further cooperation in humanitarian sphere. It was mentioned that beneficial cooperation, which started from common spiritual and cultural values, is based on fraternal Turkmen – Iranian relations. Our nations are connected with historical routes, which go deep to the history and ancient traditions of good neighbourliness, the Leader of the Nation said, having highlighted the importance of joint cultural events and various forums.

It was also highlighted that the activity of Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation, which was founded for development of the most efficient mechanism of regulation of trade and economic relations, serves to the consolidation of beneficial partnership between business circles of Turkmenistan and Iran.

In the end, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Chief of Staff and Head of the Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed the confidence in further successful development of interstate partnership meeting the interests of two friendly countries.

Seyed Mohammad Ahmadi, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Turkmenistan has also participated in the meeting.