Ï Aspects of foreign activity of the country is on the pages of profile magazine

Aspects of foreign activity of the country is on the pages of profile magazine

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Regular issue of quarterly scientific and practical magazine ‘Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan’ reflecting important events of foreign policy life of the country has been published.

The periodic is opened with the speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at International Forum “The Great Silk Road: Toward New Levels of Development”. The pages of the magazine has an article dedicated to one of the main event of the year – the opening ceremony of Turkmenbashy International Seaport.

The state visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan is the subject of one of the publications. The agreements reached by the outcomes of high-level talks are the ones that can truly be called as another step toward steadfast development of fruitful cooperation based on historical similarity, friendship and good neighbourliness relations, which ties fraternal nations of the region from old times.

The issues is continued by traditional section, which highlights high-level meeting and talks of the Head of the State with the leaders of foreign states in chronological sequence. Their efficiency supported by important agreements visually demonstrates the commitment of Turkmenistan to international dialog for peace and universal progress.

For example, the working visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Tajikistan for participation in International Conference dedicated to the UN Action Decade ‘Water for Sustainable Development in 2018 – 2028’ took place on June 20, 2018.

Under the working visit to Dushanbe, Turkmen leader held the meetings with President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mamnun Hussein and Head of the Executive Power of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Abdullah Abdullah where the importance of International Forum in consolidation of the nations of the world as well as further development of bilateral and multilateral contacts of participating countries has been highlighted.

On the pages of the magazine, the readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the Resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly by the initiatives of Turkmenistan. These are the Resolutions on Cooperation between the United Nations and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea and the World Bicycle Day.

Special place among the publications of the magazine is traditionally given to the speeches of high-rank foreign guests at international forums in the country including Mircea Ciopraga, the Secretary General of the Permanent Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA, Foreign Minister of Romania Teodor Meleșcanu and other.

‘Transport Diplomacy of Turkmenistan for Internatioal Partnership’ article is dedicated to the establishment of National logistic and freight forwarding association and its further joining to the FIATA as a full member.

Analysis of international communication on the Caspian issues is given in the article ‘International legal status of Caspian Sea’. Taking into account special urgency, this subject raises great interest of the specialists and numerous readers.

Articles of the magazine “Water Diplomacy is Priority Direction of Froeign Policy of Turkmenistan”, “The IFAS: New Horizons of Cooperation”, “Forest Planting in Aral Sea Zone and its Importance in Prevention of Dust Storms” are dedicated to environmental protection and rational use of water resources. Scientists and specialists of Central Asian countries share their practices offering various solutions of ecological problems on the pages of the magazine.

Attracting the attention of the world community to Aral Sea catastrophe, the Head of the State noted the importance of integrated international approach to solution of current situation and active and permanent participation of the United Nations. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov suggested to develop the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea composed of certain plans of improvement and stabilization of the situation in the region. Support and further development of regional structures are required for support of efficient cooperation in protection of unique environment and stable use of natural resources, assistance t economic and social development of Cnetral Asian state.

In the end of the review of Aral range of problems, the magazine cites the interview of the participants of Coordination meeting of the IFAS Executive Committee who speak of the work in this direction.

Separate publication is dedicated to development of cycling in the country under integrated measures and programmes for stimulation and development of national sport.

Specialists of the Institute of Strategic and Sustainable Development of Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management prepared the material highlighting international practice of operation of the models of stock market and its application infinancial system of Turkmenistan.

Traditional section “Chronicle of Diplomatic Life” is dedicated to conferences, briefings, foreign political consultations, sessions of intergovernmental commissions as well as to bilateral meetings, talks with delegations from different countries and representatives of large international organizations in the country and abroad in October – December last year.

The currency of the articles published in regular issue of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan undoubtedly makes them demanded not only among the specialists bit also among numerous readers in our country and abroad.