Ï Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking

Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking

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Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
Spanish crew of Nani Roma and Aleks Haro is leading interim and overall ranking
September 13. The participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally has reached the third camping at Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake located in the centre of Karakum Desert. Racing crews have covered 236 kilometres of the route full of sand dunes and takyrs (saline soil flat pits).

Out of 46 vehicles participated in the third round of Amul – Hazar 2018 race, the sport car driven by Nani Roma and Aleks Haro was the first. The Spaniards are leading in interim and overall rating of the race making the gap bigger with every part of the route. KAMAZ driven by Ayrat Mardeyev was the second in this leg of the race, having arrived 17 minutes after. Miroslav Zapletali with his co-pilot Marek Sikora were the third to come to Turkmen artificial lake. Czech team is in the second position in overall rating.

Upon arrival to «Altyn asyr» türkmen köli» camo, the racers were warmly greeted by Turkmen artists. National tunes were harmonically combined with the sounds of nature in man-made oasis – the sound of wind was continued in the motifs of dutar and whispering of moving sand particles can be listened between the lines of traditional songs. The participants of the rally enjoyed concert programme and the dishes of Turkmen national cuisine. There is another day and another leg of the race ahead. The sportsmen will have to cross the border of Balkan Velayat and come over difficult terrain of the region. Until the start of new round, the racers take rest and study legendary Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake.

Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake is a unique project proving that our country makes significant contribution to solution of universal problems related to protection of water resources of the planet. It is generally known that all countries located in the arid zones have problems with salinization of irrigated lands and diversion of subsoil water. Having good experience of farming and water use, Turkmenistan is on the top of scientific studies in this sphere and urges other states to use water resources rationally.

Implementation of large-scale and unique project of creation of artificial lake in the Karakums is under close attention of the Head of the State who regularly inspects the course and outcomes of construction works. In the result, the oasis preventing the discharge of drainage waters from the left bank to Amudarya River has been created. In the future, it will eliminate the discharge of drainage waters from arable lands of Turkmenistan, will improve sanitary conditions and water provision of the population, soil conditions of arable lands in Dashoguz velayat.

Therefore, emergency reserve of water, which can be used for agricultural complex needs like rational use of water resources, solution of diversion of drainage waters and soil salinization, development of new lands, expansion of pastures as well as for irrigation and technical needs due to natural filtration and application of modern technologies. In the future, the creation of Altyn Asyr Lake will allow using formed water pools and diversion collectors for development of fishery. It will also support the improvement of industrial fishery in fishpond facilities of the country.

Already today, Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake makes new favourable ecological and forage conditions for migrating birds in the areas of collector network in Central and Eastern Karakums while the lakes located along the course of Dashoguz diversion channel attract the wetland habitats like ducks, geese, coots, cormorants and other birds.

It already has numerous new places for nesting and hibernation. The flooding of Central Karakums makes positive effect on the condition of the population of hoofed animals, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Turkmenistan, like argali, kulan, Central Asian gazelle. The number of fauna species habituating near water is also growing.

It is remarkable that 293 species of flora where 210 of them have medicinal features grow in Karakum Desert. Due to special attention paid by Turkmen leader to protection and popularization of unique sanctuary zones of Karakum Desert, the country works on inclusion of the desert to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

After the night at «Altyn asyr türkmen köli» camp, the participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally raid will set off along the fourth part of the racetrack to «Sport meýdançasy» camp located 409 km away from artificial lake on Gamyshlaja Plateau in Balkan Velayat.

This part of the route expects the participants of the competition with additional challenges. The outcomes of another leg will show who would be able to overcome these challenges.

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