Ï Meeting in Akhal Velayat Focuses on Regional Development Priorities

Meeting in Akhal Velayat Focuses on Regional Development Priorities

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The Akhal velayat khyakimlik has hosted a meeting to discuss regional development issues. Among those in attendance were Mejlis deputy Serdar Berdimuhamedov, high-ranking and senior officials of the region’s administration, and representatives of the local community.

The meeting discussed the implementation of systematic measures, specified in the National Rural Program, the current situation in the Akhal velayat’s social sector, and proposals for its further development, in particular the ones concerning the construction in the region of new villages that boast houses with high standard of comfort, all necessary social amenities and job opportunities. In this context, the accent was placed on construction of various buildings and facilities in modern villages, creation of a favorable economic environment for labor market, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Mejlis deputy Serdar Berdimuhamedov became acquainted with the proposed project designs and offered suggestions on how to improve them. The parliamentarian highlighted that residential housing in rural areas should meet international quality standards and be well suited to traditional rural life.

The villages’ essential infrastructure, built in line with high standards of the new epoch, will include schools tooled with multimedia technologies, kindergartens, health and culture houses, shopping and communications facilities, etc. The government provides assistance with concessional housing loans to people who want to build their own homes in modern villages.

The National Program of the President of Turkmenistan for improving social conditions of the population of villages, settlements, etrap towns and etrap centers until 2020, which is heavily invested in, is aimed at stimulating sustainable rural development, human factors and economic growth, improving the people’s living conditions, including young families and specialists, and building social and civil engineering infrastructure, particularly general education institutions and healthcare facilities.

The meeting participants stressed that the effective national development model, constructed in Turkmenistan, harmoniously combines the principles of state building and protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as exploration of civic institutions’ potential. Regular personal contacts of Mejlis deputies with the population serve as one of many examples of direct communication of the country’s main lawmaking body with people and real assistance in tackling topical social issues.

The Specialized Disease Prevention Center in Dushak is also a visible testament to this. Its formal opening in December 2017 became a remarkable event of social importance. Before that, the rural residents had to go to the capital for medical check-ups, wasting more time and money. The opening of the well-equipped medical clinic, staffed by well-trained specialists has made high-quality medical services more accessible to the population. In addition, as part of the parliamentary deputy’s planned improvement program a health house, a perinatal center, and a 15-kilometer-long water pipeline (Khivaabat-Kaakhka) have already been officially opened in the region; construction of two modern textile complexes has begun in Kaakha and Babadaikhan etraps.

In May 2018, several social facilities – kindergarten and schools, re-opened in Kaakhka etrap after extensive renovation.

A maternity home in the settlement of Dushak, Kaakhka etrap and a health house in the village of Garakhan, Kaakhka etrap are scheduled to open soon.

The ongoing rural healthcare reform is bearing fruit. This includes the expansion and modernization of the sector’s facilities, greater scope of disease prevention efforts, widespread availability and easy accessibility of professional medical services, and a growing number of well-staffed rural healthcare facilities.

The modern rural healthcare scheme is organized as part of the comprehensive national and regional programs that specifically focus on the unique characteristics and development of each velayat to ensure the most efficient use of resources in the strategic areas of state building.

The country’s regional policy, designed with a glance to each region’s unique specificities and untapped potential, their economic development patterns, transport routes and geographical location, is aimed at the provinces’ sustainable socio-economic development, and eventually, at improving the people’s living standards and quality of life.

The investment and building activities seek to achieve the same objective. Massive investment is being made in the manufacturing sector to build new production facilities and take advantage of modern technology, as well as in the social sector.

Investment projects such as construction of residential buildings and neighborhoods, villages, new roads and enterprises, and consequently job creation will help to reach new heights in the region’s economic development, boost business and innovative activities, ensure the even distribution of labor resources, skilled workforce and income per capital across the country.

Private business development has a highly instrumental role to play in the regions’ advancement. It is small business that can easily adapt to the ever-changing market environment and actively participate in innovative initiatives and projects.

All in all, the regional policy of Turkmenistan is designed to enhance each region’s resource, financial, scientific, technical and workforce potential to successfully tackle the major objectives of their long-term socio-economic growth.