Ï Avaza – is the Caspian pearl

Avaza – is the Caspian pearl

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Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Avaza – is the Caspian pearl
Once a small fishing village, located on Cape Yangiiaulie from the seaside of the base of the Krasnovodskaya spit gave way to the name of the pearl of the Caspian Sea - the National Tourist Zone Avaza.

Coastal waters since ancient times are rich in fish. According to the testimony of the researcher of these places, GS. Karelina, in 1832, purchased for the expedition the beluga from local anglers weighing up to 80 ponds. Along the coast, with its succession of sandy beaches and rocky capes, there passes the channel of the passage of water birds, forming large wintering clusters under favorable conditions, almost year-round large seagulls meet.

Coastal ridge-barchans and cellular sands with patches of salt marshes and thickets of Kandyms, combers, saltpeter and grasses are attracted to rest and land birds. With the improvement of the territory, a unique dendrological complex was created, combining local, ornamental, fruit and berry and exotic plants on a total area of 1500 hectares, which continues to expand, numbering tens of thousands of trees, shrubs with grassy areas and drip irrigation.

Along the coast and unique on the variety of snow-white hotels, framed with original green decor, there is a man-made canal 8 km long and named Avazinka, which you can ride on a pleasure boat. Water from the Caspian Sea is pumped through an artificial waterfall, and then by gravity goes to the sluice complexes and through them returns to the sea. Over the years of operation, the canal has become an artificial biotope, along with plankton, thickets of aquatic plants in the form of benthos and periphyton were formed and inhabited by a number of marine inhabitants, creating a rich forage base for birds that eagerly visit it during migrations and wintering. List of birds in recent years has grown significantly, numbering more than 350 species, including many Red Book. Under certain conditions, unique phenomena are observed, for example, at the end of September 2013, after a strong nocturnal wind from the east, we recorded a massive flight of birds of prey when more than 1200 individuals of 13 species were met in two days. In April 2017, after a relatively cold winter, for the first time in Turkmenistan, guests from the north who were staying with us for a long time were noted - they waxed and fried on the fruits of black and white mulberry.

Besides hotels and cozy cafes with a wide range of services, a unique dendrological complex and a sea waterfall, from which the green alleys connected by the pedestrian bridge are laid on both sides of the canal. You can visit the water park in Avaza, the modern yacht club where international competitions in water kinds take place sport, to admire the original architectural, historical, landscape and sculptural compositions, to relax on recreation grounds at various children's attractions. It is very beautiful, especially in the evenings, the area of luminous water jets and a large color music fountain from the streams of seawater streaming upwards and scattering on the myriad, forming a kind of canvas in the night sky, on which the beams of lasers draw enchanting plots.

Not by accident Avaza is chosen as the final stage of the eco-rally-raid "Amul-Khazar 2018" organized on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Its participants, after an extreme motor race over the largest desert of Central Asia - Karakum - will be able to restore their strengths, appreciate the beauty of the unique nature and scale of transformations in the Turkmen Caspian region.