Ï Head of State Signs Decree on Conferral of Honorary Titles on Cultural and Creative Figures

Head of State Signs Decree on Conferral of Honorary Titles on Cultural and Creative Figures

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For the special contribution to the development of national culture, performing arts and cinema, art of singing and music, journalism, cultural and educational institutions; for educating the young talented generation of creative workers; for services to the state and the people; for long years of diligent work and inspired talent; and to commemorate the 27th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a Decree to confer honorary titles on the following cultural and art workers and creative figures:

honorary title, “People’s Artist of Turkmenistan” to:

master of the stage of the Main Drama Theater, Seyitliyev, Charyyar,

master of the stage of Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater, Amangeldiyev, Orazgeldi,

chief conductor of Owaz Variety Orchestra of Mukamlar Palace of the State Cultural Center, Hojamuhammedov, Nurygandym,

teacher of department of solo singing of the Turkmen National Conservatory, Amanmyradov, Orazmyrat,

master of the stage of the Seyitnazar Seydi State Music and Drama Theater of Lebap province, Suhanova, Akjagul,

master of the stage of the Kemine State Drama Theater of Mary province, Garajayev, Kakageldi Gullyyevich,

Annaniyazova, Jamal Gurban (posthumously),

Bashimov, Akmyrat (posthumously);

honorary title, “People’s Writer of Turkmenistan”:

head of department at Garagum magazine, Annamyradov, Dovletgeldi;

honorary title, “Merited Cultural Worker of Turkmenistan”:

head of division for artistic and decorative works of the Main Drama Theater, Mashadov, Guvanchmyrat Yagmyrgeldiyevich,

deputy head of Nisa State Historical and Cultural Reserve of the National Department for Protection, Research and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Ministry of Culture, Yagurtov, Sergey Nikolayevich,

senior specialist of the division for publication of textbooks of the department for publishing and planning of non-daily publications of the Turkmen State Publishing Service, Nuryagdyyeva, Olga Dmitriyevna;

honorary title, “Merited Artist of Turkmenistan”:

master of the stage of the Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theater, Annamyradova, Gulshirin Atayevna,

senior lecturer of the department of direction and drama studies of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture, Sagtyyev, Agamyrat Apbayevich,

art director of the “Ahal” Ashgabat Sewing Association of the Ministry of Textile Industry, Annamammedov, Ilshat,

resident of Dowletli village of Dowletli community of Tejen district of Ahal province, singer, Esenov, Dortguly Orazmuhammedovich;

honorary title, “Merited Art Worker of Turkmenistan”:

senior lecturer at the department of wind and percussion instruments of the Turkmen National Conservatory, Hudayberdiyev, Babajan Achilovich,

senior lecturer at the department of painting and projects of the State Academy of Art, Kulyyev, Ashirmuhammet Charyyevich,

lecturer at the department of sculpture of the State Academy of Art, Atayev, Nurmuhammet,

jeweler of the creative production association, “Turkmenistan’s Art Foundation”, of the Artists Union, Gajiattayev, Ibragim Pashayevich,

tuner of musical instruments at Children’s Art School #1 of the Ashgabat Municipal Department of Art, Sapegin, Evgeny Vladimirovich;

honorary title, “Merited Journalist of Turkmenistan” to:

department editor of Watan newspaper, Atahanov, Orazdurdy.