Ï Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation

Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation

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Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Largest in the region carbamide complex is put into operation
Opening ceremony of industrial facility – “Garabogazkarbamid” Plant, which supplemented production infrastructure of chemical industry of the country, took place with the participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Successful realization of investment project of construction of super modern complex for production of carbamide fertilizers was a significant step toward the implementation of the state strategy providing rapid large-scale diversification and modernization of national economy and increment of production capacity of processing industry. Opening of the plant in the western region of the country in close proximity to gas production fields is an important step in development of rapidly growing petrochemical industry.

The Government pays special attention to development of chemical industry as one of strategic sectors of national economy, which is reflected in the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for social and economic development of the country in 2018 – 2024.

Rapid capacity extension of production of different fertilizers for satisfaction of the requirement of growing national agriculture and strengthening of food security are priority directions of the development of the industry. Natural resources, big reserves of hydrocarbons and sulphur, new technologies for its processing and making of new products, all these factors allowed significantly increasing the variety and volume of mineral production including various fertilizers.

Turkmenabat chemical factory of the State Concern «Türkmenhimiýa» is one of the main facility of national chemical industry oriented for production of 225,000 tons of phosphorus fertilizers and 500,000 tons of sulphuric acid per year. At present, new complex for production of 300,000 tons of concentrated phosphorus fertilizers is under construction in this place.

Opening of the first in Turkmenistan and largest in Central Asia mining and ore-dressing complex for production of potassium salt deposits at Garlyk Field in Lebap Velayat was one of the most important events. Annual production capacity of industrial giant is 1,400,000 tons of potassium chloride and it is planned to increase the production up to 4,000,000 tons of potassium fertilizers, which are on high demand in the world market.

Industrial cluster including «Maryazot» production association, «Tejenkarbamid» and «Marykarbamid» plants as well as petrochemical complex in Mary compose the infrastructure of nitrogen fertilizer sphere in the eastern regions of the country. Realization of the project of construction of another innovative petrochemical complex in Balkan Velayat was aimed at the increment of export-oriented production.

Turkmen Garabogazgol bay is one few places on the planet where crystallization of sodium sulphate and other valuable salt minerals occurs in industrial scales in natural conditions. Construction of carbamide plant at the coast of the bay, which resources serve as material base of sulphate industry, is another step toward the establishment of multidimensional industry of the country.

Largest in the region investment project has been completed together with foreign partners - «Mitsubishi Corporation» (Japan) and «Gap Inşaat Ýatirim ve Diş Ticaret A.Ş.» (Turkey). Latest world technologies have been applied at super modern facility.

For example, development of Danish «Haldor Topsоe» will allow daily production of 2,000, making 660,000 tons of ammonia per year, which is used as the main material in production of concentrated solid nitrogen fertilizer – the carbamide. The facility will produce 3,500 tons per day and 1,155,000 tons of carbamide fertilizers per year, which will be exported by sea. For this purpose, local seaport, an important facility for shipment of carbamide abroad, was completely reconstructed. After the facility will start the production as per planned capacity output, the production of carbamide will be more than 2,000,000 tons.

Considerable part of production of «Garabogazkarbamid» is planned to be exported to foreign consumers, which already express the interest in procurement of this chemical product.

… In the morning, the helicopter of the President landed at special helipad located next to the place of event.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was met by the Speaker of the Mejlis, members of the Government, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, public organizations, ambassadors of Turkmenistan accredited in foreign countries, representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and mass media, Hyakim of Balkan Velayat, Mufti of Turkmenistan, honoured elders, masters of art and culture. More than 120 specialists for foreign companies were among the guests.

Having proceeded to the main entry of «Garabogazkarbamid» plant, the Head of the State cut symbolical ribbon under loud applauses of the participants. After, having entered the meeting hall, Turkmen leader addressed the participants of the ceremony with the speech.

Having congratulated the participants with the opening of «Garabogazkarbamid» plant in Balkan Velayat, the Head of the country stated that industrial complex of the country continues developing and changing this year.

Chemical and textile industries, production of construction materials and other spheres of industrial processing are modernized on integrated and innovative bases. The industry is taken to non-resource development. Objectives of establishment of high technology production structures, increment of production volumes of various competitive goods from rich natural resources are successfully solved.

As an example, Turkmen leader mentioned ammonia factory for production of 400,000 tons of synthetic ammonia and 640,000 tons of carbamide per year, which was opened in Mary Velayat on 2014, the factory for production of 500,000 tons of sulphuric acid per year in Lebap Velayat as well as the glass production workshop in Ahal Velayat. Construction of textile complexes in Kaahka and Babadayhan etraps, Ahal Velayat are also related to Construction of textile complexes in Kaahka and Babadayhan etraps, Ahal Velayat can also be brought as good example.

The Head of the State continued that big work is carried out for improvement of wellbeing of the population together with modernization and production facilities. Just in this year, 22 living houses for 1000 families have been built and put into operation in Lebap Velayat.

Having noted the presence of huge reserves of natural gas in the country, which is used as the material for production of mineral fertilizers, the President said that this fact would allow increasing the production of nitrogen fertilizers, especially the carbamide, and to build new production facilities in the future.

«Garabogazkarbamid» pant, which was put into operation, is among large-scale investment projects, the President of the country highlighted. It has no analogues in the region as its output capacity is 1,155,000 tons of carbamide per year.

All production of this plant, which is provided with advanced technologies, is oriented for the export. Therefore, Turkmenistan made another step toward the integration into the rank of industrial developed states of the world - the exporters of chemical production.

Speaking of the partners participating in the implementation of this project, the Head of the State noted that the contract for construction of the plant for improvement of the potential of chemical industry of the country and increment of its export capabilities was signed between the State Concern «Тürkmenhimiýa» and Consortium of Japanese «Mitsubishi Corporation» and Turkish «Gap Inşaat Ýatirim ve Diş Ticaret A.Ş.» to the amount of 1,570,095,000 US dollars.

Concerning production characteristic of new facility, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that this plant, beside the main workshops for production of synthetic ammonia and carbamide, has auxiliary installations, which includes gas turbine generator as well as seawater desalination and purification unit.

3 km conveyor system has been installed for transportation of the production from the plant to the port. Jetty in the port of Garabogazgol has been completely reconstructed for the export of carbamide by sea and rivers. New berth equipped with latest technologies is able to receive two ships at the same time. Equipment of famous German “FAM” as well as two 80 tons “Liebherr” loaders have been installed for loading of the production from the plant.

Having noted that «Garabogazkarbamid» plant is able to process around 1 billion of cubic meters of gas per year and 2,000 tons of synthetic ammonia and 3,500 tons of carbamide n its base would be produced in its facilities, the President made special mention that carbamide produced by this plant has the biggest concentration of nitrogen 46.2 percent.

The facility has the most advanced equipment from the leading manufacturers in this sphere including the technologies of Danish «Haldor Topsoe» for production of ammonia, equipment of Italian «Saipem» for production carbamide synthesis and Dutch «Uhde Fertilizer Technologies» for carbamide granulation, licensed technologies of USA «UOP» in carbon dioxide workshop. Automatic system of technological control was provided by Japanese «Yokogawa».

Speaking that the plant is environmentally friendly facility as all ecological requirements have been complied with at the design stage, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the emission of harmful substances does not exceed Turkmenistan and international standards.

With regards to social aspect, the Head of the State mentioned the 10 double-storey comfort houses for 40 families, which were built under the project.

In addition, 1000 working places have been made at «Garabogazkarbamid» plant, which would allow improving the life level of the population. I general, the Head of the State highlighted that production facility would make significant contribution to development of industrial sphere of Turkmenistan and the volumes of export of local products would increase significantly.

The President congratulated again all participants on this remarkable event, having wished them health, family wealth and success in work.

Having noted the presence of foreign guests in the ceremony, the President paid special attention in his speech to construction of modern industrial facilities making high quality and environmentally friendly production, which is one of the main directions of industrial policy of the state.

It was highlighted that all conditions are made in the country for taking chemical industry to higher level and large investments are allocated for realization of big industrial projects. innovative technologies for making production meeting international quality standards are used at new petrochemical plant. Production cycle of new plants is distinguished by environmentally friendly and efficient gas processing, which excludes the emission.

Putting of the complex into operation in Garabogaz will support multiple increment of production capacity of chemical industry. In its turn, it will enhance the export potential of the country. We well have an opportunity to increase annual production of mineral fertilizers by more than 2 million tons. The third of this production would be used for local requirements while the rest would go to interested partners, the Head of the State said.

After, Presdient Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave flor to Deputy Director of Julius Khun Institute Mireya Van Overstraeten.

Speaking of the importance of the plant for production of carbamide fertilizers built in Garabogaz, the guest highlighted that this project is one of the best in the world as the most advanced scientific based and ecological technologies have been used in its realization. Taking into account great demand on quality mineral production meeting high international standards, the opening of the facility would expand the capabilities of the country as a supplier of nitrogen fertilizers in big volumes.

Having noted that petrochemical complex has been recognized by the Institute of Soil Science and Crop Production of Braunschweig University of Technology (Germany) as big innovative facility, Mireya Van Overstraeten congratulated President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and all who took part in realization of this project on successful work, having presented the Certificate on Recognition of Use of Innovative Technologies to the director of the facility.

Director of Thunen Research Institute of Rural Areas, Forestry, Fishery and Organic Farming Gerold Rehmann was the next to make a speech. Having noted that this is an honour for him to participate in this event on occasion of the opening of super technology facility for production of carbamide in Garabogaz, the guest congratulated Turkmen leader and all participants on remarkable event, having expressed the confidence in further steadfast development of Turkmen industry based on deep processing of natural resources.

The guest handed over the Certificate of International Society for Study of Organic Farming, which recognizes petrochemical project in Garabogaz as one of the most efficient and ecologically stable.

Having expressed the gratitude to the representative of big scientific and research centre of Germany for high appraisal of industrial potential of our country, the Head of the State noted that it is planned to implement number of innovative projects aimed at further development of production infrastructure of mineral sphere and expansion of export capability of Turkmen petrochemical industry.

After, the floor wwas given to Vice-president of the World Fertilizer Forum, Head of Shenyang Department of the Academy of Sciences of the People’s Republic of China Ji Lanzhou.

Having expressed sincere gratitude to Turkmen leader for the invitation to visit our country and hospitality, the guest noted that activity of his organizations is aimed at support of environmentally friendly safe industrial facilities making mineral production. In this regard, Ji Lanzhou He highly appreciate the work in the direction carried out by Turkmenistan in this direction.

Presenting the Certificate of International Scientific Centre of Fertilizers proving high product quality of new petrochemical complex, the guest congratulated the Head of the State on success achieved by Turkmenistan in realization of environmentally safe projects and use of green technologies in production spheres.

Having expressed the gratitude to the guests for awards and certificates, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that accepts them as a symbol of growing international authority of Turkmenistan, recognition of its success in implementation of innovative technologies during construction of various facilities and in environment protection sphere.

In ceremonial atmosphere, the President of the country pushed the button and put new plant into operation.

Video about the production cycle of ammonia and carbamide, which is highly concentrated nitrogen fertilizer, was demonstrated at big monitor.

Natural gas in average volume of 1 billion cubic meters per year is used as a feedstock. As it was mentioned above, the production capacity of equipment in the workshops allows making 2,000 tons of synthetic ammonia per day (660,000 tons per year0 and 3,500 tons of granulated carbamide per day (1,155,000 tons per year).

It is produced in granulated shape resistant to packing, which is the main advantage of this fertilizer during transportation.

Ready product goes to packing and shipping facility for export by sea via local seaport, which was modernized for this purpose. Special warehouses of 10,000 tons capacity for ammonia and 100,000 tons of carbamide have been built for storage of the product in sealed containers.

After, depending on the season, the fertilizers is transported to the berth by installed conveyor belt or by containers and is loaded to the ships. Minimum planned daily loading by containers is 7,000 tons while by conveyor belt, it is 10,500 tons of the product per day.

All technology processes are automated and controlled from the central post.

Qualified specialist had training and practical work in similar facilities abroad as well as in the branch of Turkmenabat Professional Technical School in Garabogaz for work in high technology facility. Training centre opened at the plant will provide qualification improvement of the specialists.

The facility has laboratory and conference hall for 160 seats. Personnel of the plant will be able to use the canteen for 350 places and medical centre.

Workers of the plant would be able to spend their free time outdoor at special football, basketball, volleyball grounds.

After the inspection of petrochemical complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the entry in the Book of Honoured Guests.

Having wished success to the personnel of petrochemical complex in their work, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented them with the keys from new vehicles.

After, the Head of the State went by car to the sea berth, which was modernized according to international standards. At the jetty, the President studied in details the processes of transportation and loading of valuable mineral production made by «Garabogazkarbamid» plant.

2,000 meters long, 100 meters wide and 8 meters deep navigation channel has been dredged for free ships movement. Therefore, the port entirely meets international standards.

The berth equipped with advanced technologies is able and serve two ships simultaneously. Equipment of famous German “FAM” as well as two 80 tons “Liebherr” loaders have been installed for loading of the production from the plant.

Transportation system of ready product to the berth is distinguished by installed environmentally friendly enclosed conveyor system, which is 3 kilometre long. The carbamide produced at the plant comes directly to the berth and then loaded to the ships, which significantly save time, transport expenses and provide safety and protection of the production.

After inspection of the work of the seaport, the Head of the State took part in celebration food donation on occasion of the opening of industrial giant.

After the event, the President of Turkmenistan wished success in work to all participants and left the place of event.

Upon arrival to Turkmenbashy International Airport, the Head of the State flew to the capital.