Ï Award ceremony of the winners and participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally takes place

Award ceremony of the winners and participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally takes place

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Award ceremony of the winners and participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally takes place
Award ceremony of the winners and participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally takes place
Award ceremony of the winners and participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally takes place
Award ceremony of the winners and participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally takes place
Award ceremony of the winners and participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally takes place
Award ceremony of the winners and participants of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally takes place
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the award ceremony of Turkmen sportsmen – the prize-winners and participants of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018.

This grandiose raid, which track run along historical Silk Road, brought together the professionals and amateurs of one of the most captivating sport from more than 20 countries. Turkmenistan national team was represented by 15 crews competing in different categories. According to the specialists, our racers showed very good results competing against their foreign opponents. Two Turkmen crew took third places in their categories, having made deserving input to the collection of sport achievements of the country.

In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in the Olympic village of the capital. The Speaker of the Mejlis, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of military and law enforcement agencies greeted Turkmen leader at the main entrance to the Sport Hotel. .

In the foyer of the hotel, the Head of the State looked around the exhibition demonstrating the achievements of Turkmen sport. It demonstrated the samples of gear for motor and bike racers, sport suits made at local textile facilities, cups and prizes won by our athletes at various competitions, relative attributes as well as photo materials dedicated to Amul – Hazar 2018 rally.

The President of Turkmenistan went to the hall where he was enthusiastically welcomed by the participants of the event including heads of ministries and departments, ambassadors of our country to foreign countries as well as Turkmen sportsmen, famous coaches and leaders of sport sphere, representative of mass media.

Addressing the participants, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated national team on the achievement of excellent results at International rally AMul – Hazar 2018, which was great success for all country. Despite the fact these prestigious competitions were held for the first time, Turkmen crews were able to enter the rank of the teams, which received highest awards of the race. Therefore, we can confidently state that our team deserved to take part in the next competitions under the flag of Turkmenistan, no matter what country such competitions would be held, the Head of the State highlighted.

Having congratulated one more time the sportsmen who demonstrated the best features of Turkmen nation at International rally, the Head of the State noted that at present, we are active participants of social, economic and political changes in the country. New cities and towns, big factories and plants, rail and motor roads are built, economy is developing and the society is changing in front of us.

Having declared slogan “The State for Human!”, we steadily implement it, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued. Special attention is paid to the improvement of physical and spiritual health of individual, formation of healthy life style among social objectives. In this context, Turkmen leader highlighted that health has always been key value target of Turkmen nation. Throughout centuries-old history of our people, sport games and amusements were the basis of national school of physical development and spiritual improvement of growing generation.

The Head of the State noted that majority of national sports and games, which appeared in ancient times, helped out to develop necessary merits of the youth like power, agility, stamina, reaction, speed, coordination and many other. In other words, these games educated strong and committed people – the individuals who were able not only to come over the difficulties of severe natural and climate conditions but also to make history creating powerful states, connecting the countries and nations using the greatest in the human history route – the Silk Road, developing sciences and making art masterpieces.

Therefore, Turkmen sport games, which were originated deep in the past, became an integral part of national culture. Successful participation of our fellow citizens in international competitions, big championships in our country with the participation of foreign sportsmen are visual evidence that current generations carefully protecting the traditions are deserved successors of our wise and talented ancestors, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

It supports active integration of Turkmenistan to universal sport system. V Asian Indoor and Martial Art Games in 2017 and International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 along the Silk Road, which has recently finished, are bright example of it.

The events, which had great triumph, raised keen interest and public response not only in our country but abroad as well. The competitions improved the prestige of Turkmenistan as sport country and gave new impulse to the development of sports in our country and attraction the youth to the sports. This is supported by economic prepositions allowing increasing the investments to social sphere, sports, ecology, creation of healthy favourable environment, the Head of the State said.

Addressing the sportsmen, the President noted that outstanding results and victories of Turkmen athletes support the creation of positive image of the country at international sport arena, reflect our success and achievements, truth of chosen course and efficiency of the government policy.

Further enhancement of training of high-class sportsmen, coaches and other specialists in this sphere, development of organizational, management, personnel, scientific and methodological, medical and biological and anti-doping provision of physical training and sport activity is necessary for improvement of the competiveness of Turkmen sport. Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention that input of physical culture and sport to the development of human capital, protection and strengthening of health of the citizens, education of growing generation are the main goal of these reforms.

The wealth of the nation directly depends on economic growth of the country and it can be provided only by spiritually mature and physically fit people with active life position, who have capabilities for self-realization, the President of Turkmenistan said.

Nowadays, sport sphere is also one of priority directions of foreign policy of the country, the President noted. We purposefully develop international cooperation in this sphere. Sport diplomacy of Turkmenistan is another actual instrument of geopolitics, peace-making and neutrality, our dialog with many countries.

International rally Amu – Hazar 2018 turned out to be real celebration of sports and we have the World Weightlifting Championship ahead. The best sportsmen from all overt he world will come to Ashgabat to compete for the title of the strongest man on the planet. This is another big step in development of sport and physical training for our country as well as in promotion of our initiatives and achievements in the world arena, the Head of the State highlighted.

Uniting numerous athletes and fans, representatives of the governments and business, mass media, the sport is another unique instrument for attraction of the attention of humankind to universal, global problems. For example, the idea of ecological safety, rational and careful attitude to the nature has been put in the concept of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018.

Therefore, Turkmen leader stated that the competitions not only promote healthy life style supporting spiritual and moral education of the youth but also help to consolidate the peace on the planet, help to develop good relations between the states, friendly relations between the nations and mutual enrichment of the cultures.

Reaching sport heights, proving the skills and trying to be the best, Turkmen sportsmen not only give an example to growing generation but also represent their homeland in the world arena. They glorify the country and improve its international prestige with their victories.

Having expressed the satisfaction with the results of Amul – Hazar 2018 race, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that Turkmenistan team gained the right to participate in the rally that would take place next year on May 5 – 12. Having cordially congratulated everybody on this remarkable event, the Head of the State wished sportsmen to prepare to coming competitions and have new victories.

After, the President signed the Decree and resolution on award of the sportsmen as well as announced the decision to hand over the Cup of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally and some attributes to sport museum.

The Head of the State highlighted that our state would continue highly appreciate your input to the improvement of the authority of the country making all conditions for further development of sports both of mass and high achievements.

Under loud applauses President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov presented the awards to the prize-winners and participants of International rally AMul – Hazar 2018.

Members of two Turkmen crews who took the third place in the rally received «Mercedes-Benz E200 Coupe» (racer Hojaguly Annamammedov), «Toyota Avalon» 9co-pilot Gaygysyz Akmyradov), «Toyota Camry» (racer Guvanchmyrat Hommadov) and «Toyota Camry» (co-pilot Rejepnyiaz Annaberdiyev).

According to the Resolution of the Head of the State, number of support personnel and sportsmen actively participating in International rally AMul – Hazar 2018 was awarded with relevant memorable badges.

Having expressed the gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for high appraisal of their achievements and permanent care of creation of favourable conditions in the country for sports including the motor sport, the awardees noted that owing to the efforts of Turkmen leader, national sport has entered new levels.

Having congratulated the sportsmen one more time, the Head of the State wished them further victories and success, having highlighted that our country would continue paying attention to the development of motor and other sports and expansion of physical training and sport movement in general.

After, the President of Turkmenistan informed on the decision to hand over sport car with No. 100, which he drove at the intimal stage of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, to the Motor Sport Centre of the Ministry of Interior,

The Head of the State has also gave special prize from Africa Eco Race presented by director of this rally Jean Louis Schlesser for successful organization and provision of high level of Amul – Hazar 2018 rally to the museum of Turkmen sport as well as his sport gear, which he wore on the first stage of these competitions.

After the ceremony, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, prosperity, new success to all the participants and left the place of event.

On the same day, the event dedicated to successful performance of Turkmen sportsmen at International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 was continued Natonal Institute of Sports and Tourism. Presentation of memorable gifts to voluntaries, lecturers and students, various specialists and art personnel who took active part on organization of these competitions and made input to their popularization and high level of conduct took place in the Institute.

Ceremonial event on occasion of honouring of the participants of rally Amul – Hazar 2018 was also held in the Institute of the Ministry of Interiors where the contribution of technical personnel, drivers, staff of the Ministry has been awarded. They received valuable gifts on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.