Ï The Head of the State addresses the greetings to participants of the Exhibition of economic achievements of Turkmenistan

The Head of the State addresses the greetings to participants of the Exhibition of economic achievements of Turkmenistan

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I would like to extend my wishes of big success to work of the exhibition of economic achievements of Turkmenistan dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the independence, - greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the participants of the exposition says.

The exhibition will demonstrate the success achieved in the result of large-scale work. The exhibits will reflect the achievements in social and economic, spiritual and cultural development of independent neutral Turkmenistan.

Undoubtedly, this success and achievements are undisputable evidence of firm unity and solidarity of the nation, our invariable commitment to the principles of friendship and goodwill, peace loving, humanity and good neighbourliness.

Having taken deserving place in the world community, Turkmenistan intensifies beneficial cooperation in different spheres and proposes constructive initiatives, having gained the authority and respect of the world community. Innovative development of national economy of the country, diversification of industry, accumulation of the strength of national economy, steadfast improvement of life level of the population, consolidation of the positions in global economic space are the priority of our state policy, - the message mentions.

Significant improvement of social protection level and wealth of the nation in Turkmenistan are directly related to economic development of the state. Following these objectives, construction of modern facilities meeting high current demands is carried out in all branches of national economy of the country. We make production that is on high demand in foreign markets and occupy deserving place in the world market, which provides the development and strengthening of national economy. We are proud of large-scale reforms in the country, new facilities, high quality products made by modern facilities provided with advanced technological equipment, high quality of services rendered in different spheres and many other our achievements, the message highlights.