Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Addresses Participants of 21st Conference of Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Addresses Participants of 21st Conference of Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World

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I extend to you my congratulations on the opening of the 21st Conference of the Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World. I trust that this forum that is being held on the eve of the 27th anniversary of independence will be of great significance in terms of consolidation of Turkmens of the world and intensification of ties in such spheres as economy, culture, science, education, healthcare, tourism, sport, entrepreneurship etc., states the Address by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the participants of the 21st Conference of the Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World.

Independence Day is a holiday that symbolizes the unity of the nation and the inviolability of the sovereign state. After Turkmenistan declared independence twenty-seven years ago, the principles of a democratic, law-based, secular state were identified and secure foundations were laid for political, economic and cultural development of the country. Independence demonstrated to the whole world the unity of our people, especially of Turkmens residing in different countries, and thousand-year old traditions of peacefulness, friendship and good-neighborliness.

Our country is confidently advancing towards high goals. Drawing on the enormous creative potential of the people, including Turkmens of the world, we are successfully implementing national programs and carrying out socio-economic, cultural, educational and political reforms. With building and commissioning of comfortable dwelling houses, schools and universities, kindergartens, medical centers, large production and social enterprises, modern residential areas and settlements with developed transport and communication infrastructure, we are writing glorious pages in our motherland’s recent history.

Turkmenistan’s international profile is advancing steadily as well. Our country is known as an independent nation that pursues a policy of positive neutrality based on the principles of peacefulness and good-neighborliness.

In 2018, when we celebrate the slogan “Turkmenistan: the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, our country was elected a member of the Bureau of the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Upon our initiative, the UN General Assembly adopted resolutions on supporting international efforts towards stabilizing the situation in Afghanistan and on cooperation between the United Nations and the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea. We also initiated the adoption of a resolution on declaring 3 June World Bicycle Day. Independent Turkmenistan was elected a member of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, ECOSOC, for 2019-2021. All these testify to the high international profile of our neutral country, the message says.

Our ancestors had to leave their place of origin due to a variety of reasons, but Turkmens never forgot about their historical homeland. Fatherland is the most precious thing in life. Therefore, for every one of us there is no duty higher than diligent service to Motherland, a country of peace and good-neighborliness, a country of progressive reforms.

Today we are building bridges of friendship and brotherhood and working closely with all countries, distant and close, where Turkmen diasporas exist. Our universities accept Turkmens from all over the world. Our friendly bonds are strengthening due to regularly held creative festivals and cultural events. Our country’s policy will continue to focus on expanding relations with Turkmens of the world and further enhancement of our country’s international profile.

I wish you all good health, happy and prosperous life, much success in your work oriented towards ensuring prosperity of independent Turkmenistan, the Presidential Address states.