Ï Key aspects of work with foreign diasporas are discussed at the forum of the HATW

Key aspects of work with foreign diasporas are discussed at the forum of the HATW

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Key aspects of work with foreign diasporas are discussed at the forum of the HATW
The capital hosted the XXI Conference of Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World. Representatives of Turkmen diasporas from foreign.

Development of cultural and humanitarian relations with our compatriots from different countries of the planet is one of the most important directions of international policy of independent Turkmenistan.

Being the President of the Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays great attention to the work for cohesion of our compatriots abroad. According to the initiative of the Head of the State, Turkmen diasporas are supported in protection of the language and original traditions, in construction of social and cultural facilities. For example, Magtumguly Fragi secondary comprehensive school was built by the initiative of the President of our country by Turkmen constructors and opened this year in Funtovo village, Volga Area, Astrakhan Region, the Russian Federation, which has the biggest Turkmen diaspora in this region.

Prior the work of the XXI Conference of the HATW, the participants laid the flowers to the Monument of Independence.

After, the opening ceremony of the forum was held in the conference hall of Mekan Palace. The members of the Government, the Mejlis deputies, representatives of political parties and public organizations, institutes of the Academy of Sciences, ministries and departments and universities who are the members of the HATW, individual members of the Association from all regions of the country, science and cultural personnel, honoured elders, journalists and students took part in the forum.

The participants have listed the message of the President of Turkmenistan, the President of the Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World with greatest attentions and enthusiasm.

Report on the activity of the Humanitarian Association of Turkmens of the World has been presented at the conference. It was mentioned that 27 branches of the HATW work in 14 countries. The Association has more than 300 hundred collective and hundreds of individual members where 400 of them from foreign states.

Consolidation of the compatriots, popularization of history, culture, traditions and customs of Turkmen nation, modern achievements of the country are the most important directions of work with foreign diasporas. The HATW plays important role in development of international cooperation and in realization of peace-loving policy and progressive initiatives of Turkmen leader.

Last view years, the contacts with foreign branches of the HATW have been activated in such spheres as science and education, culture and art, economy and entrepreneurship, sport and tourism.

These organizations hold various events aimed at spiritual unification of the nation, study of the history of our country and Turkmen language, popularization of the achievements of the country. In 2018, which is held under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, their content is related to modern importance of this ancient route. Significant part of the events was dedicated to successful International rally Amul – Hazar 2018 last week as well as to coming World Weightlifting Championship in Ashgabat and other sport actions that support the consolidation of positions of Turkmenistan as sport power.

Representatives of the Association from Afghanistan, UAE, Turkey and Saudi Arabia infomed about the activity of foreign branches of the HATW.

The delegates of the conference mentioned the support and assistance in social and economic revival of Afghanistan, construction of social and cultural facilities in number of the countries at the cost of our country among the examples of successful realization of Turkmenistan peace-loving policy. The reports highlighted the importance of big international projects initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in transport and energy sphere, especially the project of transnational gas main Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India.

Reports about organization of the events for popularization of Turkmen culture and art heritage of its outstanding representatives have also been presented.

The spokesmen highlighted that all positive international initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan and his progressive policy serve to the consolidation and further development of friendly relations between the states and the nations and are aimed universal peace and sustainable development. The participants of the conference have also discussed the objectives of further development of cultural cooperation.

Active members of the HATW have been awarded with Certificate of Honour during the conference. Celebration concert took place afterward.